

The Clinical Investigation of Zhibai Dihuang Wan Treating Ureaplasma Urealyticum Prostatitis Complicated with Low Sperm Activity

【作者】 李轩

【导师】 何清湖;

【作者基本信息】 湖南中医学院 , 中西医结合临床, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨知柏地黄丸治疗UU前列腺炎以及通过对治疗该病而影响精子活力的可能机理。方法: 72例病人临床随机分为知柏地黄丸治疗组36例(其中合并精子活力低下者22例),美满霉素对照组36例(其中合并精子活力低下者19例),分别给予知柏地黄丸和美满霉素口服。治疗前后分别作UU培养,观察临床症状,测定前列腺液的Ph值以及前列腺液中白细胞、卵磷脂小体,精子活动力、活率等指标。结果:1.知柏地黄丸具有与美满霉素相近的抑杀UU的作用。2.知柏地黄丸能有效治疗UU前列腺炎并降低临床症状积分。3.知柏地黄丸可使病人前列腺液中的白细胞消除或减少、卵磷脂小体升高,Ph值恢复正常。4.知柏地黄丸可使患者的精液液化时间缩短,精子活动力和活精子率提高,畸形精子率下降。结论:知柏地黄丸能有效地治疗UU前列腺炎并能够使合并精子活力低下患者的精子活力提高。

【Abstract】 Objective: To investigate the probable mechanism of Zhibai Dihuang Wan(ZBDHW) treating Ureaplasma Urealyticum (UU) prostatitis and its influence on sperm activity。Methods: 72 patients with prostatitis were at random divided into ZBDHW group (36 cases) and minocycline control group (36 cases). They were given ZBDHW and minocycline orally , separately. The culture of UU , the inspection of the clinical symptoms, the determination of the PH and the norm of WBC in prostatic fluid ,as well as Lecithin Corpuscle, sperm activity, sperm survival rate were carried out respectively before and after treatment.Results: ZBDHW hsd the similar function to that of minocycline of acting to rein in UU. ZBDHW threated UU prostatitis effectively and decreased the clinical symptoms. ZBDHW made the WBC in prostatic<WP=6>fluid disappeared or diminished, Lecithin Corpuscle elevated, and PH changed into normal. ZBDHW shortened the time of patients’ semen Liquefaction, improved sperm activities and survival rate, and reduced sperm deformity rate.Conclusions:ZBDHW can threat UU prostatitis effectively, and improve the sperm activities of UU prostatitis complicated with low sperm activity.

  • 【分类号】R277.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】148

