

The Application Research of the Chemical History Education in Chemical Teaching

【作者】 宋付州

【导师】 刁兆玉;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文密切结合化学教学实际,阐述了化学史教育在化学教学中的应用,旨在引起广大化学教育工作者对该问题的高度重视,并进一步指出了化学史教育的指导思想、指导原则和教学策略。化学史是化学家征服世界、改造自然、创造发明的奋斗史,记述了化学知识的累积过程,以及化学科学的发展演变规律的发展史。化学元素发现史、化学发展史、化学家生平、化学教育史、化学思想史、化学认识史。化学史教育就是在化学教学中,利用化学史来促进学生运用辩证唯物主义观点和历史唯物主义观点,认识和分析化学知识的形成和发展,以培养学生的科学素质和创新能力,提高学生的学习兴趣,培养学生热爱科学、热爱祖国、报效祖国、增强法律意识的高尚情操等为根本目标的教育。化学史教育在化学教学中的作用,从以下几个方面论述:(1)培养学生的爱国主义精神,使学生奋发学习,树报国之心,立报国之志,见报国之行。(2)培养学生热爱科学、献身科学的精神,可以激发学生热爱化学事业,努力学习化学知识。(3)渗透辩证唯物主义思想,使学生充分认识辩证唯物主义对科学研究的重要指导作用,实事求是地学习化学知识。(4)培养学生良好的科学素质和创新精神,培养的学生科学素质。(5)提高学生学习化学的兴趣,培养学生学习化学的动机,激发学生强烈的求知欲和对化学的浓厚兴趣。(6)有利于妥善处理“三点”,即重点、难点和弱点。化学史有利于提高学生的学习兴趣,形成良好的氛围。(7)有利于建立民主平等友好和作的师生关系。(8)提高学生的德育素质。(9)提高教师自身的素质,化学史应该作为化学教师自我充实的重要内容。化学史教育的指导思想应体现传授知识和发展能力的统一、体现身心发展的统一。化学史教育的指导原则是:(1)科学性和思想性相统一;(2)要因“材”衣 争“ .施教;(3)趣味性和灵活性相统一;(4)目的性和教育性相结合;(5)新颖性。 化学史教育的教学策略有:(l)化学史教育与化学教学相互渗透,相融相进,同步进行。(2)化学课堂教学要激励学生在不同情境中运用化学史知识。(3)采用多种灵活机动的方式、课内外相结合。(4)利用习题包装,进行化学史教育。(5)紧密联系实际,时时事事进行化学史教育。 通过化学史教育,可以找出化学教学中的不足,培养学生学习化学的兴趣,提高化学教学的质量和效益。 化学史教育在化学教学中的作用不是可有可无的,广大化学教师应予以足够的重视。 著名化学家傅鹰教授说:“化学可以给人以知识,化学史可以给人以智慧。”以史为鉴,明古鉴今。化学教学中进行化学史教育是不无裨益的。

【Abstract】 Famous chemical domestic Fu Ying says: "Chemistry can give person with knowledge, chemical history can give person with wisdom. " It is lesson with learn history, clear ancient lesson is this. In chemical teaching, it is what does not do not have benefit to carry out chemical history education.The close combination chemical teaching of this paper is actual , have elaborated the chemical history application that educates in chemical teaching, aim at to arouse large chemical educational worker, for this problem pay attention highly, and have pointed out strategy, guidance principle and the guiding ideology of chemical history education further.Chemical history is that chemical home is conquered the fight history of world, transform nature and creation invention, have recorded and narrate , the accumulated course of chemical knowledge, have elaborated the development of chemical science to develop the development history of law. The scope of chemical history include chemical element to discover history, chemical development history, chemical domestic life story, chemical educational history, chemical ideological history and chemical knowledge history.Chemical history education is been in chemical teaching, promote student using chemical histoiy to utilize dialectics materialism viewpoint and historical materialism viewpoint, knowledge and analysis chemical knowledge, form and develop to train innovation ability and the scientific quality of student, raise the learning interest of student , train student to love science , love motherland , repay motherland, , strengthen the noble moral of legal consciousness is the education of basic goal.The chemical history role that educates in chemical teaching is from some following aspect expositions:(1) Training the patriotism spirit of student, make student gear up , study , set up to service the country, heart, stand to service the country, will, appear in the newspaper , the trip of country. (2) Training student love science , dedicate life science sacrifice spiritual, this kind of spirit can arouse student to love chemical cause and effort learning chemical knowledge, envoke , add brick to add passion and the enthusiasm of tile for socialist modernization. ( 3) Infiltration dialectics materialism thought, make student know dialectics materialism fully, the important guidance role for scientific research makes student study chemical knowledge practically. (4) Training student good scientific quality and creative spirit, is helpful for the training for student scientific quality, and bold query and have the courage to practice , is good at sum up and deduction, raise the innovation ability of student. (5) Raising the motivation of student learning chemical interest and training student learning chemistry, arouse student, strong seek knowledge want and the strong interest for chemistry, make the intellectual factor of student and not intellectual factor. (6) It is helpful to handle properly "three point" , focal point, difficulty and weakness. (7) Raising the quality of teacher self, chemical history should substantiate as chemical teacher self important content.The purpose of chemical history education is to found a good environment, .start with history to think , arouse student and study interest, arouse student, seek knowledge desire, thus need the stimulate is "novel" , then can arouse desire and the interest of student study, reach it, deserved purpose. But stimulate will have a problem of " degree" , therefore the guiding ideology of, chemical history education is "novel" and "appropriate" .The guidance principle of chemical history education is: Scientificness, interest, flexibility, educationalness and purpose . (1)Chemistry history education will have the educational factor of scientific thought and scientific method, therefore scientificness is chief principle. (2)Will consider the psychological characteristic of student fully and Ren know characteristic, want interesting taste through the chemical history educational learning in

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1277

