

The Discussion on Human Nature Managing Theories of Manpower Natural Resources Managing in Enterprise

【作者】 朱靖娟

【导师】 徐毅文;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 人本管理的思想自古有之。在东方,中华文化中的人本主义理念源远流长,可追溯至古代诸子百家的相关言辞和思想;在西方,形成于19世纪末20世纪初的“古典管理理论”中同样蕴含着人本管理思想的萌芽。 真正意义上的人本管理理论是随着管理学的产生发展而逐步发展起来的。20世纪60年代,人本管理被正式提出,并且于80年代受到东西方企业的普遍重视。人本管理理论的核心是重视人在生产经营中的作用。人在企业中的地位与作用究竟如何呢?日本索尼公司董事长盛田昭夫说:“如果说,日本式经营真有什么秘诀的话,那么,我觉得‘人’是一切秘诀最根本的出发点”。堪称中国企业未来指向的海尔集团,在日常的企业管理中采取的是以人为本的OEC管理,即全面地对每人、每天、每件事进行控制和清理。海尔集团的最高首脑张瑞敏称,作为软科学的企业管理,首先是对人的管理。现代化首先是人的现代化,现代化的主体是人,目的也是为了人,在现代化生产中,谁拥有了高素质的人才,谁就可以在竞争中获胜。 人类社会的发展正在进入崭新的知识经济时代。新经济时代企业的管理方式将由以实物管理为核心的生产管理转变为以知识管理为核心的人本管理。人本管理实质上既是一个管理学研究的老问题,又是一个处于不断发展之中、不断丰富其自身内涵的新问题。为进一步推进人本管理在新经济时代下的理论研究和实践活动,本文查阅了大量关于人本管理理论的书籍与论文,在吸取前人成果的基础上展开探讨。本文对人本管理理论的发展沿革、哲学渊源、内涵作用等方面进行了阐述,从哲学、管理学等角度切入,重点探讨了东西方人本管理思想的差异与融合对企业管理的新模式—跨文化管理的影响,介绍了我国一些以人本管理理念实践于跨文化管理的企业的成功经验,分析了当前我国企业在人本管理方面存在的问题并针对问题的解决提出加强人本管理、以人为本选人用人并对人才实施激励与约束机制的几点对策建议。 本文对中西方人本管理理论的差异比较与融合有自己独立的思考与见解,视角较新,本文的研究顺应当今新经济时代的要求,具有一定的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Human nature managing thoughts had existed from ancient times .In the east, it can betraced back to related words and thoughts of ancient thinkers, such great thinkers as "lao zi(老子) "," meng zi (孟子) " in the Chinese civilization; In the west, the rudiments of thethoughts also can be found in "classical managing theories", which had arisen in the latepart of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century.Human nature managing theories’ emergence and development have been developing in company with managing science’s step from beginning. In the 60’s of the 20’ century, human managing had been proposed formally by scholars; in the 80’s of the 20th century, it had been laid stress on generally by enterprises in the world. The key of the human nature managing theories is to emphasize function of human in enterprise’s managing. What on earth do human affect in enterprise? Shengtianzhaofu, (盛田昭夫) ,the director of SONY COMPANY of Japan, said that if there were any secrets in Japanese enterprise success, then human must be the most important hinge of all the secrets. Haier (海尔) AGGREGATION , the future direction of Chinese enterprise, carrying out "OEC" managing methods in everyday from the 90’s of the 20th century. The methods emphasize everybody , everyday , everything should be controlled and cleaned off comprehensively .Zhangruiming (张瑞敏), the chief of Haier (海尔) , thought that enterprise managing was a soft science and its content was to managing human firstly. First of all, modernize is the modernize of human, and the main body and purpose of modernize are also human. In modernize product, the winner must be the enterprise that possesses persons of ability.Human is coming into the new era of knowledge and economy. In the new era, the way of enterprise managing will be turn into human nature managing from productionmanaging, that is to say, the key will be from material to knowledge. Essentially, human nature managing is both an old and a new object in managing science research. For improving theory research and practice exercise of the human nature managing, I collected lots of books and articles on the subject. On above bases, the thesis expounds the human nature managing theories’ developing . philosophy origin content and effect, and so on. It also analyze the difference in human nature thoughts between Chinese and European managing culture and their harmonious, which have a great influence on new managing methods- managing across culture. The thesis introduces the success experience of several famous enterprise, and it also analyze the problems which are existing nowadays in our enterprise. Finally, it put up some suggestions as to how to solve these problems and how to strengthen human nature managing.The thesis is significant for its research adapt to requirement of the new era.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2133

