

【作者】 郭焱

【导师】 黄晓玲;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 服务贸易的发展在21世纪已成为国际贸易中引人注目的崭新领域,现代服务贸易在知识经济时代占有越来越重要的地位,服务贸易日益成为现代经济生活的主流形式。近十几年来,西方发达国家服务贸易额的增长远远超过了货物贸易的增长速度。随着服务贸易的快速发展及其在贸易中的比重日益上升,世界各国纷纷加强了对服务贸易的研究。服务贸易中丰厚的利润以及发展服务贸易对一国经济的贡献日益为各国所认知,可以预见,服务贸易将成为国际竞争与合作的重要领域。随着我国加入世界贸易组织,服务贸易自由化必将给我国服务贸易发展带来机遇,我国服务贸易的巨大发展空间正在不断显现;同时,竞争的加剧也必然对我国服务业发展带来新的挑战。作为我国改革开放前沿的珠海市更应抓住契机,把握机遇,迎接挑战,加大力度发展服务贸易。旅游服务贸易是国际上发展得最快的服务贸易之一,也是我市服务贸易中发展最快的行业。优越的地理和气候条件构成了珠海市发展旅游服务贸易得天独厚的优势,也使旅游服务贸易成为珠海市服务贸易的领头羊,成为珠海市发展服务贸易的重点。珠海市四届人大二次全会上的政府工作报告中提出了“发展以旅游业为龙头的第三产业,重点扶持旅游业,抓好旅游项目的引进和开发,完善旅游大环境。”另外,珠海市发展旅游服务贸易具有很强的现实意义。因为旅游服务业良好的成长性和对相关产业的关联带动性,可以拉动珠海市经济增长;另外由于其劳动密集型的属性,也就可以提高就业弹性和增加社会就业。而且,通过发展旅游服务贸易,优化旅游服务业发展的内外环境,可以解决我市发展目前所面临的经济增长拉动力不足等问题,对于促进和带动我市经济发展具有很强的作用。本论文分为四个部分探讨对珠海市旅游服务贸易发展策略的构想。<WP=3>第一章探讨珠海市旅游服务贸易与珠海市的经济发展的相互关系。翔实的统计数据揭示了珠海市的旅游服务业无论对本市的GDP,以及在本市的就业都有十分重要的地位。从旅游服务贸易本身的特性出发,从拉动相关产业的发展;扩大就业机会;创造外汇收入,积累建设资金;优化生态环境;传播精神文明,推进社会文化进步这五方面分析了珠海市的旅游服务贸易促进本市经济发展的机制。第二章主要从两方面探讨珠海市发展旅游服务贸易的优势。首先,珠海市拥有自身得天独厚的区位、交通、环境、资源优势,以及珠海市近几年迅速发展的经济优势,再加上政府给予的优惠待遇都构成了珠海市发展旅游服务贸易的内部优势。另外,《服务贸易总协定》的签署对旅游服务贸易产生了巨大的影响,随着我国加入世贸组织,它必然也对珠海市的旅游服务贸易带来了一系列的机遇和挑战,这就构成了珠海市发展旅游服务贸易的外部机遇。第三章探讨了珠海市服务贸易发展的具体策略。首先,珠海市拥有众多旅游资源,但要有所突破必须要开发特色的旅游资源:主题公园是具有特定主题、采用现代科学技术创造出的集吃、住、行、游、购于一体的现代大型旅游项目,已与越来越多中国人的生活发生着密切联系,并已成为富有活力的新的旅游经济增长点。对于珠海市来说,就更应抓住此契机,根据本市的特点合理规划和完善本市主题公园的建设,以增强旅游吸引力。除此以外,以农业和农村为载体的新型生态旅游业的观光农业也是珠海可发展的特色旅游资源,我市可结合在发展观光农业生态旅游方面的经验,以及我市当前的具体情况,对观光农业生态旅游进行推广和发展。以进一步树立珠海高科技农业生态旅游的品牌,创出珠海旅游拳头产品。其次,随着经济的不断发展,体验型的旅游将成为主导,而现在的中国也正从观光游向休闲游过渡。珠海市位于富裕的珠江三角洲,并具有交通便利、风光秀丽以及环境清新的优势,正是发展休闲、度假旅游的好机会。本文从休闲、度假旅游的规律和发展态势探讨了珠海市发展休闲、度假旅游业的策略。<WP=4>再次,近年来在我国发展势头迅猛的新兴行业----会议会展业对珠海市的旅游服务贸易发展也有着不可小视的作用。本文从珠海市的实际出发,提出了我市应利用区位经济优势,结合外部机遇开创“会议城市”之路的发展策略。第四章提出了对珠海市实施旅游服务贸易发展策略的建议,包括如何规范、加强旅游服务业行业管理,开创旅游行业管理工作新局面;建设高效优质的旅游网站,进行“网上营销”,挖掘更多的潜在游客,也让更多的人了解和认识珠海旅游,以促进旅游服务贸易的发展;建立高素质的旅游服务业从业人员队伍等。本论文从构思、提纲起草、收集资料、论文修改到完稿,这全有赖于黄晓玲教授在百忙中孜孜不倦的悉心指导和教诲。在这论文写作的数月中,尊师给我提供了莫大的帮助和启发,使我收益良多,在此表示我深深的谢意和敬意!

【Abstract】 The service trade,a brand new field of international trade and one of the main forms of modern economy in 21th century, is becoming more and more important for the modern service trade in the knowledge-economy age. In recent years, the service trade in the west developed countries is going faster than commodity trade. With the fast development of service trade and increasing percentage in service trade to trade, every country of the world intensifying the research in the service trade. More and more people have come to realize the fat profit of service trade and the benefit of development of service trade. It is easy to see that service trade will become one of the important fields in the international competition and cooperation.With the entry of China into the World Trade Organization (WTO), the liberalization of service trade has brought opportunities to the development of our service trade, on one hand; on the other the competition is bringing new challenges to our service trade. Zhuhai, as one of the earliest special economic zones in China, should catch the opportunity, face the challenge and quicken the development of our service trade.Tourism service trade is one of the fastest developing trades not only in the world service trade, but also in the city of Zhuhai. The superior geographical and location, mild climatic conditions constitute the unique advantages of developing tourism service trade in Zhuhai, making Zhuhai’s tourism service trade the leader in Zhuhai’s service trade. And the keystone of developing service trade of Zhuhai. In the administrating report at the fourth people’s congress of Zhuhai Mayor put forward the<WP=6>policy of "developing tertiary industry, taking thourism as its lends, giving more support to tourism, paying more attention to the introduction and exploitation of tourist projects, and for the perfecting the environment of tourism".In addition, it is also very important for Zhuhai to develop tourism service trade, because tourism service trade, a developing trade, can boost other service trades forward thus improving economy of Zhuhai. Secondly, tourist service trade, one of labor-intensified industries, can at the same time improve quntity and flexibility of social employment. Finally, by developing tourist service trade and optimizing the inner and outer environment of tourism, we can also solve the problems of insufficient boost of economic development that Zhuhai is facing.This paper discusses the strategy of how to develop Zhuhai’s tourist service trade in Zhuhai.In the first chapter the author talks about the inter relations between Zhuhai’s tourism service trade and Zhuhai’s economic development. Full and truthful statistic data reveals that the tourism service trade is important either GDP growth or employment. The paper analyzes how tourism service trade boosts Zhuhai’s economy develop in five different aspects. They are respectively boosting the development of industries concerned, increasing employment opportunities, creating foreign income, accumulating fund for economic development, optimizing biologic environment, transmitting spiritual civilization, and improving the social culture.In Chapter Two the author deals with the advantages enjoyed by Zhuhai’s tourism service trade in two different respects. Firstly, special advantages<WP=7>of geographic location, traffic, environment, natural resources and economic development, plus the preferential treatment offered by the local government, make the internal advantages of Zhuhai’s tourism service trade. Secondly, the signing of the "General Service Trade agreement" had a great influence on tourism service trade. With the entry of country into the WTO, more opportunities and challenges to Zhuhai’s tourism service trade are now coming to the fore in Zhuhai. And this is the external advantages of enjoyed by tourism service trade in Zhuhai.In Chapter Three the author outs forward to the detailed strategy to develop tourism service trade in Zhuhai. First, Zhuhai has lots of

【关键词】 旅游服务贸易发展策略
  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1155

