

Clincal Research on the Clinical Effect of GongHuanZhiXue Decoction Therapy on the Uferine Bleeding after Inset IUD

【作者】 匡继林

【导师】 尤昭玲;

【作者基本信息】 湖南中医学院 , 中医妇科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 育龄妇女放置宫内节育器(IUD)是临床上最常见的避孕方法,但置IUD后可致月经量多,经期延长等副反应,现多称为“宫环出血”。本次研究,选择证属气虚血瘀型置宫内节育器后所致子宫异常出血的病例60例,其中30例用宫环止血汤治疗,30例以吲哚美辛肠溶片治疗。两组均观察3个月经周期,每1周期结束均记录治疗效果,第3周期结束后评定疗效,结果显示:1.宫环止血汤在减少月经经血量及经期时间方面,治疗前后比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。2.宫环止血汤在缩短经期天数方面与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。3.宫环止血汤在减少经血量方面与对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)4.宫环止血汤治疗置IUD后所致子宫异常出血总有效率为80%,而对照组为50%,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),上述临床研究表明:宫环止血汤能减少置IUD后所致月经量多,能使置IUD后所致月经经期延长缩短,宫环止血汤治疗置IUD后所致子宫异常出血总的疗效明显优于消炎痛治疗。在缩短经期方面,治疗组优于对照组;治疗组和对照组同样能减少月经量;在改善神疲体倦,气短懒言、面色晄白或晦暗方面,治疗组优于对照组;治疗组和对照组同样能改善经行腹痛的症状。

【Abstract】 TUD is the most widely used intrauterine device method for women of child bearing age . But it can cause side reactions such as hyper-menoirhea and menostaxis, etc .To make the clincal research, we chosed 60 patients (30 in gonghuazhixue decoction groups,,30 in indomethacin groups),who had the uferine bleeding after inset IUD with Qixuxueyu syndrome . Two groups all were observed for three months ,written their treatment result,and compared with their effect. These were the result:1. Gonghuazhixue Decoction decreased the contents of menorrhea and reduced the days menorrhea .There patients after treatment were different than before treatment(P<0.01)2.Gonghuazhixue Decoction were different than the control groups in reducing the days of menorrhea (P<0.05). Gonghuazhixue Decoctionwere not different than the control groups in decreasing the contents of menorrhea (p>0.05).3.The rate of effect which Gonghuazhixue Decoction treated the patients with the uferine bleeding after inset IUD was 80% ,and the rate of effect of the control groups was 50% .The two groups were different (p<0.05).All mentioned above indicat that Gonghuazhixue Decoction can decreas the contents of menorrhea and reduced the days menorrhea after inseting IUD. The effect of treatment groups is better than the effect of control groups in treating the uferine bleeding after inset lUD.Treatment groups is superior to control groups in reducing the days menorrhea; Treatment groups and control groups all decreas the contents of menorrhea; Treatment groups is superior to control groups hi improving the symptoms of fatigue,be short of breath and unlike speaking, pale face and dark face, abdominal pain during menorrhea.

  • 【分类号】R271.9
  • 【下载频次】83

