

Study on Countermeasures of China’s Petrochemical Industry in Transient Period after the Entry into WTO

【作者】 孙本芝

【导师】 徐向阳;

【作者基本信息】 南京工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 石油化工业是中国经济发展的重要支柱产业。在加入WTO之前我国石油化工产业长期受国家产业政策的扶持和保护,整体发展水平低于发达国家,加入WTO后更大程度地引入外国企业的竞争,对中国石油化工业可谓机遇和挑战并存,如何抓住机遇,迎接挑战,促进我国石油化工产业的迅速发展,是值得研究的重要课题。 综述部分描述了论文研究的背景和意义,介绍了论文研究的主要内容和突破的难点,概括了论文的研究方法与进程。 我国石油化工产业的现状:总体经济运行态势良好;初步形成了竞争格局;呈现出国内外市场一体化特征。介绍了国际石化工业的发展现状,主要表现为生产日趋集中;在规模优势和高新技术方面体现了强大的国际竞争力;发达国家的公司正积极开拓发展中国家市场。指出了我国石油化工产业与国际先进水平相比存在明显不足:缺乏国际竞争力;产品档次低,附加值小;技术落后;规模经济水平低。 入世协议中有关石油化工产业的条款:关税减让;取消非关税壁垒;给予外国公司贸易权和分销权。随着中国的市场准入条件放开,国外石化产品将大量涌入中国市场,我国石油化工产品将面临与国外产品的激烈竞争。 另一方面,中国对外开放的同时,WTO成员国也对中国开放,我国可享受WTO规定的最惠国待遇及国民待遇等权利,WTO遵循互不歧视、公平贸易、取消关税保护和进口数量限制等原则。我国是以发展中国家身份加入WTO,可利用WTO对发展中国家的例外条款,为我国石油和化学工业发展创造较好的市场环境。 从研究入世协议中有关石油化工产业的条款入手,分析了入世后给我国石油化工产业带来的机遇:利于产业结构优化;利于先进技术的引进与发展;利于开发国内和国际两个市场;利于充分享受世界资源。 入世后过渡期内对我国石油化工产业的影响及挑战。分析入世后对原油开采类、石化加工类、炼油类、油品流通类等相关子行业的影响与竞争压力:兼并联合后的大型跨国公司凭借其低成本、高效益的国际竞争力,冲击我国石油化工市场,给我国石化产业带来严峻挑战;还分析了我国石油化工产业入世后面临的技 术研发与创新、对外贸易、环境保护、知识产权保护等方面的严峻挑战。 在深入研究与探讨的基础上,提出了相应的对策建议: 1、实行战略重组,建立和完善现代企业制度,规范公司治理结构,构建相对 制衡的多元化股权结构;规范决策机制、引入独立董事制度;变革政府的经济管 理模式,政府的重点任务是完善法律环境。声功口快化工园区建设,提高中小型化工企业集中度,逐步改变目前“小而散” 的状况。 3、在其他方面提出了可行的对策建议,包括:降低成本、培养企业核心竞争 力;改革管理体制、增强市场营销能力;技术研发与创新,加快科技成果转化为 生产力,提高产品的附加值;注重推进质量、环保标准与国际接轨,提高产品质 量与环保水平;加快建立战略石油储备;实施“走出去”战略,发展海外石油投 资;加快发展龟子商务;建立科学的用人机制;以及政府应采取有效的政策措施 等 论文研究的结论:入世给中国石油化工产业带来了前所未有的机遇,也提出 了严峻的挑战,只要我们认清入世后的紧迫形势,抓住有利时机,充分采取切实 可行的对策,就一定能迎来我国石油化工产业的更大发展,取得在国际竞争中的 优胜地位。

【Abstract】 Before China’s entry into WTO, since our petrochemical industry was protected and maintained by the country’s industrial policy and whole development is far blew the developed countries, it is an important task how to take the chance and meet the challenge to promote our petrochemical industry after drawing the competence of foreign enterprise as being a member of WTO.The author describes the background and significance of the dissertation, introduces the main content and difficulties and summarizes the study methods and processes.Our country petrochemical industrial present situation: total economy operation situation is well; the contest setup takes shape initially; present the integrated characteristics between the home and the abroad market situation. Introduce the international petrochemical industry developing trade, it is the centralization of production; it suggests the high international competence in scale advantage and high-tech; the developed countries are actively exploring the developing countries’ market. The dissertation has indicated that out petrochemical has prominent disadvantages comparing to the international advanced level; our out productions structure is unreasonable and petrochemical industry is short of international competence; the add-value is low; our technique lags behind; the scale economics is underdeveloped.The author studies the classes of WTO on the petrochemical industry, for example, the reduction of tariff, the cancel of non-tariff barrier, the allowation of trade and distribution authority of foreign enterprise. As the open of china’s market, the foreign petrochemical productions come into the Chinese market, and our productions face the high competence with foreign productions.According to the stipulations of WTO’s petrochemical industry, the dissertation analyze the chance of petrochemical, after entry into WTO, which help to improve the industry structure, help the absorbing and developing of high-tech, help to explore the home and abroad market; help to enjoy the resources of word.The author analyzes the affects and challenge of our petrochemical industry after the entry into WTO. It also analyzes the affects and challenge of crude oil line, petrochemical process, refine, oil marketing. The transnational corporations bring the challenge to our petrochemical industry due to their low costs and high-efficiencyinternational competence. It analyzes the challenges on techniques research and innovate, foreign trade, circumstances protection and intellectual, property protection, and so on.The author refers the related countermeasures and suggestions.1. Reconstruction of practical strategy, establish and improve the current cooperation system, normalize the cooperation management structure, construct the balance share, normalize the decisions system, absorb the independent board system, revolute the economic and management system of government. The key task of government is to improve the law environment.2. Improve the construction of petrochemical areas and the concentration of middle small-size enterprises, change the current condition of "small and scattered".3. It suggests the feasible countermeasures in other ways including the reduction of cost, the cultivation of core competence of corporations, the revolution of management, the enhancement of capabilities of marketing, the research and innovation of techniques, the converting of scientific results into the productivity, the improvement of the production’s added value, the promotion of quality and environmental protection criteria to meet the requirements of international ones, the improvement of production’s quality and the level of environmental protection, the construction of oil store, the implement of "go abroad" strategy, the development of oversea investment system, and development of e-business, the construction of scientific human resources system, and other effective measures of government.At last, the conclusion has been given:Entry into WTO brings us unpreced

  • 【分类号】F426.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】306

