

The Application of Task-based Approach in Senior Middle School

【作者】 李黎

【导师】 李正林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 任务型教学是二十世纪八十年代以来外语教学研究的重要课题,国家教育部在新的英语课程标准中明确提倡实施任务型的教学途径。在前人的基础上,本文探讨了任务型教学在我国高中英语教学中实施的必要性和具体应用。 论文首先对英语教学中的教学法进行了比较分析,为任务型教学进行了定位。随着对语言认识的加深,近几十年来的语言教学法都把获得交际能力作为自己的教学目标。但是,由于对交际这一概念的本质的理解不同,人们在教学过程中的做法也不尽相同。首先,交际就是对语言意义的获得。至于怎么获得语言意义,存在着语义媒介和语义协商两种观点。语义媒介观点认为语言意义的获得是语言所承载的语言意义的传递,这一观点在语言教学实践中体现为结构主义的教学途径,教学重在对语言单位的内化,注意力集中在语言结构上;语义协商观点认为语言意义是由语言使用者通过语用协商来获得的,在教学实践中体现为交际的教学途径,教学重在创建协商条件让学习者进行有目的的交际活动,注意力集中在意义上。与结构主义途径相比,交际途径注重学习过程中学习者的主体地位,符合现代社会的人本主义潮流和现代认知心理学对学习过程的认识,但是它“忽略了语言形式的学习”,这一点需要加以弥补。九十年代所提倡的任务型教学顺承了交际途径教学思想,并且注重语言形式。 继而,论文对任务型教学、任务进行了介绍,并且探讨了任务型教学在我国高中英语教学中实施的必要性。任务型教学起源于交际法,最初是交际法的一个原则,最早由Praubhu把它应用到教学实践中,成为任务型教学,在其随后的发展过程中,又吸收了认知理论的营养,最终成为兼具交际途径和结构主义途径优点、带有折衷主义色彩的外语教学法。它以任务为核心来组织课堂教学,通过任务来驱动学生对语言知识的学习,培养语言运用能力,并且带动学生认知、情感等多方面素质共同发展。任务型教学中的任务与练习不同,它不将注意力限定在单个的语言项目上,而是围绕解决某个交际问题而设,这里的问题不以语言为中心,但是需要用语言来解决。任务可以分为学习性任务和真 ⑧蕊糕竺竺巴巴二巴巴巴巴巴二二二二二巴实生活任务两大类型。 任务型教学跳出了仅从语言角度研究教学的圈子,开始关注人的综合发展,并使外语教学具有了心理学上的合理性。这对于改变我国高中英语教学中形式和意义相割裂、忽视学生学习动机和兴趣的现状是很有必要的。 基于上述讨论,论文还着力探讨了任务型教学在我国高中英语教学中具体的实施方法。根据skehan提出的任务型教学的原则和实施模式,在我国高中英语教学中实施任务型教学的课堂教学可以分为五个步骤:任务的呈现、任务前的准备、任务的执行、任务后总结和语言聚焦。教学首先要呈现任务,使学生在任务驱动下进行语言学习和技能训练。任务前要在语言知识方面和任务内容方面做准备,并且要求教师对任务的实施方面进行安排。执行任务时教师要督促任务的进程并对学生表现作以评价。任务后总结时,学生展示任务结果,教师掌握学生的任务完成情况,发挥检查、评估的反拨作用。任务后的语言聚焦针对学生在任务中表现出的语言知识方面的不足和本单元一些新的语言内容进行操练。进行任务设计时要使任务的难度适中、具有操作性,并且选择使用不同类型的任务共同促进语言运用总体目标的实现。 任务型教学中学生是学习的主体,教师作为学生学习的助手、导师和交际的一方,其作用是在课堂上创造一个和谐的语言学习环境,并且使学生在学习中激发起良好的学习动机和兴趣,发展认知力,使学生的学习和人格都能够“可持续发展”。

【Abstract】 Task-based approach has been widely adopted since 1980’s, and it is also the approach recommended to be applied in senior middle schools by China’s Ministry of Education. This thesis attempts to explore the necessity and implementation of Task-based approach in ELT in senior middle schools.To start with, the thesis makes an elaborate comparison among ELT approaches, especially between the structural approach and the communicative approach. Structural approach puts emphasis on language forms, and on facilitating internalization process, while the communicative approach focuses on creating conditions for negotiation and on communicative activities. Compared with the structural approach, the communicative approach concerns more about the cultivation of learners’ communicative competence. However, it neglects treating of learners’ language accuracy. Task-based approach, which was developed from the communicative approach, with an awareness of its shortcoming, pays appropriate attention to language form and the cultivation of communicative competence.Next, the author gives an introduction of task-based approach, and discusses the necessity of application of task-based approach in senior middle schools. Task-based learning is one of the principles in communicative approach. At first, Praubhu put it into the practice of English teaching, and formed task-based approach. Improved by cognitive theories, it became a comprehensive approach with the merit of both structural and communicative approach. In task-based approach, teaching in classroom is mainly organized through tasks, and then learning abuui language is aiso driven oy tastes. At the same time, many other factors are considered, such as emotion, cognitive ability, etc.A large space of the thesis is also devoted to discussing the application of task-based approach in senior middle schools. According to the principles andmodels in task-based approach, the author suggests 5 steps in English teaching. That is, presentation of task, preparation before task, implement action of task, summary after task and language focus. Before task, the knowledge about language should be prepared as well as the contents of the task. During task, the teacher supervises and urges learners to finish the task. After task, learners present outcomes of the task, which will be assessed by the teacher. In language focus, learners practice and consolidate the language, which have appeared in the task. In task-based approach, learners are the masters of their learning, while the teacher is a helper, a tutor, who can and only can create an appropriate condition for language learning. Meanwhile, learners’ motivation and interest are stimulated, and the cognitive ability is developed. All this will be the real wealth for their further development.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1437

