

【作者】 杨端如

【导师】 王渝光;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 普通话水平测试(下简称.PSC)是推广普通话工作的重要组成部分,是使推广普通话工作逐步走向科学化、规范化、制度化的重要举措。PSC在国家语委《普通话水平测试大纲》(下简称《大纲》)的指导下,正在从无到有地展开,国家、地方的语委和普通话培训测试中心在测试理论和方法上作了大量的研究工作。PSC是一个新兴的较为复杂的语言测试系统工程,既需要宏观的政策导向和理论指导,也离不开微观的调查研究和统计分析,《大纲》作为指导我国PSC的总纲,它在测试理论、测试覆盖面等方面需要统计语言学相关数据的有力支持。在PSC工作中,《大纲》要求及试卷的声、韵、调、音节等频率情况,是否符合汉语声韵调音节等客观语言概率,试卷究竟应该达到怎样的覆盖率指标,至今仍然是人们不断改进和探讨的重要问题。PSC作为一种语言测试,本身具有测试对象的广泛性和测试实施的特殊性,只有通过统计语言学的理论和方法,才能得出确切而非经验的各项量化指标,才能进行精确的测试,才能进行科学的、更大领域的判断和预测,提高PSC的科学性、准确性。 如果缺少统计语言学数据的支持,PSC必然是经验性。本文拟在应用语言学的基础上,采用统计语言学的科学理论和方法,通过实验分析,以量化的手段,对:PSC进行研究,力求对覆盖率指标等问题作出较为客观、科学的回答,从而指导规范卷的命制,使测试卷反映的客观数据与实际语言概率大体相近,从而使之更具有客观性、代表性和规范性。 在本研究中,我们通过对《现代汉语频率词典》以及根据《大纲》命制的试卷进行了大量科学、细致地统计,借鉴了《声学手册》以及王渝光教授《普通话水平测试研究》中的一些科研成果,并对这些数据进行教育统计等方面的统计分析和理论论证,对汉语客观语言概率与《大纲》要求、试卷声韵调音节频率及试题覆盖率情况,进行了详细的对比,得出如下结论:《大纲》规定的测试要求基本符合汉语客观语言概率情况;题库中试题的单词、词语部分以及朗读篇目的大部分试题基本符合汉语客观语言概率;400字的朗读篇目可分成两部分,或为2篇200字的短文,或为300字和100字两个篇目;从实际操作的可行性来看,规范卷汉字的覆盖面应达到400个以上,音节覆盖面应达到230个以上;从试卷的外观形式来看,单字、词语部分不应出现相同的字词,多音字应尽量避免在单字部分出现,某些字词在朗读篇目中不应过分集中,两个任选话题应有较大的差别,朗读材料不应对话题有提示作用,以保证试卷有足够广的覆盖面,保证在相对较少的时间内考查到尽可能多的内容。

【Abstract】 Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi(shortened as PSC below )is a main component ofpopularizing Putonghua and an important measure to develop Putonghua into a scientific,standardized and systematic stage. Directed under "An outline on Putonghua ShuipingCeshi" (shortened as "Outline" below ) of the National Language Committee ,PSC isgradually being launched .The National and Local Language Com/nittee and the Center ofPSC have done much study work in the theory and methodology of test. PSC is a newand more complicated systematic project of language test, it not only needs macroscopicguidance of policy and the direction of theory, but the microscopic investigation andstatistic analysis. The Outline, as the total outline directing PSC, needs the powerfulsupport of concerning data of the Statistical Linguistics about the test theory andprobability, etc. In PSC, whether the demand of the Outline and the frequency of theinitial consonant, compound vowel, tone and syllable of the test paper conform to theChinese objective language probability and what probability the test paper should reachare still a vital issue awaiting further exploration and development. As a matter of fact,PSC, as a kind of language test, is characterized by widespread objects and specialimplementation, in which only with the aid of the Statistic Linguistics in theory andmethodology, rather than from the experience, can accurate data and quota be acquiredand judged and evaluated with more scientism and accuracy in a more extensive field. If lacking the data support of the Statistical Linguistics, PSC is inevitably empirical.On the ground of the Applied Linguistics, this essay tries to study PSC by experiment andanalysis in the way of the scientific theory of the Statistical Language, to give a moreobjective and scientific answer to the probability by means of quantity, to guide how towork out the standard test, which assure that the objective data of the test questions arenearly same as the Chinese objective probability and the test questions are more objective,typical and regular. In this thesis, we did much scientific and careful statistics on Modem ChineseFrequency Dictionary and the test paper, adopted some achievement from AcousticsHandbook and PSC Study, made some statistic analysis and theoretic reason. By thecomparison of the Chinese objective probability with the Outline’s demand and theprobability of the test paper, we made the following conclusions: 1) the test demand of theOutline nearly corresponds to the Chinese objective probability; 2) the test questions inthe item bank mostly correspond to the Chinese objective probability; 3) the readingmaterial of 400 words can be composed of: two articles of 200 words or two articles of300 words and 100 words; 4) there should be more than 400 different words and 230syllables in a test paper ; 5) in test paper, there should not be same word in the 1 st and2nd section; the words with several pronunciations should be avoided in the 1stsection ;there should not be excessive same words in the 3rd section; the two optional testquestions in the 4th section should be much different ; the 3rd section should notenlighten the 4th section.

  • 【分类号】H102
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】211

