

The Research of the Mould’s Virtual Simulating Manufacturing System

【作者】 孙绍龙

【导师】 马正元;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 虚拟制造是二十一世纪制造业的发展方向。虚拟制造技术是制造业的一次革命,它引入了全新的设计和制造观念,必将对制造业产生深远的影响。虚拟制造技术还没有形成确定的理论体系,是国内外相关专家研究的热点。本文针对当前制造业的发展现状,提出了建立分散网络化虚拟制造系统的理论观点。其基本内容是通过信息技术和网络技术,将地理位置相距甚远的集团联系在一起,根据市场需求,迅速组成一个没有围墙、超越空间约束并能统一指挥的生产、经营实体,建立动态联盟;通过充分利用不同地区的资源,能够以最快的速度及合理的成本将产品从设计转入生产过程。虚拟制造技术研究的内容非常广泛,包括网络技术、虚拟企业、虚拟现实、柔性制造、数控技术、快速原型制造及并行工程等众多相关技术。本文主要对虚拟仿真加工技术方面进行了研究,并建立了复杂模具虚拟仿真加工系统。通过对各个零件的建模和装配,完成了HAAS机床的装配模型建立任务。将HAAS机床的装配模型作为虚拟仿真加工工具,以复杂模具作为仿真加工对象,模拟其加工过程,得到加工仿真轨迹、数控程序文件,并且验证加工刀具是否干涉。将数控程序文件应用于真实的HAAS加工中心进行验证。本文还对加工刀具的物理仿真做出了初步探索。通过建立铣削刀具加工工件的物理的模型,仿真在铣削过程中刀具的受力变形情况,分析由于切削力的分布不均匀,而引起铣刀刀体发生弯曲变形的状况,对弯曲变形的方向和变形的大小进行预估计,从而有针对性的采取误差补偿方式,对加工误差进行补偿,达到提高加工精度的目的。模具制造技术的迅速发展,已成为现代制造技术的重要组成部分,如模具的CAD/CAM技术,已在开发的模具DNM技术。虚拟制造是模具制造业未来重要的发展趋势之一,应对此进行深入的研究。

【Abstract】 The virtual manufacturing is a direction of industry in 21century. The virtual manufacturing technology is a renovation inindustry. It takes a bran-new idea on designing and manufacturing.It must make a far-reaching effect on industry. The virtualmanufacturing technology has not engendered a integrated theorysystem. It is a hotspot of research for the experts inside and outsidethe country. The point of building up a distributed virtualmanufacture system has been brought forward on studying of thecurrent development of industry. The primary content of this theorywas that the remote enterprises were contacted through informationtechnology and Internet technology. According to the need of themarket, a producing and management entity that has not boundingwall and beyond the space restriction was composed. Subsequentlya dynamic alliance was built up. The product was shifted to theproducing process from the design at the fastest speed and rationalcost through utilizing the resources in different area. The content ofthe virtual manufacturing technology research is very expansive. Itconcludes network technology, virtual enterprise, virtual reality,flexible manufacturing, NC technology, rapid product making andcooperated engineering etc. The virtual simulating manufacturingtechnology has been studied and a virtual simulating manufacturingsystem about the complex mould has been built in the paper. TheHAAS machine’s assembly model has been built up through themodeling and the assembling for each part. The HAAS machine’sassembly mould is used as a tool for simulating manufacturing and thecomplex mould is the object to be machined. The simulating track andNC file have been obtained. The interference of the manufacturing toolhas been checked. The NC file has been applied to the real HAAS for test.An exploration on the manufacturing tool’s physics simulation has also been made in the paper. The tool’s distortion was simulated through building up a physical model of a milling tool. The body of the tool’s bending distortion was analyzed for the asymmetry cutting force. The direction and the magnitude of the bending distortion were estimated. The error compensation was applied to this situation in order to improve the machining precision. The mould manufacturing technology developed promptly and has become an important component of modern manufacturing technology, such as the CAD/CAM technology, and the DNM technology etc. The virtual manufacturing is an important direction in the mould industry and should be studied deeply.

  • 【分类号】TG76
  • 【下载频次】199

