

【作者】 刘志林

【导师】 胡国松;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油学院 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 企业的国际竞争力是企业均衡地生产出比其竞争对手更多财富的能力。是一个企业成功地将现有资产运用于转换过程而创造更多价值的能力。它包括一个企业发展的整体现状与水平,拥有的实力和增长的潜力。经济全球化和信息技术的迅猛发展,使企业间的竞争日趋激烈。而中国加入世界贸易组织,更使得中国市场的开放度进一步提高。“入世”以后,我国企业将面临“两个市场”与“两类企业”的全球性竞争。这种竞争与以前的竞争相比,竞争范围将更加扩大,竞争程度会更加激烈。中国企业要生存、发展,必须也只能在国际竞争中争夺生存空间。这就意味着,企业的国际竞争力将成为决定企业生死存亡的关键。 然而,令人遗憾的是,国内经济界真正对中国企业的国际竞争力开始研究还只是在近几年,这一领域的研究不仅大大落后于西方国家,也大大落后于中国经济发展的现实。因此,本文在提出企业国际竞争力理论的基础上,分析了入世后我国企业面临经营环境的变化、入世给我国企业发展带来的机遇和挑战,以及我国企业国际竞争力现状和存在的问题,提出了提升中国企业国际竞争力的对策思路。本文在结构上做出了如下安排: 第一部分 企业国际竞争力研究的必要性、国内外研究的现状。联系中国的实际,指出企业国际竞争力研究对当前中国提升企业国际竞争力的意义。 第二部分 主要论述企业国际竞争力的基本理论。介绍了国际竞争力的概念,分析了三种不同层次的国际竞争力的内涵及关系,并提出了企业国际竞争力的理论框架。 第三部分 分析了入世后我国企业面临的经营环境的变化,总结了中国加入世贸组织的利与弊。 第四部分 对中国企业国际竞争力状况的全面分析。本文根据各种竞争力权威机构的年度竞争力评比结果整理出了近五年中国企业“入世”后如何提高我国企业国际竞争力研究国际竞争力数据及具体表现,并且分析了我国企业国际竞争力低下的原因。 第五部分对如何提高我国企业国际竞争力提出了对策建议。提高企的国际竞争力,应该是一个宏、微观两个层次上共同作用的结果。也应该是政府和企业共同的任务。一方面,政府要为企业创造一个良好的国际国内环境,从总体规划的高度略,从政策、立法、保险等各个方面为企业提升国际竞争力创造条件。另一方面,企业也要从自身出发,增强自身的实力,从根本上提升中国企业的国际竞争力。

【Abstract】 The competitiveness of enterprise is the capability of making more profits or producing more values from the assets than the competitor. It refers to the status quo the strength and the potential of an enterprise. The development of globalization and IT technique intensifies the competition among the companies. With the entry into WTO of China. The openness of the market is further improved and the competition between China enterprises and TNCs is heated up. After entering WTO, China enterprises are confronted with global competition in both "domestic and international market" and "domestic and international enterprises" , which is more fierce in degree and more massive in range. It is In the international market where China enterprises struggle for the space of survival. It means that the vital element to the enterprises is the global competitiveness.However, I feel regret to find that the research on the global competitiveness of the enterprises just gets under way in China. Far behind of both the achievement of Occident and the economic reality of China. Therefore, on the base of theories of international competitiveness of enterprise, I analyze the environmental changes after Chinese entering WTO, the opportunities and challenges brought about by WTO, present situations of our national competitiveness, at last, on how to improve competitiveness I put forward some suggestions. The structure of this paper is arranged as following:First section introduces the necessity, present state in home and broad of international competitiveness of enterprise. In compliance with Chinese practice, I bring forward the significance of research to the improvements of international competitiveness of enterprise.Second section casts the light on the basic theories aboutinternational competitiveness, including the basic conception, the relationship of three different grades competitiveness, and put forward framework of theories of international competitiveness of enterprise.Third section analyzes the environmental changes after Chinese entering WTO, and summarizes advantages and disadvantage brought about by WTO.Forth section analyzes the overall status of the global competitiveness of China. According to annual outcome of various authoritative organizations, I collate the data of the performance of Chinese enterprises in recent five years and point out the crucial reason of deficiency of China enterprises.Fifth section gives some suggestions on how to improve international competitiveness of enterprise. To improve international competitiveness of enterprise should be combined action from both macroscopic and microcosmic, namely government and enterprises. On one hand, the government should provide a more favorable international and domestic circumstance, by drafting general planning from policy, legislation, assurance and so on. On the other hand, the enterprises should improve themselves, and promote the international competitiveness of enterprise.

  • 【分类号】F279.2
  • 【下载频次】393

