

A Study on the Full-direction Tridimensional Supervision of Vessel Traffic Management Mode of the ChangJiang YinGongZhou Water Area

【作者】 高卫东

【导师】 郭国平; 陈桂平;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 全国最大的内河十字交汇水域——长江尹公洲航段,地处万里长江和京杭大运河汇集处,航段全长16公里。水域交通环境和船舶交通流复杂,交通管理难度大,事故频发。1984以前这里平均每四天就发生一起海损事故,事故数占整个长江的1/7,被行船人称为“老虎口”。长江尹公洲航段缘其极为特殊的地理区位条件和极具代表性的船舶交通管理,从上个世纪八十年代初就有识之士开始了这个长江下游最复杂航段的船舶交通管理探索和实践。1984年11月15日当时的长江航政管理局在长江尹公洲水域率先施行交通管制;到八十年代末交通部委托上海海运学院、上海船舶研究所和长江港监局联合开展镇江交通管制段建立现代化交管系统的可行性论证;1990年大沙雷达站——内河第一座雷达交管站建成,摸索实施现代化雷达交管的船舶交通管理新途径;1997年长江下游南京至浏河口船舶交通管理系统建成联网投入正式运行,同时将大沙交管雷达信号通过光缆传输至交管中心,统一实施全辖区船舶交通管理;2001年6月江苏海事局将长江尹公洲航段作为第一批创建“文明平安畅通航段”活动试点航段,更新大沙雷达天线和收发机,着手闭路工业电视监控系统建设,设立安全警示牌,启动航路改革,开展联合“共建”。 船舶交通安全管理模式是海事管理机构围绕船舶交通安全管理任务和目标而建立的组织机构和管理运作方式的综合。它的主要任务就是构建适合水域交通环境和船舶交通流特点的、行之有效的、先进的、科学的全方位立体监控船舶交通管理模式,从而达到最大限度保障船舶航行安全、提高交通效率和保护水域环境。长江尹公洲水域的船舶交通安全管理在上个世纪八十年代初至今的20年里,从最原始的“循章自治”阶段逐步演进到“监视服务”阶段,再演进到今天现代化的“交通组织管理”阶段,并将随着社会发展和科学技术的进步向更高级的阶段发展。由于长江尹公洲水域的船舶交通组织管理十分具有代表性,因此顺应时代的进步和科技的发展,根据长江水道型VTS自身特点,引进最新科学技术和先进管理理念,从理论上提炼出一套全方位立体监控船舶交通管理模式,不论对过去、现在,还是将来,都会对水上交通安全管理具有理论和现实两方面的重大指导意义。 武汉理工大学硕士学位论文 同时从理论高度分析长江尹公洲水域管理现状,提出建立全方位立体监控船舶交通安全管理模式。针对长江尹公洲水域交管模式的研究研究不是孤立,而是有整体性和一般意义。从系统的角度,也就是从整体性、综合性、最优化等方面,研究长江尹公洲水域解决复杂问题的途径,不但要从单纯的海事管理本身深入,而且要从所有侧面开掘,把长江尹公洲水域船舶交通管理模式上升为理论,从个别典型中寻求它的普遍意义,达到全面提高内河水系重要航段整体管理水平的目的。 本文就是在全面分析长江尹公洲水域交通环境和船舶交通流特点的基础上,运用船舶交通管理的有关理论提出构建组织机构合理、清晰,管理职能明确、完善,方法手段科学、有效,管理工作规范、高效的广义的船舶交通管理系统,即全方位立体化船舶交通管理模式。虽然过去国内船舶交通管理界的学者专家及有识之士对长江尹公洲水域不同阶段船舶交通管理模式的研究己经取得了一些成果,国内外利用交管雷达或工业电视实施船舶交通管理成功的范例也不少,但本文有自己独特之处:第一,从全新的视角总结提炼提出全方位立体监控的船舶交通管理新模式。开展尹公洲船舶交通管理模式研究必须从广度上上拓宽思路,将研究的对象和范畴拓宽到整个社会化大生产中的人或“船舶”在想什么上来,根据需要、动机、行为与管理的关系原理,建立科学完善的“全方位”船舶交通管理模式。同时考虑建立船舶交通管理模式时还必须从深度上去探究,随着时代的发展,科技的进步,不断完善更新船舶交通管理方法手段,将包括小型船舶在内的所有船舶全部纳入智能化管理的范围,构建适合尹公洲航段特点的智能化立体安全管理系统c第二,本文对原有的学术研究进行了比较全面搜集和整理,并在此基础上,结合发展和变化着的船舶交通管理实际,批判的借鉴吸收国外先进船舶交通管理经验,进行概括、总结和创新c概括和总结也是一种学术研究方法。第三,作为工程硕士论文,本文提出的建立全方位立体监控船舶交通管理模式的具体措施具有很强的可操作性。其中大部分措施已经应用在长江尹公洲航段船舶交通管理实践中,取得了明显良好的初步效果。

【Abstract】 Changjiang YinGongZhou channel section, Which is the biggest crossing water area of inner river in China, is located at the intersection formed by Changjiang river and JingHang Canal, All this channel is 16 km long. The traffic environment and traffic stream are very complex, It is difficult to carry out the vessel traffic management, and lots of eiccident take place at this water area. There must be a marine casualty happened every 4 days before 1984, the amount of marine casualty happened at this area corresponds to 1/7 amount of the whole Changjiang’ marine casualty, so mariners gave it a name as "Mouth of Tiger" .Due to the specific geographical condition and the extremely representative vessel traffic management of Changjiang YinGongZhou channel section, many intelligent people began researching and practicing the vessel traffic management of this Changjiang’ s down-stream complicated channel section from 1980s, at Dec 15th 1984 the authority at that time-Changjiang YinGongZhou channel section previously; up to the last years of 1980s Ministry Management Administration applied traffic control on Changjiang YinGongZhou channel section previously, up to the last years of 1980s Ministry of Communications assigned Shanghai Marine College, Shanghai Ship & Shipping Research Institute and Changjiang Harbor Superintendence Administration to make feasibility demonstrate about modern VTS of Zhenjiang traffic control section; in 1990 DaSha Radar Station which is the first radar VTS station with inner river was finished, groped a new way for applying modern radar traffic control of vessel traffic management; in 1997 the VTMS of Changjiang’ s down-stream from Nanjing to LiuHeKou was completed with connecting net and came into operation formally, meanwhile the signals of DaSha Radar Station were conveyed to VTS center by light cable, and then united applying vessel traffic management upon the whole authorized area; in Jun 2001 JiangSu MSA made Changjiang YinGongZhou channel section as the first experimental group of creating "Civilized, Safe, Passable Channel activity, updating DaSha radar antenna and receive-transmitter building closed-circuit television monitor system, setting uo Safety Warning Board, starting navigational route reformation, carrying out united construction.Vessel traffic safety management mode is a generalization of organization and operating form that is established by maritime administration according to vessel traffic safety management task and aim. Its main task is to constitute effective, modern, scientificfull-direction tridimensional supervision of vessel traffic management mode which should fit in with certain water area traffic environment and ship traffic stream fecture, therefore achieving the effect of assuring vessel sail safety by far limit, improving traffic efficiency and protecting environment. The vessel traffic safety management of Changjiang YinGongZhou channel section among 1980s to these days, from original "selfgoverning legally" stage improving to "monitoring service" stage, and then to nowadays comparative modern "traffic organizing management" stage, moreover, it will develop to even more advanced stage along with society proceeding and science progress. On account of the vessel traffic organizing management of Changjiang YinGongZhou channel section is puite representative, therefore facing to times get ahead and technology develop, according to the feature of Changjiang channel VTS, bringing into the newest science technology and advanced management concept, abstracting a series of full direction tridimensional monitor-control vessel traffic management mode in theory, no matter for the past time, the present or future time, it will all make good sense to marine traffic safety management from both theroretical and realistic.At the same time in theory extent summarize the management experience of Changjiang YinGongZhou water area, expound setting up direction tridimensional monitor-control vessel traffic safety management mode, improve management level in full-scale, all

  • 【分类号】U692
  • 【被引频次】3
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