

A Research into the Formative Assessment in Middle School English Teaching

【作者】 田颖

【导师】 邓绪新;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 学科教学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的终结性教学评价方式重结果、轻过程,重知识、轻素质,重选拔、轻激励,不利于激发学生的学习积极性和动机,阻碍了学生在学习中主体性、能动性和创造性的发挥,使我国英语教学陷入了应试教育的怪圈。国家义务教育《英语课程改革纲要》提出要改革现行评价机制,建立能促进学生不断发展的、促进教学不断提高的、促使课程不断完善的,符合素质教育的评价体系,并在全国中小学开展以形成性评价为核心的教学评价改革实验。 本文回顾了教育评价的起源和国内外教学评价研究的现状。并从发展教育观、多元智力理论、建构主义教育理念等方面探讨了形成性教育评价的教育学、心理学理论基础,以及这些先进的教育思想对现代教育评价的启示,力求从宏观上把握形成性评价改革的方向。 笔者通过形成性评价实验研究,提出了形成性评价改革的实验目标,制订了评价的内容和标准,设计了形成性评价工具,揭示出形成性评价在促进学生掌握英语知识,提高语言技能,激发学习英语的积极情感态度,培养合作精神,形成自主学习能力,促进学生全面和谐的发展等方面具有无可比拟的优越性。

【Abstract】 Traditional summative assessment values result more than process, knowledge more than quality, and selection more than encouragement. This kind of assessment cannot encourage the students’ studying enthusiasm or motive. It can not bring the activity, creativity or initiative of the students into full play. It has led our English teaching and learning into an odd "examination-orientated education" circle. Our nation’ s Compulsory Education Reform Essentials of English Curriculum proposes that the current assessment mechanism be reformed, a new assessment system which accords with the demands of quality education should be established to promote constant development of the students, the unceasing progress of teaching and learning, and steady improvement of the curriculum. Now the assessment reform experiments, which focus on formative assessment, have been carried out in many primary schools and middle schools all over the country.This thesis looks back to the origin of the educational assessment and the present research on it at home and abroad. It also inquires into the theoretical basis of the pedagogy and psychology of the formative assessment in terms of development education view, multiple intelligence theory and constructivist education principles. These advanced educational ideologies indicate the macro directions to the formative assessment reform.Through the formative assessment experiment, the thesis raises the experiment goal, lays down the experiment contents and standards and designs the formative assessment tools. It concludes that formative assessment has its incomparable advantages. It can promote thestudents’ ability to grasp English knowledge, improve their language skills, encourage their positive emotion and attitude toward English learning. It can also develop their cooperative spirit, cultivate their ability to study independently, and make the students develop all-roundedlly and harmoniously.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】918

