

【作者】 张元馨

【导师】 刘先涛;

【作者基本信息】 西南石油学院 , 管理科学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 随着企业竞争的日趋激烈,目前,加强企业人力资源战略研究,为企业选择培养有用之才,将企业现有人力资源加以有效利用,对企业的长远发展具有十分重要的作用和意义。本文从科技开发公司的实际出发,在分析研究公司人力资源现状和人力资源开发和管理制度的基础上,根据科技开发公司可持续发展战略对人力资源的需要,通过分析发达国家和发展中国家人力资源开发经验,研究并制定科技开发公司的人力资源开发战略。 在科技开发公司人力资源开发与评价研究体系中,首先,分析了发达国家和发展中国家在开发本国人力资源上采取的不同经验,找出了科技开发公司人力资源开发与评价研究可资借鉴的经验。其次,在收集了科技开发公司人力资源大量数据的前提下,采用科学分类方法,进行了科技开发公司人力资源总量分布和结构状况两个方面的现状分析,分析了科技开发公司在专业技术人员上的优势,找出了科技开发公司在人力资源开发与管理方面存在的主要问题;同时,由于长期以来计划体制对人的管理模式的影响,目前,科技开发公司在人的管理上还处于人事管理阶段,缺乏从战略高度来管理,没有建立起把人力资源当作一种资源去开发和管理的人力资源开发和管理机制。 在前面对科技开发公司人力资源现状研究的基础上,结合科技开发公司人力资源开发的现状分析与制约人力资源使用效能提高的原因分析基础之上,研究科技开发公司人力资源开发的战略目标,具体提出了人力资源开发总量、人力资源队伍结构、人力资源队伍职业素质三大目标,并对人力资源管理开发体制和运行机制改革总目标作了分析。在科技开发公司的人力资源开发目标中,提出了不同层次的目标,从战略研究的角度来说,实现全部目标的关键,必须明确实现人力资源开发战略的实施要点,最后对科技开发公司人力资源开发战略选择、实施和对策作了研究。 为了检验科技开发公司人力资源开发实际与人力资源开发理论的差距,我们对科技开发公司的人力资源开发进行了总体评价研究。因为评价指标体系是连接人力资源开发理论与人力资源开发实际的重要桥梁,在明确了总体评价指标体系建立的根据、原则和评价方法的基础上,建立了出总量、素质、结构、环境四部分10项指标组成的指标体系;然后对指标值的意义和具体计算方法作了详细的阐述:最后应用这一指标体系对科技开发公司人力资源开发的总体情况进行了具体计算、分析与评价。 总之,本文对科技开发公司进行的人力资源开发与评价研究,对科技开发公司当前及今后人力资源管理与开发具有一定借鉴和参考意义。

【Abstract】 At present, the competition is very acute. So it is very important for long-term development of enterprises to enhance the human resources (HR) study, select and strain talent, use HR affectively. According to the development need of the science and technology company for HR, and on the base of analysis the HR and HR management system of the science and technology company, the thesis which is proceeded from the actual situation of the science and technology company, studies and works out the HR strategy of the science and technology company.In the system of HR development and HR evaluation, the thesis analyses the different HR development experience between developed and developing countries and finds out the experience worthy of learning HR development and HR evaluation to the science and technology company, secondly, on the condition of collection lots of data, the thesis applies scientific classification to analyze the present HR condition of the science and technology company and to analyses the advantages of the specific technical personnel and to find out the main problems which exist in the HR management. At the same time, because of the effect of long-term state planned system of organization, the management to employees of the science and technology company is still kept in daily routine, lacking overall strategic management and the science and technology company hasn’t set up the new HR development mechanism which regards HR as the resources to develop and manage.On the base of a series analysis and the present situation of HR development, the thesis studies the strategic goals that include three goals, the total of HR development, the crew structure of HR and the professional quality of HR and analyses the total goal of development system reform .The total goal includes different gradation of goals. The key to realize the whole goals is that the science and technology company must make clear the main points of HR development. At last, the thesis studies the strategic selection andcounterrneasure.In order to check the different between the practice and theory of HR development, the thesis carries on the general evaluation to the HR development. Because the evaluation index system is the important bridge which links the theory and practize. On the base of the foundation, principle and method that we set up the general evaluation index system, the thesis sets up index system which includes ten indexs, such as total, quality, structure, environment etc. And the thesis clarifies the means and calculation method of these indexes, at last, the thesis evaluates the general condition of HR development by means of these index system to the science and technology company.Gernally, the thesis studies and evaluates the HR development of the science and technology company and it is worthy of learning to HR development and HR management of the science and technology company at present and in future.

  • 【分类号】F276.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】248

