

The Use on Reflect Teaching Theory in Biology Teaching

【作者】 步东军

【导师】 曹道平;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 教师的工作是教书、育人,它是神圣的,但不是神化的。因此,教好书、育好人的前提是教师应该更好地认识自己、改造自己及提升自己,唯有如此正确定位自己才能把平凡的工作看作一项长久的事业。这需要广大教师认真反思自身,反思工作,反思学生,在反思中求发展,在反思中求进步。现代教育理念的形成不仅源于教师对理论的学习,对经验的总结,还来自教师借助行动研究,不断地反思探索。当今教育已逐渐演变为终身化、全民化、民主化、多元化的教育。反思性教学正是顺应了这一历史的潮流,帮助教师深化对素质教育本质的认识,促使教师锐意进取,为教育教学的发展和改革提供依据,为提高教育者的管理水平和教学水平提供理论选择和指导。本文参考了大量的文献资料,从如何培养教师的反思意识,如何在教学中全面实施反思性教学,如何借助反思性教学理论全面提升教师的研究能力这三个方面,系统的阐述了反思性教学理论的含义,进行反思性教学的意义及方法步骤。力求能对教师视野的开阔,教师理论思维水平的提高,教师职业角色意识和职业使命感的增强提供一点帮助,从而在生物教学中将反思性教学理论运用的可操作性提升到一个新的高度。本文以解决中学教学工作中教师们所遇到的实际问题作为出发点,深刻剖析教师教学中的不足之处、需反思之处及改进完善之处。同时文章倡导教师树立为学生服务的思想,把“教室”变成“学室”,处理好自己与自己的关系,自己与别人的关系。帮助生物教师既要去发展学生的个性和人性,更要去发展自身的人性和个性。同时帮助生物教师摒弃在中学教师中普遍存在的“教学科研无用论”观念,使之建立科研兴教理念。在以上思想指导下,全文设计了摘要、正文、结束语、注释、附录调查问卷等几个部分,循着“先深入调查、了解反思性教学理论在生物教学中的运用情况——教师反思意识的形成的策略和方法——教师如何借助反思性教学理论进行反思行动——教师如何提高自身的研究能力”这条线索层层展开,力求把反思性教学理论真正全面地运用到生物教学中。 反思性教学理论对多数中学教师而言是一种新的理论形态,因此,要在教学中全面运用反思性教学理论,他们在教学中所持有的理念、所用的方法及习惯都应有所调整。这将是一个长期的过程,需要循序渐进,不可操之过急。这需要教 l师们处理好实践与理论间的关系、实践与反思间的关系、理论与反思间的关系,促使自身在解决实际问题中学会思考、学会应用、学会创造。

【Abstract】 The teacher’s work is to impart knowledge and educate people. It is sacred, but not is what apotheosis. Therefore, the premise of this work is that a teacher should precisely know him to reform himself and to promote himself. Only like this a teacher can regard the ordinary work as a long last of undertaking. The teacher’ development and advance depend on reflecting on himself, reflecting on job and students.Teacher’ s reasonability and process need reflect teaching theory and his action so the theory is teacher’ s guidance. The theory also needs to be practiced by teachers in their working.In this thesis the author consults a flood of documents, from how to educate the teacher’ s reflective consciousness, how to put reflect teaching completely into practice, how to ask for help reflect teaching theories to promote the teacher’ s research ability completely these three aspects, illustrating in a systematic way reflect teaching’ s meaning, significance and method steps. This thesis also helps to promote reflect teaching’ application in teaching practice to a new high degree, with opening the teacher’ s visual field of spacious, heightening the teacher’ s consciousness of profession and theoretical level.The author wants to resolve actual problems in high school biology teaching work and analyze deeply deficient place within teaching in teacher. At the same time the article calls for the teacher to set up the idea of service for students, to change "classroom" into "learning room" , to handle good oneself and own relation, oneself and other people’s relation. And which helps the high school biological teachers to develop students’ personality and human nature, even to developteachers’ personality and human nature. At the same time, this thesis helps the teacher to establish the idea of significance to scientificresearch, abandoning the idea of " useless theory in scientific research in teaching section" . Guide the bottom in the above thought, the fuli text designed the abstract, text and ending, annotation, appendix investigates questionnaire etc. Following" the application’sinvestigation of reflect teaching theories in biology teaching-ateacher how to get the reflective consciousness-a teacher how ask forhelp reflect teaching theories to proceed reflective act-a teacher howto increase his research ability " this clues, this thesis try hard to use reflect teaching theories completely in biology teaching.Reflect teaching theory, as a modern educational theory can help teacher to do their best in teaching students. The teacher will get ideas and ability of creativity from it. But this is a long term for the teacher, which will inspire them to study students and to reflect themselves.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【下载频次】383

