

Design and Application of Management Information System of Rural Economy in Yangzhou (YZREMIS)

【作者】 李强

【导师】 蒯建敏;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 1.设计了一个包含12个大类、120个指标的农村经济数据库,收集并输入了扬州市及其所属县市1996年以来的相关数据4000余条,构建成一个开放式的扬州市农村经济信息数据库(YZREDBF)。 2.综合运用多种软件技术,开发出B/S(客户端/服务器端)模式的具有网上查询和分析功能的管理信息系统YZREMIS。该系统可对YZREDBF进行多指标、多地区、多年份的复杂查询,并能以表格、方柱、折线等图表形式显示结果。YZREMIS已经上网,拥有顶级域名www.yzmis.com,并已和本地的主要农业网站链接。 3.利用YZREMIS查得的数据,分析了“九五”期间扬州市农民人均纯收入与人均农林牧渔产值、农副产品收购价格指数、非农劳动力比例的关系,结果表明人均农林牧渔产值的影响最大,农民收入的增长已不再单纯依靠农副产品收购价格的提高。在农民纯收入的四项来源中,家庭经营收入的份额最大,但工资性收入在农民纯收入中的比重呈逐年上升趋势。 4.对“九五”期间扬州市农、林、牧、渔业的发展趋势及相对重要性进行分析,结果表明四大产业都有了一定的发展,渔业的增长尤为明显,但扬州仍是一个传统的农业大市,农业(种植业)仍占据了最大份额。农业生产要素贡献率的分析表明,扬州市的农业生产不再单纯依赖土地和人力等传统生产要素,而是突出了化肥、农机等现代生产要素量的重要性,这在一定程度上增加了环境压力。 5.在YZREDBF的基础上,构建了区域农村经济状况评价的指标体系。以扬州市下属的五个县市为对象,应用多目标优化数学模型分析其“九五”期间的农村经济状况。在5个一级指标中,江都在农村资源上占优,邗江在农民收入和非农行业产值方面领先,高邮则具有农业产出和农用物资的优势。综合而言,扬州各县市“九五”的农村经济实力排名为:高邮、江都、宝应、邗江、仪征。

【Abstract】 1. A database file about the rural economy in Yangzhou (YZREDBF) was designed. 4000 records with 12 kinds and 120 indexes were included. The data were collected from Yangzhou district since 1996.2. A management information system about YZREDBF, named YZREMIS, was established. Some updated software techniques were used. YZREMIS has several functions such as querying in multi-index, multi-area or multi-year, displaying results in table, chart xlcolumn or xlline. It was transferred to Internet with the domain name www.yzmis.com. It was also connected to main agricultural web sites in Yangzhou.3. The relationship between average income of peasant (PAI) and average agriculture production value (APV), index of purchasing price of farm product (EPP) and proportion of non- agricultural laborer (PNL) is analyzed using the data from YZREDBF in 1996-2000. Result shows that APV is the most consanguineous, and the increasing of PAL depends not just on the increasing of IPP. Among the four sources of PAI, the income from household business operation (HBI) is most important, while the laborers’ remuneration (LR) will increase gradually in the proportion in PAI.4. The trend and importance of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery in 1996-2000 were analyzed. Result shows that they all develop well, Fishery increases evidently. Yangzhou still is a traditional rural district, Farming contributes mostly. The analysis on the inside element of fanning shows that agriculture production depend not only on land and manpower, but also on the quantity increasing of fertilizer and agri-machinery.5. On the base of YZREMIS, the evaluating system of rural economy index is designed. The general rural economy development level of five area of Yangzhou in 1996-2000 was analyzed with the math model of many aims optimization. Jiangdu has superiority on rural resource, Hanjiang on PAI and non-agriculture industry, Gaoyou on farming production and farming material. General speaking, the rank of rural economy is Gaoyou, Jiangdu, Baoying, Hanjiang and Yizheng.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】177

