

Study on the Impact of Price Factor and Non-Price Factor on the Competitiveness of China’s Soybean

【作者】 李显戈

【导师】 周应恒;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 国际贸易学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 前人对我国农产品竞争力的研究文献良多,采用的方法和研究角度也各异,但提高我国农产品竞争力却是这些研究共同的目的。大豆作为我国东北产区主要农作物,是农民收入的重要来源,根据对产区的调查,大豆纯收入一般占农户纯收入的五分之之,大豆价格的变化对农民的收入影响极大。 在中国大豆和油料市场尚未放开以前,南方沿海省区大豆缺口可以通过输入东北大豆加以满足。随着社会经济的发展,对榨油用大豆需求的增加,伴随着我国农产品贸易政策的变化,对国际市场上大豆及其相关产品如豆粕、豆油的市场准入门槛的降低,进口大豆以低价、含油率高而逐渐取代东北省区大豆成为我国南方省市大豆的供应者。东北大豆在失去这块市场之后,外销大量下降,导致产区内大豆滞销,在东北这块局部市场,大豆供过于求,价格下滑,进而抑制豆农收入的增加,“新东北现象”在此种背景下随之产生。在从计划经济向市场经济的转型过程中,在计划时代建立起来的大量国有企业在失去政府的补贴和支持后,面临激烈的市场竞争,由于企业本身缺乏“自生能力”,产生很多问题。在该地区工业生产出现问题情况下如果农业生产再遭受打击,政府和农户无论如何是难以承受的。 我国东北大豆主产区具有不逊于国外大豆主产国生产大豆的优良自然条件,但竞争的结果是国际市场上大豆长驱直入,国产大豆节节后退,被迫让出南方的大片市场。本论文在概括介绍了我国及世界大豆生产及贸易状况的基础上,在大豆竞争力理论框架之下,从影响国产大豆竞争力尤其是东北大豆的价格和非价格因素角度,用定量和定性手段对这两个因素影响大豆竞争力进行实证分析,目的是在上述分析的基础上提出针对性的政策措施,提高我国东北大豆的竞争力,增加该区农民的收入。 研究表明铁路运输成本是影响东北大豆流通范围的重要因素。在减少铁路运输成本之后,东北大豆能够以比进口大豆成本更低的价格到达南方销区市场,并可大大延伸东北大豆的流通半径。虽然,东北产区除内蒙古外,黑、辽、吉三省大豆生产总成本要低于美国,但由于中美两国不同的农业政策,美国政府对豆农提供大量的补贴,使得大豆能以低于生产成本的价格出售。而东北大豆要交各种成本外支出,如农业税及各项“三提五统”,这种负支持政策限制了东北大豆竞争力提高。在扣除这些成本外支出后,国内大豆批发价格大约减少400元/吨,如此原本比进口完税价格高的国内批发价格在多数年份要比进口大豆的完税价格低。更不用说,东北产区具有比全国其他地区更优良的生产大豆的资源禀赋,如果能在政策上扣除加在东北大豆上不合理的成本外支出,东北产区大豆价格竞争力毫无疑问会大大提高。由于进入国内的大豆基本上属于转基因性质的,在对食品安全R益重视的今天,出于尊重消费者的知情权和选择权,我们可以采用管制的办法限制大豆进口,增加进口成本从而恢复东北大豆在南方销区的竟争力。

【Abstract】 There exit many research literatures about competitiveness of farm produce, which utilize different methods and angles, but to improve competitiveness is the common goal of such studies. Soybean, as the major crop in northeastern China, is the main source of peasants’ income. According to an investigation made in producing area, price change has a great impact on peasants’ revenue.Prior to the opening up of edible-oil market, the supply shortage in costal provinces can be satisfied by purchasing soybean form northeast. Accompanying the development of social economy and increasing demand for oil-used soybean and trade-policy change in farm produce, imported soybean ,with its low price and high oil-containing supplant the northeastern soybean as the new supplier for coastal areas. The oversupply in northeastern market push down the soybean price and depress the increase of peasants revenue, the so called "new-northeastern phenomenon" arises against such background. In the process of transition from planning economy to market-oriented one ,large sums of state-owned enterprises(SOEs) face many difficulties because of fierce competition and lack of viability. In such circumstances, it is very hard for northeastern areas to shoulder agricultural losses.The soybean-producing area in northeaster China has the same excellent planting condition as other soybean-producing countries in the world. However ,the result is the international soybean was imported into the domestic market in large amount. The paper focuses on the introduction into production and trade condition of soybean at home and abroad. The effect of price and non-price factor on competitiveness was analyzed in detail by econometric and descriptive means. On the basis of above analysis ,we aim to improve the competitiveness of domestic soybean and to increase peasants’ income.This paper indicate that transportation cost is one the greatly affect the circulation radius of northeastern soybean(NS).Without such cost, NS can reach southern market with lower price than imported soybean. NS is heavily loaded with extra-cost expenditure, which is called agricultural taxes and .If such extra-cost expenditure is reduced ,wholesale price of domestic soybean will decrease by 400RMB per ton. Thus, the domestic soybean ,originally with higher price, can be lower imported soybean and its competitiveness can be dramatically enhanced. On the other hand .most of the imported soybean in nature is genetically modified , so it is not warmly welcomed in domestic market. So we can limit the import of soybean or increase the importing cost with the excuse of respecting consumers right to know an to choose.

  • 【分类号】F326.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】817

