

On Hemingway’s Philosophy of Life a Study of the Old Man and the Sea

【作者】 蔡文

【导师】 邓绪新;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 厄内斯特.海明威(1899—1961)是美国二十世纪著名作家,在世界文坛上,他享有极高的声誉。他的经历曲折,参加过一战和二战,使他声心遭到创伤,对世界前途感到失望,对人类命运持悲观态度。战争的浩劫和现实的苦闷使他把对人生的感慨赋予笔端。他先后创作了多部有影响的著作,如《永别了,武器》、《太阳照常升起》、《丧钟为谁而鸣》、《老人与海》等。其中《太阳照常升起》一书使他成为“迷惘的一代”的代言人。 《老人与海》是海明威于晚年证明自己创作实力的中篇杰作,也是他最著名的一部小说,是他的代表作。小说获1952年普利策奖,1954年又获诺贝尔文学奖。小说主人公桑提亚哥也成为文学史和电影史上著名的“硬汉”形象。这部作品充分展现了人类的一种精神,敢于同大自然、恶劣的环境和多桀的命运作斗争的精神,充分表现了人的智慧、刚毅与坚忍。而国内外评论界对海明威的研究最多的正是他的“硬汉形象”和“压力下保持优雅风度”。其实这部作品不仅是歌颂一种“硬汉”精神,它有着更加深入的涵义,它深刻地反映了作者的人生哲学和生活观。 论文通过对这部作品《老人与海》的分析,阐述了海明威的这种人生哲学和生活观:在残酷的社会现实和命运之中,人应该勇敢地面对一切痛苦和磨难,并同一切痛苦和磨难进行斗争,热爱生活,珍惜生命。小说主人公桑提亚哥就体现了海明威的这种人生哲学,他八十四天没有打到一条鱼,却并没有丧失信心和希望,仍然孤独地一人出海,终于钓到了一条罕见的大马林 鱼。同马林鱼和鳖鱼的搏斗体现了他不屈不挠的“斗争”精神。另外,小说 的环境和情节描写也反映了海明威的这种人生哲学:人生的意义既不在于 “成功”,也不在于“失败”,而在于斗争;勇于同残酷的社会现实和冷漠无 情的命运进行抗争,这才是真正地热爱生活、珍惜生命。 另外,这部小说还运用了多种象征手法,富于寓意。世界就象一望无际 的汪洋大海,充满了惊涛骇浪和暗礁险滩。它是凶狠、野蛮和深不可测的, 可以说是海明威那个现实社会的典型象征。所以小说实质上也揭露了现实世 界的残酷无情,讽刺批判了日益腐败的美国社会现实,促使人们严肃思考自 身的生存环境,并为建立新的存在方式不懈努力和抗争,这正是海明威创作 这部小说的目地。 《老人与海》不仅是海明威的伟大杰作,并且充分体现了他的人生哲学。 这种人生哲学具有积极广泛的社会意义:它既是美国价值的精髓,同时对全 人类都有普遍的哲学意义。它教你学会如何正确对待失败,如何在逆境中抗 争,它给了人们战胜困难的力量和勇气,让人们懂得奋斗的价值。这部作品 无疑代表了一种时代精神,开创了一个时代文风,为二十世纪现实主义文学 增添了光芒。

【Abstract】 Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) is a famous writer in America in the 20th century. He is also an international literary celebrity in the world. His life was full of adventures. He took part in World War I and World War II. These wars left him serious wound both in his body and in his mind. He felt disappointed with the world and the fate of the man. Then, he began to write his own experiences and feelings about the world. He wrote many influential books such as A Farewell to Arms, The Sun Also Rises, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea.Among his books, The Old Man and the Sea (1952) is the most famous one. The work made Hemingway win the Nobel Prize in 1954. And the main character-Santiago becomes the typical "code hero" in literature. The work aroused interest of many readers, and many critics have made comments on it. But these comments from critics mostly talk about his "code hero" and "grace under pressure". In fact, the work deeply reveals Hemingway’s philosophy of life and life attitude.This thesis intends to reach a thorough understanding of Hemingway’s philosophy of life through the novel The Old Man and the Sea: when facing the cruel social reality and miserable fate, man should be brave and struggle with all the pains and sufferings, loving life and treasuring life. The story of the old man- Santiago just reflects Hemingway’s philosophy of life. He does not catch asingle fish for eighty-four days but he does not feel discouraged. He goes to sea alone, and finally hooks a giant marlin. His fighting against the marlin and later sharks shows his struggling spirit. In addition, the description of the environment and plot also reflect Hemingway’s philosophy of life: the meaning of life neither lies in the "success", nor lies in the "failure", but in the struggle itself.Furthermore, the novel is rich in symbolism that enhances both the plot and the theme. The sea is boundless, full of raging waves and hidden reef. It is cruel, savage and insidious, just like the real world where Hemingway lives. So the novel actually discloses and criticizes seriously the cruelty and ruthlessness of American society. It calls for people to struggle against the dark world, and to set up a new life style. This is the social significance of the novel.Hemingway’s philosophy of life has a profound influence on modern American values. At the same time, it has extensive significance on the whole world. In Hemingway’s world, you will learn how to adopt a correct attitude towards failure, and how to struggle in adversity. His "code hero"-Santiago is a guide to all human beings. He represents the spirit of the time. And the novel The Old Man and the Sea has brought luster to the realistic literature.

  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【被引频次】4
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