

On the Combination of Ideological and Political Work with Corporate Culture Management

【作者】 彭越辉

【导师】 钟瑞添;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 企业思想政治工作是我们党的优良传统,是社会主义企业的特有优势。它经过半个多世纪的发展和积累,已经形成了一套较为完整的操作体系和理论体系,这是我党企业工作的一项宝贵财富。但企业思想政治工作要持续地发挥它的作用,必须进行工作方式与体制的创新。 企业文化作为一种系统的理论诞生于西方80年代初,在80年代末90年代初作为一种管理理论传入我国,我国企业逐渐开始注重企业文化建设。由于企业文化管理与思想政治工作在内容上具有交叉性、在实际操作中又有很多相似之处、在研究主旨与对象上具有相通性,因此思想政治工作可以借鉴这一先进理论,不断完善自我,摆脱目前困境。同时,企业文化理论毕竟是一种舶来品,其理论是以西方先进生产力、经营理念和员工素质为背景和研究焦点的,将这一理论引入我国需要一个本土化的过程,这样,两者结合是相互的。 本文在探讨两者契合的可能性与必要性的基础上,对两者契合的实现方式与途径进行了论述,具体为:1、加强企业精神的培育和企业形象的建设,为思想政治工作创造良好的激励氛围;2、运用企业文化“以人为本”的特定内涵,为思想政治工作创造“人和”氛围;3、借助企业文化的整合和导向力,拓宽思想政治工作领域;4.利用企业文化的物化手段,丰富思想政治工作的手段和内容;5、坚持思想政治工作的政治导向功能,保证企业文化建设的社会主义方向;6、借助思想政治工作的深层次内涵,丰富和提升企业文化建设的内容与层次;7、运用思想政治工作的塑造、引导功能,孕育企业文化基因。 为实现两者更好地契合,还需要契合机制上的保证。这就涉及到两者契合的运行机制、保障机制和动力机制等问题。 1、关于两者的运行机制:首先要明确和健全两者契合的领导和组织体系,建立以党委为领导、以专职政工、企业文化建设人员为骨干,以行政干部、各层管理人员为主体,广大员工积极参与的横向到边、纵向到底的组织网络体系;其次要明确工作程序机制,建立细化、规范化的操作体系,制定出一整套细化、量化、规范化的操作办法,实施定量和定性相结合的全过程控制管理。然后建立目标管理系统,确立目标责任机制,把一定时期内,思想政治工作与企业文化建设应当完成的主要任务转化为目标,并进一步细分出子目标,把思想政治工作与企业文化建设列入各级领导干部的岗位责任和任期目标之中。 2、关于两者的保障机制:一要加强骨干队伍的建设,为两者契合提供人才保障;二要不断完善相应的各种制度,为两者契合提供制度保障;三要建立有效的沟通和信任机制,创造轻松融洽的企业氛围:四要运用信息反馈机制获取契合运行的有关信息;五要运用评估机制对两者的运行进行考核与评估,实施纠偏:六要投入必要的经费和进行基础设施建设,为两者契合提供经费、物质条件保障。 3、关于两者的动力机制:首先制定较为完整的激励制度,然后综合运用诸如物质激励、目标激励、参与激励、“肯定”激励等多种激励手段,为两者契合的顺利运行创造动力条件。 如今中国一些企业在思想政治工作与企业文化建设的契合尝试中取得了较好的效果。但按照有些学者的划分标准‘L’,当前我国大多数企业并没有进入企业文化管理阶段,只能说在进行企业文化建设,要步入文化管理阶段,实施思想政治工作与文化管理的契合还要不断实践与探索。因此,本文的创新之处在于既基于当前实际,又具有研究的前瞻性,试图架构一种企业思想政治工作与文化管理契合的机制,一方面使企业思想政治工作与文化管理在具体实践中能够相互借鉴;另一方面通过这种机制的整合与规范作用,使两者在实践中能更好地契合,更好地发挥契合的整体效应,使我国企业形成一种新的特有优势。本文系统地论述了两者契合机制的运行、保障及动力问题,能为企业‘2)架构两者的契合机制提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 Enterprise’s ideological and political work is the fine tradition of our party, and the peculiar advantages of socialist enterprises. It undergoes over half a century of development and accumulation, has already formed a comparatively intact operation system and theoretical system, this is a valuable wealth that an enterprise of our party. But enterprise’s ideological and political work should continuously play important role under the present environment, must carry on the innovation of working way and system.The corporate culture was born in the 1980s in the west as a system theory. It was introduced to our country as a kind of advanced management theory at the beginning of the 1990s, Enterprises of our country began to pay attention to the construction of the corporate culture. Because the theory of corporate culture and ideological and political work theory have crossing natures in content, have a lot of similarities in actual operation, and have general characters at the target, so the ideological and political work can draw lessons from this advanced theory, perfect itself constantly, break away from the predicament at present, meanwhile, the theory of corporate culture is a kind of thing from abroad after all, it takes advanced productivity in the west, the management theory and staffs quality as the backgnund and research focus. The more important is the theory is resulting from the western culture background, so it has a question of meet" when the theory is introduced to our country. It needs a course of localization. Moreover, the theory just has a history of more than 20 years, not very mature, it needs to develop and substantiate constantly in different countries under different environments. So, it is mutual that the two combine.This text which is on the basis of the possibility and necessity of the combination, have expounded the realization way of the combination: 1, Strengthen the cultivation of enterprising spirit and construction of the corporate image, create good encouragement atmosphere for ideological and political work; 2, Use the specific intension of " people first" of corporate culture, create "harmonious atmosphere" for ideological and political work"; 3, Through merger of the corporate culture and strength of leading, widen the field of ideological and political work; 4.Utilize the materialization means of corporate culture, enrich the means and content of ideological and political work; 5, Adhere to the political direction function of ideological and political work, guarantee the socialist orientation of corporate culture construction; 6, Draw support from the profound intension of the ideological and political work, enrich and promote the content and level of corporate culture construction; 7, Use moulding, guide function of the ideological and political work, pregnant with the gene of corporate culture.The combination will involves these questions, such as running, ensuring, motive force, etc., namely what a issue of setting up and perfect the operating mechanism, securitymechanism and power mechanism etc.:1, Operating mechanism about the two: Should first clear perfecting leader and organize system that the two agree with, set up and regard Party Committee as leader, regard full-time political and ideological work staff, cultural construction personnel of enterprise as backbone, regard administrative personnel as cadre, to build the masses of vertical horizontal network system of organization that staff participate in actively; Secondly should define the mechanism of working routine, set up thinning, standardized operation system, making a whole set of thinning, quantization, standardized operation method. The whole course of implementing the ration and determining the nature to combine together is controlled and managed. Then set up goal administrative system, establish goal responsibility mechanism. The ideological and political work is turned with the main task that enterprise’s cultural construction should be finished into the goal. Subdivide and list a

  • 【分类号】D64
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