

【作者】 江天利

【导师】 傅慧芬;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 中国焦化工业是伴随着中国的钢铁工业一起发展的。自1949年建国以来,中国的钢铁工业取得了长足的发展,近二十年钢铁工业发展的速度非常迅速,带动了中国焦化工业也快速发展。 在未来三、五十年内,钢铁产量还有一定的上升趋势,钢铁将仍以焦炉-高炉冶炼工艺为主导工艺,因此焦炭仍是钢铁工业的重要原料。随着西方焦化工业的萎缩,很有可能在本世纪前期出现焦炭供应紧张,给发展中国家焦化工业的发展提供一定机遇。中国的炼焦煤源丰富,劳动力价值低廉,随着西方世界焦化工业每况愈下,一批中国焦炭生产企业正在迅速崛起,成为中国经济中具有活力和发展潜力的企业。但同时,这些企业能否持续性地发展,是摆在企业领导人面前的艰巨任务。基于上述行业背景,笔者开展了中国焦化企业竞争优势的研究。本文首先以发达国的焦化企业为参照对象,比较了中国焦化工业的企业现状,涉及焦炉的生产能力、煤气、焦油、粗苯等焦化产品的加工能力等。发现各个方面的规模都比较小,焦化企业处于零散状态。造成产业零散的原因很多,相关的因素也非常不同。文章运用竞争优势理论分析上述问题,指出只有焦化企业联合,来克服企业零散,争取成本优势,并获取竞争优势;通过焦化企业的联合,及与上下游的企业联合可以延伸价值链,使企业在激烈的竞争中占据相对有利的地位。 接着,文章分析了建筑技术核心能力是企业赢得竞争优势的基础。论述了只有建立和不断完善技术核心,加强焦化化工产品的开发,企业才能保持竞争优势,获得可持续发展,并指明了焦化技术发展的方向。 然后,本文分析了影响焦化企业经营的因素,探讨焦化企业应以企业购并和资产重组为主要途径,在进行企业横向整合,以获取规模和成本优势的同时,还应以多种方式,纵向拓展焦化企业的价值链,实现焦化企业的上下游一体化经营,才能应对激烈的竞争,并保证竞争优势。<WP=7>最后,文章阐述了焦化企业具有开展国际经营的基础,与国际先进焦化企业比较,具有比较成本优势。但企业必须学习先进的管理方法,通过流程再造,利用已经具有的比较成本优势,积极开展出口贸易,参与国际竞争,使企业建立起核心竞争力,保证企业持续稳定的发展。

【Abstract】 China’s coke industry, go with China’s steel industry has make sustainable development. After 1949, China’s has already achieved quiet great progress, in recent twenty years, the development speed is very fast, China’s steel industry brings along the progress of the coke industry. In the future, the output of steel will be go up, the major smelt technics in steel industry is still furnace, so coke is importance material for the steel industry. Along with shrink of the developed nations in the coke industry, coke supply is in short in world and demand will be increased, there will be give a great opportunity to the developing nations in coke industry. Because of rich coking coal and cheap labour force in China, along with coke industry in developed nations go down the drain, a lot of coke enterprises rapid have grew up in China, also have become livingness and potential enterprises. However, how to keep durative development for these enterprises, it is difficult task to leaders of China’s coke enterprises. Basis on background of coke industry, this paper makes a study of competence advantage of the China’s coke enterprises. First, the paper refers to coke enterprises in developed nations,<WP=9>compare with China’s coke enterprises, and compared to capacity of furnace, deeply process capacity of coal gas, coal tar, crude benzene, finded that China’s coke enterprises is scattered, the scale of enterprise is small size. Cause of scattered is more factors, and correlative factors is also difference. The paper applies the theory of competence advantage, to analyzing above-metioned problems. This paper concludes that China’s coke enterprises should be combined, to get over scattered, to try for cost advantage, and to achieved competition advantage; combined with coal mines and steel plants, to extend value chain, to take up advantaged position in drastic compete.Then, the paper analyzes technology core ability. This paper concludes that technology core ability is basic of the development of enterprises, China’s coke enterprises should be established and improved technology, strengthen to develop chemical products from the coke by-product, to keep competition advantage, so as to durative development. This paper points to the development way of technology.Afterward, the paper analyzes affect factors of coke enterprises, discussed development way of China’s coke enterprises. This paper concludes that china’s coke enterprises, go through to merge coke enterprises and recombine asset, will extend value china, and<WP=10>implement diversification strategy to ensure competition advantage.Finally, the paper expatiates the foundation of coke and chemicals export, compare with international enterprises, China’s coke enterprises possess cost advantage. But China’s coke enterprises should be learn advanced management technology to structure business process (BPR, business process re-engineering), utilized cost advantage to develop coke and chemicals export, to take up international market and sustainable development for China’s coke enterprises.

【关键词】 焦化企业竞争优势
  • 【分类号】F426.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】286

