

The Research on the Experiment of Cooperative Teaching Theory in the Subject of Volleyball for P.E. Major

【作者】 戴瑞磊

【导师】 杨国良;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,高校改革迫切要求实现教育创新,创新关键就在于实施全面的素质教育。这就要求在教学方法和手段上从单纯地传授知识,转变为既要传统知识,更要着重培养学生的技能和发展学生的能力。传统的教学思想与方法不能很好地解决这一问题,针对这个矛盾,我们在排球普修课中进行了合作教学理论的实验研究,以期克服与解决目前排球教学中存在的问题,从而更新排球教学理念,使整个排球的教学过程进一步完善。排球教学中的合作教学理论是以现代心理学、教育社会学、认知心理学、现代教育技术学等理论为基础,以研究与利用课堂教学中的人际关系为基点,以目标设计为先导,以师生、生生和师师合作为基本动力,以小组活动为基本教学形式,以团体成绩为评价标准,以标准参照评价为基本手段,以大面积提高学生的学业成绩和改善班级内的社会心理气氛、形成学生良好的心理品质和社交技能为基本目标的一种富有创意和实效的教学理论。到目前为止,国内外尚未形成一种共识性的完整的排球合作教学理论。合作教学的各种实践并不罕见,而合作教学理论在排球课程教学中运用的系统研究则相对较少。笔者以辩证唯物主义为哲学基础;以认知心理学和现代心理学为心理基础;以教育社会学和现代教育技术学为深入研究的理论基础;以文献资料法、专家咨询法、调查法、实验法为研究方法,以前人的研究为根基,针对研究中存在的问题,本着进一步拓展此方面研究的思想,在高校体育专业的排球课中进行了合作教学的实验研究,通过对实验组与对照组的技术和理论成绩进行统计分析,发现实验组的成绩要好于对照组,两者之间存在显著的差异,在随后我们又进行了学生学习态度及教育实习情况的调查,结果也说明了同样的问题。然后笔者对实验进行了效果分析,揭示了合作教学理论基础的多元化与深刻性,进而得出了下述结论:合作教 体育教育专业排球课程运用合作教学理论的实验研究学是适合大学体育专业排球教学的一种有效的教育理论:1.合作教学为学生之间的协作互补提供了基础,有利于提高 整个班级的社会心理凝聚力,有利于集体主义精神的养 成。2.导学结合,体现学生主体地位;乐学结合满足学生心理需 要,有利于培养其创造力。3.合作教学能提高不同类型学生学习参与度,实现教学信息 交流的最优化。4.合作教学能使学生学会有效地竞争与合作的基本技能,形 成正确的竞争观与合作观。5.合作教学能缩小优、中、差生之间的差距,使各层次的学 生都得到最大程度的发展,有利于大面积地提高教学效 率。6.合作教学能使学生有效地提高其专业素质,为其走向工作 岗位奠定坚实的基础。7.合作教学还为教师与教师,教师与学生之间展开优势互补 提供了平台,从而能最大限度地挖掘教师资源的潜力,提 高教师整体的教学水平,适应培养学生综合素质的需要。

【Abstract】 At present, college reforms urgently require to realize education new ideas. The key point of bringing forth new ideas in education is to cany out all-round quality education; Therefore, the traditional teaching method of merely passing on knowledge will be changed into the combination of traditional knowledge and emphasizing the training of students’ skill and ability. The traditional ideas and methods can’t solve such a problem. To counter such a conflict, we carry out the research of the cooperative teaching experiment in volleyball class. So as to solve the problems existed in volleyball teaching and to further improve the volleyball teaching course and to renew volleyball teaching theory.The cooperative teaching theory is on the basis of modern psychology. Educational sociology, cognition psychology, modern educational technology and so on. The center of the cooperative teaching theory is researching and using human relationship in class, making a goal as the guide; the cooperation of teachers and students, students and students/ teachers and teachers as the basic force, group-activity as the basic teaching form; team achievement as the evaluation standard; standard and evaluation as the basic way. The cooperative teaching theory is a creative and effective one that can improve the students’ achievement and social psychological environment in class, shape the students’ good psychological quality and social ability.Up to the present, such a kind of common recognizable and compete volleyball cooperation teaching theory has not come into being in our nation and other nations. All kinds of practice are not rare, while the systematic research of volleyball cooperative teaching theory is relatively rare.This article is on the philosophy basis of dialectical materialism and the psychology basis of cognition psychology and modern psychology; educational sociology and modern educational technology as the theory base. The researching methods are document data, expert-inquiry, investigation and experiment. Other professors’ researches are the premise and base.To counter the problems existed in research, and in order to enrichresearching thought in this field, the research on the experiment of the cooperative teaching in volleyball class of P.E. in college. By analyzing the statistics of the skill and theory score of the experimental group and its counterpart we find that there is a big difference between the two groups, the score of experimental group is better than that of its counterpart. And then we find the same result in the investigation of the students’ study attitudes and teaching practice. The analysis of the experiment effect shows the diversification and depth of the cooperative teaching theory base, and then the following conclusions are drawn:1. The cooperative teaching is the base of the coordination and complementarity among the students; it is useful for the whole class to improve their social psychology cohesive force and to cultivate their collective spirit.2. The combination of instruction and learning shows the students ’ main part; the combination of amusement and learning satisfies the students’ psychological requirement. It is useful to train the students’ creativity.3. The cooperative teaching can not only arouse the different students to participate the learning but also make the teaching information communication superiority.4. The cooperative teaching can make student learn how to compete with others effectively and how to cooperate with others properly; thus the students can have correct ideas about competition and cooperation.5. The cooperative teaching can make the difference of the students who are in different level reduce, and make the students in different level develop fully; thus it is helpful to improve the teaching effect in large scale.6. In the cooperative teaching, the quality of the students’ specialized subject can be improved effectively, which will play a solid foundation for the students’ future.7. In t

  • 【分类号】G842-4
  • 【被引频次】34
  • 【下载频次】876

