

The Research of the New Maritime Search and Rescue System of the ChangJiang River from ChongQing to AnHui

【作者】 徐开金

【导师】 刘明俊; 吴修鹏;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着长江的对外开放,三峡工程的建设和西部的开发,不仅国内沿海、内河各类船舶航行于长江,而且有来自世界五十多个国家和地区的船舶相继抵达长江各开放港口。长江航运的繁荣,促进了长江经济带的发展。但是,由于船舶的航行安全受到船员的适任性、船舶条件、自然条件、交通条件和船岸管理水平等诸多因素的影响,船舶遇险(或称海难事故)仍难以避免。水上搜救是各级人民政府的一项公益性职能,也是法律法规赋予各级海事管理机构的一项神圣职责。水上搜救的目的是为了减少遇险人员的伤亡和财产的损失,保护水域环境。水上搜救工作开展的好坏,直接影响着政府的形象和航运经济的发展,因此,开展好水上搜救工作,对提高政府威信、发展航运经济、提升港口形象具有良好的促进作用。 本文主要在调查和研究长江重庆至安徽段水上搜救现状的基础上,分析存在的主要问题,充分吸收国内外水上搜救的成功经验,探索加强水上搜救工作的新对策。根据国家对水上搜救工作的新要求,以及长江航运发展的新特点,结合长江重庆至安徽段的实际情况,提出建立长江重庆至安徽段水上搜救新体系的构想,以完善长江水上搜救体系,提高搜救效率,供上级参考。 本文共分六章: 第一章是绪论。主要介绍水上搜救的基本慨念和水上救助的基本形式,阐明长江水上搜救的目的和重要意义,明确论文的研究方向和总体思路。 第二章是国内外水上搜救体系的介绍。主要介绍我国和国外的水上搜救机构情况,为提出建立长江水上搜救新体系提供参考。 第三章是长江水上搜救的现状分析。主要介绍目前长江重庆至安徽段的通航环境,以及水上搜救机构、搜救力量、搜救通信能力和搜救法规等现状,分析存在的主要问题,提出解决问题的对策,为提出建立长江水上搜救新体系打下基础。 第四章是建立长江水上搜救新体系的必要性。从国家法律规定、服务长江航运等五个方面阐述建立长江水上搜救新体系的必要性,为提出建立长江 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文水上搜救新体系提供依据。 第五章是建立长江水上搜救新体系的构想。结合长江的实际情况,提出搜救组织系统、搜救通信系统和搜救辅助决策系统等6个系统,以构成长江重庆至安徽段水上搜救的新体系。 第六章是长江水上搜救工作的展望。

【Abstract】 With the opening of the Changjiang River, the building of SanXia project and the exploitation of the west, there are many ships such as all kinds of inland river ships, internal coast ships, and also many ships from more than 50 other countries or areas of the world in the opened ports along the Changjiang River. The prosperity accelerated the development of the Changjiang River’s economy band. But, because the navigation safety is affected by many factors such as the eligibility of crew, vessel’s conditions, nature conditions, traffic conditions, ship-shore management level etc, so vessels in distress (or maritime disaster accidents) are difficult to be avoided. For the people’s governments of all class, maritime search and rescue is a commonweal function. For the marine management organizations of all class, and also is a holy duty. The aims of maritime search and rescue are that: rescuing the casualty of personnel in distresses and the lost of property, protecting the environments of water area. So the stand or fall of maritime search and rescue work has a direct influence on the government’s iconic and the economy’s progress. So this work’s well done will have a good and stimulative effect.Based mainly on the research and study of maritime search and rescue actuality of the Changjiang River from Chong Qing to An Hui, this dissertation analyzed the main existing problems. And it also absorbed the successful experience both here and aboard. It quested the new countermeasures to enhance the maritime search and rescue work. According to our country’s new requirement to the work, combining the new features of the development of the Changjiang River’s shipping and the reality of the part from Chong Qing to An Hui, the dissertation brings forward a new thought-The New Maritime Search and Rescue System’s Construction of the Changjiang River From Chong Qing to An Hui. This will perfect the maritime search and rescue system of the Changjiang River and will enhance the efficiency of maritime search and rescue action. And this will also provide a reference for superiors.The dissertation is divided into 6 parts.The first chapter is introduction. It mainly introduced some basic conceptions such as the maritime search and rescue. And it also enucleated the research sense of the new search and rescue system on the Changjiang River. In this part, the dissertation ascertained the dissertation’s technical route.The second chapter is the introduction of the maritime search and rescue system both here and aboard. It mainly introduced the situation both here and aboard. This will build a base for the lodge of The New Maritime Search and Rescue System’s Construction of the Changjiang River.The third chapter is the actuality analysis of the Changjiang River’ s maritime search and rescue system. It mainly introduces the navigation environments from Chong Qing to An Hui and maritime search and rescue organization, force, and ability of search and rescue communication and statute etc. And it analysis the main problems in existence and brings forwards the countermeasures to problems. All these make a base for the presentation of The New Maritime Search and Rescue System’ s Construction of the Changjiang River..The fourth chapter is the introduction of the necessity of The New Maritime Search and Rescue System’s Construction of the Changjiang River. It expresses the necessity from five aspects such as the ordain of our laws, service to the Changjiang River’s shipping etc. All these will provide the gist for the carrying out of The New Maritime Search and Rescue System’s Construction of the Changjiang River.The fifth chapter is the new thought-The New Maritime Search and Rescue System’s Construction of the Changjiang River. Combining with the reality of the Changjiang River, the dissertation presents 6 systems, such as maritime search and rescue organization, communication system, decision-assistant system etc. And these make up the new maritime search and rescue system of the Changjiang River.The sixth chap

  • 【分类号】U676.81
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】329

