

【作者】 杜秀娟

【导师】 陈海宏;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 世界史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 西奥多·罗斯福是对海军情有独钟的大海军主义者。在他担任总统前后的十来年间,大力推行“大海军”政策,进行大刀阔斧的改革,使海军成为美国谋求强国地位的有力“大棒”,为美国世界霸权地位的形成奠定了坚实的基础。本文试图对罗斯福发展大海军的背景、他的大海军思想、他对大海军政策的实施以及美国大海军的崛起作系统探讨与评述。本文共分三大部分: 前言简要阐明罗斯福与大海军崛起的有关情况、研究此问题的意义、国内外研究现状与写作目的。 正文可分四部分: 一、西·罗斯福发展大海军的背景。19世纪末20世纪初,经济高速发展的美国已进入帝国主义阶段,并开始向海外扩张,它需要强大海军作后盾。而第二次技术革命推动海军进入了蒸汽钢铁战舰时代。马汉的“海权论”及列强海军竞赛分别从理论和军事方面刺激了美国大力发展海军。美英和解为发展大海军创造了良好的国际环境。 二、罗斯福的大海军思想。罗斯福从青年时代起就对海军产生了浓厚兴趣。从政后,海军部和白宫成了他施展才略的舞台。罗斯福的大海军思想建立在其宣扬的种族优越论、文明扩张论和实力和平论基础之上。他主张提升海军的战略地位,重点建造战列舰,同时照顾到海军的全面发展和综合实力的提高。 三、大海军政策的实施。此部分是全文的重点。主要讲述了罗斯福为发展大海军所做的努力。包括加紧建造战列舰以及对海军装备技术、编制体制、作战训练等大刀阔斧的改革。装备技术方面,火炮装置、船体设计及推力装置都得到了改进;编制体制方面,罗斯福对管理机构、舰队人员编制和舰队编制的革新做了不懈的努力;作战训练方面,选用了优秀的训练军官并实施新的训练方法,确立新的评估机制。 四、美国大海军的崛起。大海军的崛起是一个具体的过程,主要指海洋控制战略的逐步实现。包括三个环节:一是在加勒比海和远东太平洋地区形成基地网;二是夺取巴拿马运河区,控制运河开凿权和使用权,打通海洋控制战略的关键环节;三是派遣大白色舰队进行环球航行,显示美国海军的巨大威力。罗斯福在实现这一战略过程中发挥了重要作用。 结语部分从不同角度对罗斯福及大海军的崛起作了评价。指出大海军的崛起是美国垄断资本主义发展的必然要求和历史产物,是垄断资产阶级虚伪性和欺骗性的集中体现,反映了以罗斯福为代表的大海军主义者的狭隘的军事思维和军事偏见,表现出浓厚的侵略性和扩张性。 最后,文章认为:尽管美国大海军的崛起给世界带来了巨大的反面影响,罗斯福作为主要的谋划者和参与者也难辞其咎;但是罗斯福建设与发展海军的做法和经验却有许多可鉴之处,值得深入探讨。

【Abstract】 Theodore Roosevelt and the Rise of American Big NavyTheodore Roosevelt was a Big Navy advocator who had a particular taste for navy . He made great efforts to apply the Big Navy policy during his president term. By his proper policy, American navy became "a big stick" needed for world power policy, and established a cogent base of status of America’s World Hegemony. The . thesis systematically states the backgrounds of the development of the Big Navy, Theodore Roosevelt’s thoughts on the Big Navy and the execution of the policy.The paper is divided into three parts:The introduction clarified the relationship between Theodore Roosevelt and the Big Navy, the lately research on the question, the significance of the study on the topic and the goal of the article. The text can be divided into four parts:Firstly, It tells the backgrounds of Theodore Roosevelt’s development of Big Navy. During the lately 19th and the early 20th century, America had already become an imperialistic power, and it wanted a great navy for its oversea expansion. The science-technology revolution led the construction of the navy into a steam-steel-warship period. The Theory of the Sea-Power by A ?T ?Mahan as well as the competition of the navy motivated American to develop its navy. However, the reconciliation between America and British provided a perfect environment for the Big Navy.Secondly, it explained Theodore Roosevelt’s thoughts on Big Navy. From youth, he brought out extra interests on Navy. After taking part in politics, he totally exerted his capability in Navy Ministry and White House. The thoughts on Big Navy are based on the views of Superior Race, Civilized Expand and Peace on Strength. He advocated elevating the status of Navy strategy, taking emphasis on the warship, and paying attention to the full development and synthesis strength of Navy.Thirdly, the execution of powerful Big Navy. It is the important part of the article. It mainly states the efforts about Theodore Roosevelt’s developing the Big Navy, which included the renovation of the construction of warship, the armament, the formation of the battle trainings etc.Fourthly, the rise of powerful Big Navy. The rise of powerful Big Navy is a concrete program control. It mainly points the realization of the strategy of controlling the sea step by step. There are three links. One is to establish the nets of the oversea navy base by controlling the Caribbean and Far East; The second is to control and own the Panama Canal which connected the two oceans; The third is to send and carry on the world-wide cruise of the Great White Fleet, which showed the power of the Big Navy to the world. Theodore Roosevelt gave an important affection during the program.The conclusion values the Roosevelt and the rising of the Big Navy from different respects. The thesis points out that the Big Navy is inevitable requirements and historical products of the development of American monopoly capitalism. Its untruth and deceit are clear. It expressed an insular military thought and military prejudice, which was based on its aggressions and expansions to the world.Finally, the thesis further points out that although the rising of the Big Navy gave ill effects on the world, and Theodore Roosevelt also didn’t cast off his responsibility for his planning and joining, we still learn much from his failures and successes.

  • 【分类号】K712.4
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】382

