

Study of Data Frame of Large-Scale Urban Geographic Information System

【作者】 顾娟

【导师】 王同孝;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 城市地理信息数据种类繁多,内容丰富,涉及诸多领域,如何将它们有机地进行组织,有效地进行存贮、管理、检索和应用,将直接关系到整个城市地理信息系统的应用效率。 本文以山东省数字示范城市泰安市为例,紧紧围绕大比例尺城市地理信息系统数据框架这个核心展开研究,以期为数字城市建设打下一定的理论基础。在参照国家现有的城市地理信息分类与编码标准和相应的数字城市分类与编码方案的基础上,针对大比例尺城市地理信息系统对城市地理信息分类与编码的要求,作者首创性的提出了绑定式的城市地理信息分类体系与拓扑编码方案。在此分类与编码方案中,作者将城市地理信息的分类与编码分三级:行政区划、街道、城市地理信息。编码逐级绑定。这种绑定式的城市地理信息拓扑编码的好处是:在编码中既体现了城市地理信息之间在空间上的拓扑关系,又提高了整个系统查询和检索的速度;按行政区划和城市街道进行城市地理信息的分类与编码,代码结构清晰易懂,而且可以大大缩短编码的长度。在大比例尺城市空间数据库构建中,根据城市规划、管理的特点,首次提出了建立基于行政单元的城市地理信息无缝数据库。基于行政单元的数据组织打破了图幅的界限,把数据按行政单元进行存储,将用户的注意力转移到行政单元的查询、检索和分析上,无缝数据库的实现更好地模拟了现实世界,提高了查询、检索的质量和速度。

【Abstract】 The pivotal thing of the construction of UGIS is the construction of Data Frame. The kinds of UGIS data are abundant, and it contains a lot of things. The UGIS data has relative to many fields of the city. How to organize, store and query data effectively are very important to the efficiency of the whole UGIS.This paper is selected from the project of "Study and Demonstration of Basic GIS of ’Digital City’" which is charged with Shandong’ "3S" center. The paper would make a study of construction data frame of large-scale UGIS in order to make a sound theoretical ground of the construction of Digital City. In the paper, the author brought forward firstly of Scheme of Topologic Coding on UGIS Classification and Coding based on Streets and Administrative Districts according to the existing national standards of UGIS Classification and Coding and corresponding digital city’ methods of classification and coding. In the scheme, UGIS classification and coding are divided into three steps: administrative districts are firstly classified and coded, and then street and road with the corresponding code of administrative district added, at last add the code of both the corresponding administrative district and street or road into the code of other corresponding Geo-information. This method can reflect topologic relationship between objects, make a fast query and shorten the length of codes. The author also put forward the construction of UGIS seamless Database based on administrative district about how to construct the Database of big-scale UGIS. This method breaks the traditional method of construction of spatial data, makes the users put their attention to the query based on administrative and expresses the real world better.

  • 【分类号】P208
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】522

