

Research on Human Resource Equity Accounting

【作者】 张朝霞

【导师】 梁杰;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 会计学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 人力资源会计是本世纪60年代以后新出现的一个会计学分支,直到目前为止,还处于理论研讨阶段,远未形成一套公认的可以在实践中运用的理论方法。在我国,人力资源会计的研究是从1980年上海《文汇报》登载的会计学家潘序伦先生的文章开始的,十几年来,虽有许多人都在探讨,但并未得到纵深发展,在实践中的应用更为少见。分析其原因主要有以下几个方面:理论探讨超前,与现实状况相脱节;理论的研究不是从其使用目的着手,而是以理论论理论,导致可操作性差。针对这些问题,本人首先从人力资源权益会计产生的一系列背景因素出发,分析了它产生的时代特征、企业制度特征;由于对人力资源权益会计的学科定位决定了它的研究发展方向,本人经过研究分析认为,人力资源权益会计隶属于财务会计与管理会计相融合的统一会计;在此基础上又进一步研究了人力资源的价值计量方法应该与企业的管理及激励制度相适应,得出应采用工资贴现法与股票期权定价相结合对人力资本进行计价的结论;由于认定人力资源权益会计属于统一会计,笔者借鉴前人的研究成果认为采用模糊分析法来考评企业中人力资源的素质较为合理,建立了企业管理人员与科技人员素质测评指标体系,使其更具有操作性。论文可分为两大部分,第一大部分是理论基础部分,详细论述了人力资源权益会计建立的理论依据和基本前提,包括第一、二章;第二大部分是论文的核心部分,对人力资源的价值计量方法和对外披露进行了仔细探讨,包括论文的第三、四、五章。 由于研究能力有限,论文中存在着一些诸如素质测评的结果如何与利润分配相结合等有待进一步深入研究的问题,而且许多问题在研究过程中难免有不足之处,诚望各位专家教授批评指正。

【Abstract】 Human resource accounting is a branch of accounting that emerged after 1960’s. Up to today, it is in the stage of theory examining, and hasn’t come to a generally acknowledged theory and method that can be used in practice.In china, research on human resource accounting began from 1980’s later. During these years, many scholars have always devoted themselves to it, but not still advanced deeply. It is in narrow use in practice. The reasons includes mainly: Theory research is ahead of the times, theory divorced from practice; the research work is not from it’s goal, but from theory to theory, so that practicality is not as good as that of imagination. The paper is directed against these problems. First. I analyze the producing’ reason of human resource accounting, characteristics of the times and business system; then, I orientate human resource accounting in the merging accounting of financial accounting and management accounting, being based on the significance of the academic orientating. At the same time, the writer think that human resource’ value measuring should be linked with the business’ management system and inspiring system. Having analyzed, I believe that the human resource value can be measured and the method include: The salary discount method and the stock option fixed price method. The general worker adopt the first method, the management people and the science-technology people adopt the other one. Because I orientate human resource accounting in the merging accounting, the value measuring should adopt currency measuring and other measuring.With the aid of investigation by questionnaire, the writer acquired a series of index about staff quality evaluate; Draw on the experience of the older generation, the writer think it right to evaluate staff by fuzzy mathematics.Because my research ability is limited, there are many shortcomings in this paper. I’m willing to accept every professor’s advice sincerely.

  • 【分类号】F235
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】372

