

On SLA’S Implication on ELT in Rural Areas in Our Country

【作者】 王云华

【导师】 李正林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在过去的很长一段时间内,外语教学研究的重点主要集中在“如何教”上,试图通过教法研究来解决语言学习的问题。认知心理学和转换生成语言学的诞生,使广大外语教师和研究人员对外语学习的认识发生了转变,外语研究的重点也开始由“如何教”转到“如何学”上。在这种形势下,二语习得的研究应运而生,并随之对国外的二语教学和我国的英语教学产生了深刻的影响。 近几年来,我国中学英语教师以及研究者开始关注二语习得理论并用来指导基础教育阶段的英语教学。应当肯定地说,二语习得理论的确给我们中学英语教学带来了诸多启示,但与此同时,人们也开始逐渐认识到,二语习得框架下的教学活动与我国基础教育英语教学之间存在着许多不同之处。在我国,对二语习得理论的研究主要集中在高等院校,在基础阶段开展的研究相对较少。围绕农村英语教学开展的二语习得理论的研究几乎没有,迄今仍然是一个空白。我国农村幅员辽阔,学校星罗棋布,教学对象众多。在农村英语教学的层面上开展研究有其现实意义和指导意义。 以此为目的,本文将运用回顾、调查、实验、分析、对比、讨论的方法,从英语学习的重要性以及外语教学研究的趋势入手,通过对二语习得理论研究的概况进行回顾,对二语习得的实质及二语学习的条件、外语学习的实质和条件以及习得和学习的关系进分析和论证,并在探讨我国农村英语教学的特点的同时,对二语习得框架下的二语教学活动与我国农村英语教学的实际进行对比,进而得出相应的结论并提出自己的看法:中国农村英语教学有自身的特点,这些特点是二语框架下的二语教学活动所不具有的,二语学习所具备的条件及有助于二语习得的二语学习环境在我国农村中学几乎是不存在的。因此,在用⑥蕊糕S二语习得理论指导我国农村英语教学时,要采取谨慎的态度。我国农村英语教学应该从自身的实际出发,解决好面临的问题,从提高教师的基本素质为起点,开展教学研究,以探索出一条适应农村英语教学自身特点和实际的教学路子。 本选题的重点有四个。重点之一是对二语习得的实质、二语学习的条以外语学习的实质和条件所作的理论探讨。通过理论探讨,力求使读者对两种不同的学习活动所具有的特点有一个比较清楚的认识;重点之二是对我国农村教学特点所作的分析,旨在揭示我国农村英语教学的特殊性;重点之三在于对我国农村教学与二语习得框架下的二语教学所作的比较,目的在于揭示两者之间的差异性。同时,这也是该选题的重点,因为在比较的过程中,国内外文献中没有现成的资料可以参考;重点之四是在比较的基础上对我国农村教学提出的看法,建议通过师资培训方法的合理化,大面积提高现有农村英语教师的素质,通过教学方法的合理选用,优化英语课堂教学。在农村英语教学的层面上开展比较性研究是该选题的创新之处。该选题力避多数研究视角城市化的做法,把注意力集中在农村地区,基于农村教学实际开展针对性的研究,以探索提高农村英语教学质量的有效方法。

【Abstract】 Over a long period in the past, the researchers’ attention has been focused mainly on "how to teach", with the hope that all the problems related to language learning can be solved accordingly. The emergence of the cognitive pychology and generative linguistics resulted in the transformation in ideology and the shift to "how to learn" from "how to teach" . Subsequent research in SLA (Second Language Acquisition) started to flurish, with the achievements in SLA research exerting great influence on English language teaching all over the world.In recent years the theories of SLA has been intriguing the English teachers at junior and senior schools. While drawing much inspiration from the researchers, they are beginning to see clearly the discrepencies existing between the teaching operations within SLA framework and that of English teaching China. Researches in the combination of SLA theories with the teaching practice in China have been conducted in colleges and universities. However, such researches have seldom been carried out at basic-education level. So far almost no research has been done in rural areas. Any research centered around this aspect will be of great significance.With this as the aim, the present author uses such methods as retrospect, questionnaire, analysis, contrast and discussion in this article to make a profound study of the implications of the SLA in the teaching of English in rural areas.The article has four aspects as its focal points. The first one is the literature review of the essence of SLA and FLT and the conditions for L2 learners and FL learners, the purpose of which is to help the readers to get a clear view of the features of the different teaching models. The second one is the analysis of the specific characteristics of ET in rural areas in our country; the third one being the contrast between the teaching operations within the framework of SLA and theteaching of English in rural areas in our country, which is also the most difficult part of the research work because there are almost no findings to refer to. The last one is the personal view points based on the afore-made contrast and the experience from the teaching practice, which stresses the improvement of teachers’ quality through reasonable training and advocates the appropriateadoption of teaching methods. The study of SLA’s application on ELT in rural areas creates a new orientation in theoretic research. The new attempt aims to draw such a conclusion that correct attitude should be taken towards the implication of SLA and at the same time, explore feasible ways to facilitate the teaching of English in rural areas.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1811

