

【作者】 张昀

【导师】 傅慧芬;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来国内汽车市场快速发展,汽车保有量的持续增长,也带动了车用润滑油市场的发展。中国加入WTO后,越来越多的国外著名润滑油品牌进入中国润滑油市场。经过多年的市场角逐,当前我国润滑油市场已形成“三足鼎立”的基本竞争格局。2002年中国石化、中国石油占有的润滑油市场份额为62%,国外石油公司的市场份额为20%,地方和民营企业的市场份额则为18%。国外石油公司在高档车用润滑油市场占据绝对优势,中国石化、中国石油两大国有石油公司主要占据中档润滑油市场,而大多数地方和民营企业则依靠中、低档润滑油市场维持生存。迅速膨胀的车用润滑油市场和高额利润,使高端市场迅速上升为润滑油竞争的主战场。高端润滑油市场的占有率将最终决定润滑油企业的市场地位和利润水平,从某种意义上说,润滑油市场“得高端者得天下”。但不可否认的是目前国有润滑油企业在进军高档车用润滑油市场上面临严重挑战。本论文试图通过以车用润滑油的市场竞争现状为背景,论述车用润滑油企业的竞争战略,并着重分析了中国石化和中国石油两大国有石油公司的现行营销策略,同时提出以下有关国有石油公司车用润滑油品牌战略与实施的论点。笔者期望这些论点具有足够的说服力和借鉴价值,从而促进相关企业在在新的竞争格局中,不断增强竞争优势,以获得更大的发展。1、市场开放及需求增长加剧了润滑油的品牌竞争中国润滑油行业经历了从生产导向为主向市场营销型转变的四个阶段。随着润滑油市场的开放和我国加入世贸组织,越来越多的外国润滑油品牌进入车用润滑油市场。另一方面,随着国内汽车市场的发展,对车用润滑油需求也大幅的增长。因此,市场开放和需求增长是润滑油品牌竞争加剧的主要原因。2、市场定位有助于品牌独树一帜市场定位有利于建立企业及产品的市场特色,是参与市场竞争的有力武器。目前国内润滑油市场竞争激烈,市场定位起十分重要的作用。外国润滑油品牌能够取得竞争优势就在于其与众不同的市场定位。3、产品质量认证是润滑油品牌赢得顾客的基础质量是品牌经营的基础,它是企业实行名牌战略的核心,国有润滑油企业必须以质量战略作为品牌战略的核心和基础。产品质量认证是评价产品质量的一个重要方面,国有润滑油品牌在高端产品市场缺乏品牌竞争力,其主要原因就是缺乏汽车制造厂商(OEM)对产品的认证。4、改善服务质量是提升品牌资产的关键服务质量可以提高品牌的附加价值,使企业获得竞争优势。在润滑油产品日益同质化的今天,我国的润滑油产品质量与外国品牌相比上不相上下,但严重欠缺的服务质量使之难以跟上国际步伐,在国内的形象也总逊色于国外品牌产品。因此,改进服务质量是提升品牌资产的关键。5、渠道终端多样化是扩大品牌市场占有率的有效途径营销渠道是品牌存在和发展的基础。随着市场环境的变化及日趋激烈的品牌竞争,传统的金字塔式的营销渠道已不能适应竞争性品牌战略的需要,必须进行渠道创新,以构建适合销售终端多样化的品牌营销渠道。

【Abstract】 The domestic auto market has been rapidly grown in the past few years, and the sustained growth of auto population, which promotes the development of crankcase lubricants market as well. Since China’s accession to WTO, more and more famous foreign lubricating oil entered China lubricant market. After fierce competition during the past few years, the situation of "triangle competition" has formed in domestic lubricants market. The lubricant market share of Sinopec and PetroChina is 62% in 2002, foreign oil companies hold 20% market share, local and private-owned lubricating oil companies account for 18% market share. Foreign oil companies have absolute advantages in top tier lubricant market, two state-owned oil companies - Sinopec and PetroChina chiefly dominate middle tier lubricant market, meanwhile most of local and private-owned companies relay on middle and low tier lubricant market to make a living. The market of top tier lubricant is becoming the main battlefield due to the rapid growth of lubricant market as well as huge profits. Market share of top tier lubricants will finally determine the market position and profit level of lubricating oil companies. What we can’t deny is that state-owned oil companies are facing serious challenges in getting into the market of top tier lubricants. Competitive strategy of lubricating oil companies especially for state-owned enterprises will be analyzed and discussed in this dissertation under the background of competitive situation of crankcase oil market. After analyzing marketing strategy of Sinopec and PetroChina, the author raises following arguments on how state-owned oil companies carry out brand strategy. These arguments are expected to be enough convincing and for reference, so the state-owned lubricating oil companies will gain the competitive advantage and develop rapidly in the new round competition. 1. The opening policy and the increase of demands aggravate competition among lubricant brands Chinese lubricant industry experienced four stages which were from production orientation to marketing positioning. With the opening of lubricant market as well as China’s accession to WTO, more and more foreign brands entered crankcase lubricants market. On the other hand, with the development of domestic auto market, the need for crankcase lubricants is rapidly increasing, so the opening of market and the increase of demands are the main reasons which result in more and more competitions among lubricant brands. 2 Market position will be conducive to fostering distinctive brandMarket positioning will helpful to build distinctive feature for a firm and its products, which is a powerful weapon of market competition. Now lubricating oil companies fight in limited market, market positioning plays an important role in brand competition. The reason why foreign brand can obtain competitive advantage is due to its distinctive market positioning. 3 For lubricant brand product quality certification is the base of gaining customer support<WP=5>Product quality is the base of brand operation, it’s also the core of implementing brand strategy, the state-owned lubricating oil enterprises must regard quality strategy as the core and base of brand strategy. Product quality certification is a key aspect of lubricant quality appraisal, the main reason why domestic brands are less competitive in top tier market is due to lack of product quality certification from auto OEMs. 4 To improve service quality is the key of raising brand equity Service quality improvement will increase brand added value, by which the enterprise will gain powerful competitive advantages. Nowadays lubricant products are gradually homogeneity; the quality of domestic lubricants is almost the same compared with foreign brand lubricants, but our brands still can’t compete with foreign brand due to the deficiency in service quality, meanwhile the brand image is inferior to foreign brands. So the improvement of service quality is the key of raising brand equity.

  • 【分类号】F426.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】417

