

The Applications of ISO9000 Quality Management System in Hospital

【作者】 张东海

【导师】 王玉荣;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国的经济发展得到了前所未有的迅猛发展,市场经济观念已经深入社会的各个方面。但是,在医疗领域,由于多年来沿用计划体制下的管理模式,医院处于相对封闭的市场环境中,造成医疗服务质量低劣,医疗纠纷逐年上升,医患矛盾不断加剧。随着经济的发展,医疗改革的深入,医院的生存环境受到了来自外部经济环境和医疗体制自身发展两方面的冲击。ISO9000质量管理和质量保证系列将为医院提高竞争力提供最好的管理工具. 目前全国已有几十家医院相继引入ISO9000质量管理体系, 通过建立标准化、规范化、程序化的作业可控制机制,提升医疗服务水平,已被证实是一种事半功倍的有效措施。ISO9001:2000版质量管理体系引进了管理学界公认的P-D-C-A方法,其核心是八项管理原则:以顾客为中心;领导作用;全员参与;过程方法;系统的管理方法;持续改进;基于事实的决策方法;互利的供方关系。 通过实施ISO9000质量管理体系,有利于医院改革的实施和市场化运作机制的建立。有利于在日益激烈的医疗市场竞争中提高竞争能力,有利于扩大市场占有。有利于提高医院的医疗服务水平。有利于医院管理水平和技术水平的不断提高。有利于处理好医患关系。尤其在加入WTO以后,有助于医院建设与国际接轨,有利于国际交流,更有利于医院自身的发展和与陆续进入我国的外资医院竞争。医院引入ISO9000标准应做到以下几点:1.宣贯标准,提高全员质量意识:2.建立标准化的质量体系:3.实行全面医疗服务的过程控制:根据目前ISO9000质量管理体系在医院实施的效果来看,将有更多的医院引进该系统。本论文重点研究该体系在医院的应用,力图为医疗机构实施该体系提供更多参考。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and openning policy, the economy of China is developing rapidly. But in the field of medical treatment,the openning speed is much lower than other field. They are in the comparatively close environment. The quality of medical treatment service is bad, the number of medical entanglement is climbing year after year. The conflict between the patient and the doctor is sharp.Now that China has enter the WTO, foreign capitals and private capitals will enter medical treatment field. The competition will make nation-owned hospitals put more attention on management. ISO9000 quality management system is the best way to enhance management level in a short time.The ISO 9000 family of international quality management standards and guidelines has earned a global reputation as the basis for establishing quality management systems.ISO 9001:2000 specifies requirements for a quality management system for any organization that needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements and aims to enhance customer satisfaction.ISO 9001:2000 has been organized in a user-friendly format with terms that are easily recognized by all business sectors. The standard is used for certification/registration and contractual purposes by organizations seeking recognition of their quality management system. The revised ISO 9000:2000 series introduces the eight quality management principles on which the quality management system standards of are based on. These principles can be used by senior management as a framework to guide their organizations towards improved performance. The principles are derived from the collective experience and knowledge of the international experts who participate in ISO Technical Committee, which is responsible for developing and maintaining the ISO 9000 standards. These eight principles are: Customer focus; Leadership; Involvement of people; Process approach; System approach to management; Continual improvement; Factual approach to decision making; Mutual beneficial supplier relationships. Until now, there are more and more hospitals adpoted ISO9000 system. By establishing standardization and formality mechanisms,they have enhanced their management level in a short time.To establish ISO9000 system, our hospital should do the following things:1, To declare the importance of adpoting ISO9000 system to all people in the organization. 2, To establish standardization quality management system.3, To control whole process of medical service. This discourse emphases the application of ISO9000 system in hospital and strives to offer the hospital managers more reference.

【关键词】 ISO9000标准医院质量满意度
  • 【分类号】R197.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】301

