

The Research about the Development Strategy of Shenzhen Airport Logistic Park

【作者】 李洁

【导师】 王友顺; 黄飙;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济的快速增长,城市、地区乃至国际间的经济交往迅速扩展,促成了物流量的急剧增加,许多经济较发达城市纷纷将规划、建设区域性物流园区纳入“十五”经济发展规划或物流产业发展战略中来,以实现物流、信息流、资金流的整体最优化。预计到2003年,深圳将成为中国南部地区的航运和物流中心;珠江三角洲的配送中心;南中国地区高附加值、高新技术产品的空运中心;以及东南亚地区货物转运的分流中心。深圳机场航空物流园区作为深圳市政府统一规划的六大物流园区,其科学、专业、高效的建设及运营将对深圳未来三大支柱产业的发展及“两港起飞”发展战略的实现起到致关重要的作用。在国内航空物流业的发展还处于探索研究阶段的情况下,在中国还没有一个成熟的航空物流园区的情况下,通过深圳机场航空物流园区建设发展的有益探讨,将对国内物流园区的规划、建设及其发展提供一些思路和方法。 本论文对航空物流的理念进行了论述,通过对深圳机场航空物流园区建设必要性、紧迫性的分析,借鉴国外机场航空物流园区规划建设经验,对深圳机场航空物流园区的发展建设进行战略规划,并对航空物流园区建设发展应具备的条件,发展中面临的问题及亟待采取的措施等方面提出探讨,以期对国内航空物流业的发展提供一些可操作性的思路和方法。 本论文的特点在于:体现物流业界的新趋势,展现现代物流理念的最新运用情况,对航空物流的概念及特点进行阐述;整合理论分析与举例说明相结合,使论文具有一定的现实意义;共性描述与特性说明相结合;利用数值计算来表述,体现在论文的物流园区货运量预测部分,利用各种预测方法进行计算,并对预测结果进行分析,为物流园区的规划建设提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 With the enhancing of Chinese economics, the business between cities, regions and countries expends rapidly. It causes that logistic flux is increasing, and many cities regard the establishment of logistic park as the important part of the developing stratagem of modern logistic industry. Shenzhen would be the center of marine and logistic in south China; the delivery center in the Zhujiang Delta; the airlift center of the high additional value and high-tech products and the distributary center of cargo transferred in southeast Asia in 2003s. Being regarded as one of the six logistic parks planned by the government, the establishment and management of Shenzhen airport logistic park is very important to improve the developing stratagem of Shenzhen city. Discussing the establishment and development of Shenzhen airport logistic park by approaching the subject from different angles, I hope it will afford some useful ways and means to the progress of the Chinese logistic park.This article is about discussing the establishment and development of Shenzhen airport logistic park. It begins from the describing to the concept of aviation logistic . Than through the way of analysis the necessary and urgency of the plan , using the experience of other countries for reference, presenting the plan of logistic park, We wish that we can get some practical and operational ideas about the development for logistic park in China through the in-depth discussion and research on the topics such as the terms which have to be well-prepared for setting up the upcoming questions and relative resolutions we may be faced with when processing aviation logistic park.The peculiarities of this article include four aspects;1. Shows the new trend in the area of logistic industry;2. Combines commonness describing and specialty depiction;3. Integrates theoretical analysis with case explaining;4. Inducting real data to numerical calculation.

  • 【分类号】F562
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1180

