

A Research on Pro-Poor Tourism Strategy and a Systematic Pattern in Yunnan Province

【作者】 王波

【导师】 叶文;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 贫困,既是一个世界性的重大课题,也是全人类面临的共同任务。消除贫困一直被作为国内外发展援助项目中的主要目标之一,但一直未作为旅游开发项目的核心内容来对待。在世界经济不景气,传统资源型产品消费低迷的当今,各国纷纷采取措施改进扶贫方式,争取实现国民经济的整体增长。PPT战略的提出,可谓时代之呼唤。 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,也是贫困问题较为突出的国家。相比全国各地旅游扶贫遍地开花的局面,国内对其研究相对比较浅显,过于侧重于强调其乘数效应以及个案的实证性研究。鉴于理论上系统性的不足,本文首先立足于对国外新近提出的旅游新概念——PPT的分析及对相关理论进行阐述。对于旅游大省—云南,由于自然、社会、历史、文化、政治等多种因素的复合作用,使其成为全国贫困面积大、贫困人口多、贫困度深而脱贫难度大的省份之一,经过多年的发展,各地涌现出了一批旅游脱贫的典型,为使其能在全省进一步推广,本文对云南省的扶贫工作及当前形势特点进行了详细分析,对云南省实施PPT战略的必要性和可行性进行了理性总结,为开拓全省旅游发展新领域,实现全省经济发展战略目标,本文针对云南省特点提出实施PPT战略的系统操作模式。本文的研究以期在实践上对云南省扶贫及旅游开发起到指导作用;在理论上弥补旅游扶贫研究的不足,拓展旅游开发研究及扶贫研究的新领域,完善不断发展中的旅游学科理论体系。本文的研究内容分为四部分: 第一部分对旅游扶贫的国际背景、主要国家旅游扶贫实践活动的成功经验以及国内旅游扶贫相关领域做一综述性研究。 第二部分对PPT战略的相关理论进行了详细阐述。具体包括实施PPT战略的哲学及经济学解释、PPT概念的提出及内涵、PPT目标人口的定位、PPT目标区域的界定、PPT战略中贫困人口受益的界定、PPT战略的目标和宗旨,以及对比了PPT与ST、ET、CBT之间的区别与联系等内容。 第三部分针对云南省贫困现状及分析扶贫工作基础上,提出云南省实施PPT战略的必要性;最后从资源与贫困分布的空间角度、PPT市场潜力、全省旅游发展基础及旅游发展的示范带动作用等方面分析了云南省实施PPT战略的可行性。 第四部分在前三章的基础上,提出云南省PPT战略的系统操作模式。将PPT战略作为一个系统来运作,系统核心为旅游业与贫困地区、贫困人口的互动关系,系统结构分为PPT运行机制系统、PPT动力系统、PPT支持系统、PPT效益评估系统等,系统功能为通过各子系统的优化调控,达到云南省实施PPT的真正目的。 论文在大量阅读与总结国内外有关文献的基础上,设计了一套自己的研究思路与方法。本文的研究重点,亦即作者希望有所突破的地方在于:一、将国外先进的旅游扶贫思想应用于云南省的旅游业发展及扶贫工作,将PPT战略的理论做一总结分析;二、结合旅游学、经济学、社会发展学、政策研究、贫困研究,应用系统论、控制论的方法,将云南省PPT操作模式作为一个系统进行深入研究。

【Abstract】 Poverty is both an important problem and a common task all over the world. Alleviation poverty is one of a major aim in international aid program, but it is not taken as a key content of tourism planning.Today as economy is depression and the consumption level on natural products is low, most of countries improve the ways of alleviation poverty and try to make global economy rising as a whole. Advancing PPT strategy conform with international conditions.China is the biggest developing country with sharp poverty. The poverty study in China is relatively superficial. Because the theory of poverty is not enough systematic.this paper analyses the new tourism conception-PPT, and elaborates its theory. The big tourism province, Yunnan, is one of a province with a lot of poverty people because it has many factors such as natural, social, history, cultural and political. But it has some examples of shaking of poverty by developing tourism after many years. This paper gives a minute description on the alleviation poverty jobs and its current features, rationally summarizes the necessity and feasibility of carrying out PPT strategy in Yunnan Province, and puts forward a systematic pattern on carrying it out .The aim of this paper is to try to guide alleviation poverty and tourism developing in Yunnan , to make up the study of alleviation poverty by developing tourism, to develop the new study field of tourism developing and alleviation poverty, and to make the theory of tourism course perfect.This research is divided into four parts. The first part is a general survey of alleviation poverty by developing tourism external and internal. The second part gives a detail on the theory of PPT strategy, including the philosophic and economic explationation, the raising of PPT and its intension, the definition of PPT people and areas, and the aim of PPT, ect. The third part rationally summarizes the necessity of carrying out PPT strategy in Yunnan Province, and its feasibility from the space of resource and poverty, PPT market, and the developing base of tourism,etc. The last part puts forward a systematic pattern of PPT in Yunnan based on the above. PPT strategy is run as a system . The core of the system is the mutual relationship between tourism and poverty area and poverty people. The structure of the system concludes PPT operating mechanism , PPT motive power, PPT supporting, and PPT evaluation system. The function of the system is to realize the PPT aim in Yunnan.The following is the points of importance in the whole research where the author expects to make a breakthrough in the field of PPT: to rationally summarize the theory of PPT strategy and apply the advanced thought of alleviation poverty to tourism developing and the job of alleviation poverty in Yunnan Province; to. make PPT pattern a thoroughgoing systematical work integrating tourism .economy, social developing, policy and poverty study.

【关键词】 PPT系统操作模式云南省
【Key words】 PPTsystemoperating patternYunnan Province.
  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】279

