

The Research on Setting up the Movable Gymnastics Course in Advanced Normal University

【作者】 崔云霞

【导师】 韩宏飞;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 1997年《体育教育专业课程方案》的颁布实施,标志着我国体育教育专业已初步形成了具有一定特色的课程结构体系。体操课程被确定为主要课程,它是实现体教专业培养目标与任务的重要课程之一。随着体育教育专业课程体系的完善与发展,体操课程发生了较大变化,出现了多样化的发展格局。通过对现有文献资料的归纳与总结,发现:目前有关体操课程改革的研究成果相对较少,主要集中在教学方法与手段、教学考核与评价、学生能力培养问题等方面,缺乏对体操课程内容性质以及综合性研究。因此,本研究紧密联系我国普通高等师范院校体育教育专业的实际,立足于体操课程改革的现状,探讨了我国高师体教开设活动性体操课程的诸多理论问题。本研究把活动体操界定为:用体操的一般原理和方法,以更贴近于生活,便于普及和开展为理念而进行的体育教育、健身和娱乐性的活动。本文采用调查法、文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法,对我国普通高校体育教育专业体操课程开展的现状进行比较分析,指出了活动性体操的发展方向,提出了对体操课程的优化选择的对策。研究结果表明:(1)各类型体操课程在指导思想、课程目标、课程内容、教学方法等方面存在共同点:课程目标仍侧重体操师资的培养,与复合型体操人才的社会需求不相适应;掌握体操基本教学能力、提高技术技能水平等类教学目标居于首位,对学生综合能力的培养重视不够;课程内容的选取情况比较多样,但对新兴体操内容的选用仍不够重视。(2)各院系课程内容的选用既有相同点也有不同点。课程内容的选取突出了体操内容的多样性。课程内容的三个模块是相互联系的整体,传统的课程侧重技术教学,随着教学改革的不断深入,理论知识的学习以及能力的培养逐步得到重视,学时比例有所提高,但技术内容仍占据较大比重(3)体操课程教学目标仍侧重“三基”的培养,随着社会对复合型体操人才需求的增加,有关基本体操、队列队形、群众性体操等内容的教学目标开始受到重视,并且其重要性越来越大。(4)开设活动性体操基本上摆脱了传统的学科本位思想更重视人的发展,在兼顾学科体系的同时,开始注重了学生终身学习与社会发展和健康生活的需要;提倡素质教育,追求学生身心全面发展成为本课程设置的总体思想和依据。(5)现阶段活动性体操课程目标是指:除了体操课程是为培养适应社会发展和学校体育改革需要,掌握体操基本知识、基本技术、基本技能、能从事学校体操教学、科研工作,指导课外体操活动外,笔者把活动性体操目标定位于能进行课余体操训练,能组织各种体操比赛、群众性体操活动,具备开拓创新精神和实践操作能力等综合能力体操人才。(6)开设活动性体操内容包括理论、技术、能力培养三个模块,各模块具体内容的选取突出了体操内容的灵活性,形式的多样性(7)多种教学模式相结合来进行活动性体操课程教学是课程改革的一大进步,在注重学生技术技能掌握和教学能力提高的同时,加强了学生创造能力、自学能力等方面的培养,并且其所占地位有逐步提高的趋势。(S)现代教学方法的基本思想和做法被引进活动性体操课程教学,体现了传统方法与现代方法相结合的特点。(9)一些现代化教学手段正逐步走进体操课堂;活动性体操课程教学考核评价基本实现了教考分离,不能只侧重终结性评价,以技术内容、理论内容、平时能力考核为主。 体操运动的发展,社会和学校体育对体育人才需求的改变,使得活动性体操必须实现多元化,我们必须进行深入研究,以完善体操课程体系的建设;加强体育院系之间的地域性合作交流与研究,共同探讨活动性体操的发展取向,取众家之长,补自身之短,开设具有地域特点、院系特点的活动性体操课程,实现课程的优化选择。课程内容的选取要充分考虑学生兴趣、需要及社会发展的需求,增加健身、娱乐、表演型体操等教材;适当调整理论、技术、能力培养三个模块的学时比例,酌情增加理论与能力培养内容的学时数;加快教学方法与手段的现代化进程,进一步优化教学条件,加大教学投入,改革教学考核评价体系,注重过程性评价与终结性评价相结合;教学方法与手段的采用、考核内容的规定与方法的选用要充分考虑学生实践操作能力和学习能力的培养,注重学生综合素质的提高,增强学生毕业后的社会适应能力和工作能力。

【Abstract】 The implement of <The program of physical education course>, which was issued in 1997, symbols our country’s PE has preliminarily formed a special course structure system. Gymnastics has now become a major course and is one of the most important courses, which can help fulfill target and task. With the development of physical education’s course system, an obvious change has taken place and a various developing pattern is showing up. In the light of the handy material, we have found that at present, there are quite few research achievements, which are focused mostly on teaching reform, teaching content, method, cheek and assessment, the cultivation of the students’capability, lack of comprehensive research. However, contrasts to our rapid changing society, our gym teaching content system to apparently falls behind.Artistic gym, calisthenics, group calisthenics and so on Based on the content of gym, covering basic gym, competitive gym, calisthenics, artistic gym, etc. this paper operatively defines movable gym as follows gym is a new conception. The scholars in the field of course concept have no consistent idea. This paper believes that gym is an activity the physical education, bodybuilding and recreation.Therefore, my research, which has a close connection with the present situation of PE in advanced teachers universities in china, basing on the current things of gymnastic reform, mainly discusses the theoretical problems of our country’s opening of movable gymnastics in advanced universities physical education.The thesis using the methods of research, filing, stastics, contrasts the present situation of our country’s advanced universities’ gymnastic courses and points out the developing direction of priority choices. The research results are as follows:(1) Every kind of gymnastic course has in common in guiding idea logy, course target, course content and teaching method. The course target still emphasizes the cultivation of gymnastics teachers, which is not coincident with the social needs, because it gives the first place to mastering the basic gymnastic teaching ability, improving the skill, but pays not enough attention to the students’ comprehensive abilities; the choices of the course contents are various, but not enough in the selection of new gymnastic content.(2)The selection of each department’s course contents has both common groundsand differences. The selection of teaching content emphasizes the variety of gymnastics. The three modules a connecting whole;: the traditional courses emphasizes skill teaching. With the deep-going of teaching reformation, the learning of theoretical knowledge and the cultivation of capability gradually get more attention, the proportion of class hours gets a bit rise, but the skill content still holds a relatively large proportion Christ.(3) The gymnastic course’s teaching target still pays much attention to the cultivation of the "three bases" with the increasing social needs of comprehensive gymnastic talents. The target on basic gymnastics, the formation, mass gymnastic gradually get more attention and their importance are growing.(4) The opening of movable gymnastics basically gets rid of the traditional idea of course selfish departmentalism, with course system in consideration, it stars giving more consideration to the needs of the students’ study and the, societies needs, advocates qualified education pursuing the students’ development both in body and mind has become the total ideal and basis of the design of curriculum.(5) At present movable gymnastics curriculum object refers to that in spite of training those meeting with society development and PE reformation talent who grasp basic knowledge, basic skill, basic technology, and can take up school gym teaching, science research, extra curriculum gym guiding. The author instructing extra curriculum gym the organizing sorts gym of gymnastics contest, universal gymnastic activity. The object is training round talents who have creative spirit and practical ability.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】363

