

The Historical Investigation of the City Modernization of Modern Wuzhou

【作者】 史志刚

【导师】 谭肇毅;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国大力推行西部大开发的今天,研究近代内陆城市,尤其是像梧州这样的具有典型意义的城市的现代化发展,对于今天的西部城市建设无疑具有一定的重要意义。近代梧州在开埠以后,经济与社会迅速走向现代化,虽然存在很多问题,但也取得了很大成果。解放后,特别是改革开放以后,梧州发生了巨大的变化,但由于种种原因梧州的建设落在了广西许多城市的后面。现在梧州又再次面临了一个西部大开发的历史机遇,如何在这转型时期,抓住历史机遇,引导城市经济与社会走上一条良性发展的道路是一个值得深思的问题。梧州历史上走过了一条崎岖的道路,深入研究这个问题,无疑为梧州也为广西及其他地区内陆城市的发展提供了宝贵的经验。 本文在历史唯物主义原则指导下,运用历史学、社会学、经济学等相关学科的研究方法,以现代化的视角考察了近代梧州的城市现代化。重点研究了现代化过程中,经济与社会的变迁。指出开埠是梧州城市走向现代化的契机;梧州的现代化是西方资本主义入侵和政府的作用等多种因素作用的结果;还对城市社会活动的主体——市民的现代化进行研究。对于中国西部中小城市的研究具有一定的创新意义。 文章第一部分,分析了梧州城市兴起和发展的自然地理环境和古代梧州城市状况。指出广西境内由于多山,使陆路交通极为不便,而水系却十分发达,梧州地处广西最主要的河流——西江下游,为广西出入东部的重要通商口岸。梧州城市是由于政治统治的需要而建立的,由于其优越的自然地理条件,近代以前梧州的工商贸易已有了一定的发展。 文章第二部分则分析了梧州开埠的前因及后果。英帝国主义为了占领广西内地市场,强迫清政府于1897年开放了广西水运咽喉——梧州。梧州的开埠,一方面加深了西江流域的殖民地位,另一方面,打破了传统梧州城市的封闭结构,城市开始向现代化发展。开埠成为梧州走向近代工商业城市的契机。 文章第三部分是分析政府在梧州现代化中的作用。指出推动梧州城市的现代化的合力中,外力只是其中之一,政府也在其中起了很大的作用。尤其是新桂系在“三自三寓”政策推动下,全面推行政治、经济、军事、文化等各方面的改革,使当时的梧州城市现代化向前迈进了一大步。 文章的第四、五部分是关于梧州经济的现代化。指出梧州城市的现代化是从经济方面开始的,而经济的发展又以对外贸易为中心的。近代梧州的对外贸易取得了很大的发展,外贸的发展又促进了近代梧州工商业的兴起和发展,产生了现代航运业、洋货业、平码业、银钱业等一批新兴主干行业。尤其是近代工业的产生对梧州城市的现代化具有划时代的意义。 文章的第六部分是梧州市民物质生态环境的现代化。认为城市规划和公用设施等城市物质生态环境的现代化,既提高了市民的生活质量,又为梧州现代市民意识的产生创造了条件。 第七部分是梧州城市社会结构的转型和文化思想的变迁。随着梧州外贸工商业的发展,大量移民开始涌入梧州,推动了城市经济、政治、文化、社:会等各项事业的发展和城市的现代化。梧州的城市社:会结构发生了巨大的变化,产生了以资产阶级,新知识分子和工人阶级为代表的新市民阶层,他们建立的各种组织团体推动了城市社会的发展。梧州的文化教育事业也取得了很大的发展。市民的物质、文化生活方式伴随着经济和社会的变革相应发生了巨大的变化。 第八部分则分析了梧州城市现代化进程中存在的种种问题,指出山于梧州的城市现代化是在外力作用下发生的,始终无法摆脱其依附性,边缘性地位。一方而列强要把它变成其殖民地,另一力一面,由于社会变迁的加剧,工商业的畸形发展,从而导致种种社会问题的产生。 第九部分对梧州现代化进程进行了整体评价,认为梧州城市的现代化既取得了很大的成就,也存在着明显的局限性。梧州城市现代化的历史至今仍有借鉴的意义。

【Abstract】 At present when china greatly promote west region exploitation, research of the great development modern age inland city particularly the modernization development of the typical cities like Wuzhou.lt is doubtless of certain significance for present western region city construction. After Wuzhon opened its wharf during modern age ,its economy and society quickly headed for the modernization .Although there existed a lot of problems, it also obtained very great result, but due to various factors ,the construction of Wuzhou lagged behind many cities of Guangxi .Now again Wuzhou faces a history opportunity of western region great development ,at this transforming period ,how (o hold tightly the history opportunity ,lead the city economy and society to a positive development road is a problem deserving deep thinking. In the history Wuzhou walked through a rugged road ,the deep research into this problem will doubtlessly provide the precious experience for the development of wuzhou and also other inland cities of Guangxi .Under the guidance of history materialism principle ,employing research method of history sociology, economics and relevant subjects ,this thesis investigated the city modernization of modern Wuzhou with modern standard. The thesis emphatically investigates the change of economy and society of Wuzhou during its modernization process and points out that opening the wharf is opportunity that Wuzhou modernizes .The modernization of Wuzhou is function result of many factors such as the invasion of capitalism and change of government in institution .It also carries out the research about its citizens modernization and the citizens make up the city’s main body of social activity .It contains certain creative meaning toward the study of china’s western middle and small cities .The first part of this article analyzes the nature geography environment of the origin and development of the city and conditions of ancient Wuzhou This article states that land transportation is greatly in convenient due to its richness of mountains ,but its water system is quite developed .Wuzhon locates in the downstream of West River which is the most important river is Guangxi and is an important trade port leading to eastern regions. The construction of Wuzhon is due to political demand .Because of its superior nature geography its before the modern age its industry and commerce evade went through certain development.The second part of the article analyzes the antecedent and result of Wuzhou’s opening the wharf .TheBritish imperialism forced Qing government to open Gungxi main throat --Wuzhou ,in order to occupythe inner market of Guangxi .Wuzhou opening the Wharf on one hand deepened the colonial position of west river valley ,on the other hand broke the traditional closing construction of this city, which is developing toward modernization. Opening the wharf offered an opportunity for Wuzhou to develop into a modern industry and commerce city.The third part of the article analyze the government’s function during the city’s modernization. Point out that among resultant forces which promoted Wuzhou’s modernization, the exterior force only made up one factor, and the government also carried out its great function during the process. Particularly New Gui groupunder the promotion of "self-defense, self-government, self-sufficiency " policy, overally promoted reforms of politics, economy, military and culture etc and made the city modernization of Wuzhou move forward a great step.The fourth and fifth fart of the article concerns with the modernization of Wuzhou’s economy and points out that the city’s modernization began with economy. And the development of the economy regarded foreign trade as its center. At modern age the foreign trade of Wuzhou obtained a great development, and the development of its foreign trade promoted the origin and development of modern Wuzhou’s industry and commerce. There appeared a batch of new main industries such as modern shipping industry, ocean goods industry, even code i

  • 【分类号】K297
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】583

