

Discussions about the Amplification and Consummation of Corporation Law in the Corporation Organ Structures

【作者】 朱爱军

【导师】 高宏贵;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 经济法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 公司机关构建的目标应是建立一种运转协调、办事高效、行为规范的管理体系,其框架应根据国家的法律、法规,结合本公司的特点来确定,它的运行受参与者的影响。科学构建的公司机关能使公司的权力机构、决策机构、执行机构与其他利益相关者保持有效的约束和监督,使各种权力得到有效的制衡,各方面的利益得到充分的保障;同时,它还可以激励股东会、董事会、监事会和其他利益相关者齐心协力地为提高公司经济效益共同奋斗。因此,公司机关的科学构建是建立现代企业制度的关键。本文主要从三个方面分析了目前公司机关的现状及存在的主要缺陷,探讨进一步完善公司机关权力构建的方法和途径,并提出了具体的立法建议。 第一,股东会设置的探讨。股东会作为公司的权力机构,在立法上和法理上似乎并不存在什么问题,但在实践中却问题种种。特别是随着证券市场的高度发达,公司股份流转加快,公司股份日益分散,出现了少数大股东控制公司的情形;同时,公司经营趋向复杂化、专门化,公司的经营决策只能依赖于具有专业知识的董事和经理,许多股东无法参与经营活动,于是众多公司的实际控制权逐渐从股东会转移至董事会甚至经理手中。以上种种情况的存在,都不同程度地削弱了股东会作为公司权力机构的基础,也使公司机关间权力制衡失去了其应有的重心。如何保障股东会的权力运作?笔者认为,关键是要规范公司的行为,严格执行和进一步完善公司法。其措施主要包括严格按照《公司法》的规定选举产生董事、董事长;改变股东对股东会的自行召集权和监事会的特别召集权;通过立法确立股东常会得以如期召开的保障措施;对大股东的表决权作出合理限制等。 第二,董事会的结构分析。董事会是股东会选举出来的公司业务执行机关,全面负责公司的经营管理,对外代表公司进行活动,是公司的核心和中枢。但是由于法律规定的漏洞以及企业传统管理方式的影响,使董事会这一公司机关不能按照现代公司制度的理想运作方式来工作。笔者认为,董事会为公司常设的集体业务执行机关,在赋予董事较大的职权时,也应强化董事对公司及第石贞全:二一泛︸一态臀︸一~一~一.一--一一----.~一-一一三人的责任。我国公司法己规定了董事对公司的责任,而且在学说上讨论亦颇多。但是,董事对公司第三人责任不仅在立法上处于空白,而且法理上讨论也不够充分,这与第三人在公司法中的重要地位是不相称的。相对于作为公司内部人的董事来说,第三人对公司信息获得的不对称性、对公司经营管理的几乎不参与性,使得其权益需要加以特殊保护,以平衡公司、董事和第三人之间的利益。因此,强化董事对公司第三人的责任,对于保护第三人的合法权益,维护交易安全,进而维护社会的经济秩序具有重要意义。同时,从保障股东利益着眼,从实现公司决策的科学化和法制化着手,建立独立董事的法律制度十分必要。另外,笔者认为,欲使公司经理层有效地运转,有必要在立法上对董事会及经理的权限和地位作明确的界定,并恢复公司经理是基于委任关系和法律规定而产生的公司代理人的“真面目”。 第三,监事会的分析。董事会及董事的职权扩大,其地位也相应提高,因而较为容易控制公司的管理层,如果董事滥用职权,极易损害公司和股东的利益。股东会虽为公司最高权力机关,有权对董事会进行监督,但它是一个非常设性机构,股东限于时间和精力方面的原因,或由于专门知识的缺乏,很难对董事的业务活动和公司财务状况形成有效的监督。因此,需要专施监督权的监事会承担这一重责。我国公司法在设立上监事会的地位与董事会对等,二者在组织结构上并无隶属关系,监事会于股东会休会期间代表公司行使监督权,监督董事会的经营管理活动。为使监事会有效地担负起监督职责,立法应当完善监事会的职权,并使这些权力具有较强的操作性。笔者认为,根据我国市场经济发展的水平及其对公司制度的要求,结合外国公司的经验,公司监事会的权力应包括业务监督权、财务检查权、公司代表权、召集临时股东会的权力等。 文末,笔者还对现代公司中职工代表大会及党组织的地位问题进行了分析,并提出了如何在新形势一「理顺“新三会”与“老三会”关系的问题,期望能引起诸同行的“共鸣”。

【Abstract】 The goal of corporation organ construction should be to realize a kind of administration system with coordinated revolve, high efficient in handling affairs and standard conduct. Its frame should be determined by the country ’s laws and regulations and combining the corporation’s characteristic. Moreover, its revolve is affected by participation, the corporation organ of scientific construction can make the company power institution. Policy-making body and executive institution keep effective restrain and supervise with other interest interrelators, all kinds of power can be restricted each other effectively and various aspect’s interest can be safeguarded sufficiently. At the same time, it can also encourage shareholders meeting. Board of directors, superviory board and other interest interlators make concerted efforts in order to improving corporate economic benefits. Therefore, scientific construction of the corporation organ is a key to build modernization enterprise system. This article mainly analyses the current situation and main existing defect of the corporation organ at present, inquiring into making further amplification on the ways and channels of the corporation organ power institution, and putting forward a specific legislation proposal.1.Inquiring into setting up a shareholder’s meeting .As the corporation power structure, it seems that shareholder’s meeting hasn’t any problems in the aspect of legislation and legal principle, however, it has various problems during practicing. Especial with the high development of stock market, rapidly wandering about of the company stock and increasingly dispersion of the company stock. A small number of the shareholders controlling company have come into being. At the same time, the corporate management tend to complicated and specializes the corporate management and policy decision only depend on the directors and manager who have professional knowledge. Many shareholders are unable to participate the management activities, therefore, the practical control power of many companyincreasingly transfer from shareholders to shareholder’s meeting, even manager. All the problems above can more or less weaken the basis of shareholders meeting as the company power institution,and they also make the power restrain between different corporation organs lose it’s own way. How to safeguard the power revolve of the shareholder’s meeting. In my opinion, it is the key to standard the corporate behavior, and to severely implement and making further perfection the corporate laws. Besides, legislation measures should be taken to protect the power revolve of the shareholder’s meeting and the power of minority shareholders. It mainly includes electing the shareholders and directors according to the Corporation Law,changing the self-assembly rights that shareholders to the board and the special-assembly rights to the supervisory board .establishing prevent measures through legislation to assure that the shareholders meeting can duly go on,making proper restriction of the minority shareholders’ voting rights.2.Structure Analysis of the Board of Directors.The board of directors is the business organ elected by the shareholders’ meeting, and is overall responsible for the management and administration of the company. It is on behalf of company activity and is the center of company externally too. But because of the loophole of legal provisions and enterprise traditional influence of management way, board of directors can not work according to the modern company’s system in the ideal operation way. I think that the board of directors is the collective business executive organ that Company set up. When entrusting to directors heavy functions and powers, responsibility of the directors to the company and third person should be strengthened; In China,the Corporation Law defines the shareholder’s responsibility to the company,and there are also some theoriotical controversy.However, the shareholder’s responsibility to the third person is blank in legislation,additionally it’s n

  • 【分类号】D912.29
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