

Research on Firewall Based on the Protected Host

【作者】 唐龙业

【导师】 周宗平;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一种有效的网络安全技术,防火墙通常被设置在Internet和内部网络之间,依据预先设定的安全策略,对进出内部网络的数据包实施合法性过滤和检查,从而实现对内部网络的保护。 本文针对局部网络面临的安全问题,首先介绍了现有防火墙技术的发展现状,详细分析了在发展变化的网络环境下现有防火墙技术存在的不足。然后,提出了一种基于主机防护策略的防火墙体系结构和思想,并给出了其详细的思想阐述。最后,在对两种流行操作系统网络结构的分析基础上,分别给出了基于两种不同操作系统的防火墙程序设计方法。

【Abstract】 Firewall is a separator located between the Internet and LAN such that all packets between them pass through it.Based on the predefined security policy, The firewall inspects each packet to see whether it is safe.It allows only safe packets to pass and denies all others.In this dissertation,the author first introduces the state of the art of the current firewall technology,and analyzes its limitations and drawbacks unsuited to the changing network environment in detail.Then,aimming at the above discussion , puts forward a new firewall architecture based on the protected host,and gives its detailed implementing policy. Finally,gives the programming methods of firewall implementation based on the analysis of two different OSs,respectively.

  • 【分类号】TP393.08
  • 【下载频次】283

