

Establishing of Performance Appraisal System of Editors at China Communications Press

【作者】 沈鸿雁

【导师】 张炜;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国出版业竞争的日趋激烈以及出版政策的放宽,使得各出版社传统的出版优势面临竞争对手的强劲挑战。与其它行业相比,目前出版企业的管理理念与做法还比较落后,各个单位对于绩效管理方面的经验还仅仅停留在传统的财务指标的考核上,并按指标的完成情况进行部门或员工的工资或奖金的分配,而对于企业的员工个人则基本上没有一套系统的绩效评价体系。本文从现代出版企业绩效管理的角度出发,以交通出版社为研究案例,针对出版企业的核心竞争力——编辑部门和编辑人员,较为深入地研究了包含编辑部门到编辑个体的绩效评价体系的建立:论文首先介绍了本企业的总体情况、各编辑部门分工、绩效评价现状及存在的问题分析,同时介绍了国内外其他出版社编辑绩效评价的一些做法;在充分分析问题及现状的基础上,进行全新的绩效评价体系方案设计;然后对编辑绩效评价体系运行可行性进行了全面的分析并进行了模拟运行;最后得出了如下结论与建议:绩效评价体系的建立加强了企业与编辑的充分沟通;绩效考核小组中一定要有编辑人员进行充分的参与;绩效评价结果一定要通过面谈的方式返馈给员工并得到员工的认可;绩效评价一定要建立在科学的工作分析的基础之上;绩效评价必须与薪酬管理等人事决策相结合。

【Abstract】 Performance appraisal is a process which plans and utilizes the resources, and should meet the requirement of the customs for achieving the strategy object. Performance appraisal is important for enterprises. It can influence the organization’s productivity and competition and human resource management. So, it is essential to establish a performance appraisal system for any companies or enterprises. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how to establish an editor performance appraisal system. In this thesis, According to the situations, an editor performance appraisal system is proposed, and some key performance indices are designed. The performance appraisal system has been operated and the following conclusions are obtained: ①The communication between the higher leaders and staffs should be strengthened, ②There must be editors in valuation team, ③A effective feedback must be given to the staffs, and ④Performance appraisal is based on the scientific job analysis.

【关键词】 编辑系统绩效评价
【Key words】 editing systemperformance appraisaljob analysis
  • 【分类号】G231
  • 【下载频次】419

