

Study on GIS-Oriented Interpret System

【作者】 刘真

【导师】 卢新明;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 地理信息系统(GIS)的广泛应用巨大地推动着社会经济的发展。但是由于对于大多数用户来说并不需要功能复杂、难于掌握的工具型GIS,而是满足一定工作需要的应用型GIS,所以GIS的二次开发已成为世界地理信息系统的一个新的研究领域。本文针对现有GIS系统所提供的二次开发环境的不足,提出并实现了面向GIS中实际对象的解释系统LK_YY语言。首先指出了LK_YY解释系统是采用面向对象的系统分析与设计方法来实现的;然后在介绍LK_YY语言语法规则的基础上详细介绍了实现它所需的数据结构和算法描述,其中先介绍LK_YY语言中基本语言的实现,然后重点讲述了简单模型对象的翻译以及对象的两个基本特征继承性和方法覆盖的实现;最后利用LK_YY解决了实际GIS系统中交通规划的最小费用最大流问题。

【Abstract】 The wide application of Geographical Information System (GIS) has improved the economic development rapidly. But most of the users need applied GIS adapted to certain work, not complex implemental GIS that can’t be hold easily. So further development of GIS has become a new research field. According to the disadvantages of the current further development environment, this paper bring forward and implement GIS-Orienled interpret system, LK_YY language. First, we point out that LK_YY interpret system is realized in use of Object-Oriented system analysis and design. Then after introducing the grammar rule of LK_YY language, we introduce the data structure and algorithm to implement them in details. Among them, we first introduce the realization of basic language, then put emphasis on the translation of simple model object and the implementation of the two other basic features, inheritance and method overriding. Last, making use of LK_YY, we solve the maximum cost minimum flow problem in traffic program of GIS.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【下载频次】105

