

The Design and Implimetation of Web Container in Webframe Application Server

【作者】 张锋

【导师】 陈崚; 钟华;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机网络越来越深入人们的生活、工作和学习,企业级的电子商务应用等高级应用正在成为一种强大的驱动力量,并引发了一系列新的观念、新的技术和新的产品。应用服务器则是其中最引人注目的部分。同时,政府逐步开展电子政务,实现信息共享、政务公开和办理服务等。纷繁复杂的应用系统涉及到多种复杂的应用环境、多种操作系统平台和多种数据库平台等,还涉及到复杂的逻辑运算、分布式的应用部署、分阶段分部门的具体实施等高级需求。这势必需要采用应用服务器这样一种统一的运行部署平台。另外,基于国家信息安全等更深层次的问题,中国自主产权的应用服务器产品则是构建政府电子政务等系统的首选。 在国家863高科技发展计划资助项目、国家重点基础研究发展规划973资助项目的支持下,中科院软件所自主开发了遵循Sun公司J2EE1.3(Java 2 Platform,Enterprise Edition)规范的应用服务器——Webframe应用服务器。Webframe服务器是标准的J2EE应用服务器,支撑多种操作系统平台、多种数据库。它可以作为多业务逻辑性、高可伸缩性、高可靠性的企业级分布式计算平台,适合于电子商务、电子政务、金融业等各种行业的应用需求。该系统已有两个成功的应用案例。 J2EE规范是SUN公司提出的基于Java2平台,该系统规范可以简化企业应用解决方案的开发、部署和管理。J2EE平台以J2SE(Java 2 Platform,Standard Edition)为基础,继承了标准版中的许多优点,同时提供了对EJB、Java Servlet、JSP、JNDI、JDBC、JTA、JMS等多种技术的全面支持。 本文就作者在Webframe应用服务器项目中所从事的以下二方面工作及其相关内容做了比较详细的介绍。 作为中科院软件所Webframe应用服务器的一个子项目,我们设计和实现了Webframe应用服务器中的Web容器。它是对Web服务器的高级扩展,完全支持JavaServlet技术和JSP技术。我们在设计与实现该Web容器的过程中,严格遵循Servlet2.3规范、JSP1.2规范和HTTP1.1协议,深入分析和研究了Web容器软件系统的功能和结构,灵活运用了基于Java平台的软件开发技术、软件工程方法及其多种常用的设计模式。同时,我们还设计与实现了支持Web容器系统运行的系统配置、安全验证、系统日志、系统管理、应用部署等相关系统支持功能。我们采用了软件组件的设计方法,以组件实现各个模块的具体功能。这使得该系统具有很强的可扩展性和软件可复用性。另外,我们还研究了JSP文件翻译、安全连接管理和会话管理等关键技术,并将相关实现技术运用在我们设计与实现的Web容器系统。扬州大学硕士学位论文 在研尼b容器的基础上,我们设计和实现了W七b容器集群及其相关的集群管理员算法、集群结点分组算法等,并为该W七b容器集群设计和实现了具有负载均衡、会话绑定和失效恢复等功能的Hl,1,P反向代理服务器。它有效提高了整个系统对网络请求的响应能力、容错能力。对于负载均衡,我们实现了服务器处理能力均衡算法,即根据服务器处理能力进行负载均衡。而对会话绑定,我们采用了Cookie和URL重写两种方式实现。为了实现失效恢复的功能,我们在认飞b容器中实现了基于集群的会话信息复制机制,以保证同组W七b容器会话信息的一致性。在设计和实现V尾b容器集群的过程中,我们研究了多种现有的集群技术、负载均衡技术、失效恢复技术等多种网络技术。另外,为了简化W亡b容器集群各结点之间的通讯,我们自行设计和实现了基于分布式环境的MessageChannels通讯平台。集群信息通讯和会话信息复制就是基于这个通讯平台的。这个通讯平台也可以适用于其它的分布式系统。

【Abstract】 Along with the computer networks going deeper into people’s life, work and study, the advanced applications in the enterprises, such as the electronic commerce, are becoming a kind of strong impetus and causing a series of new concepts, new techniques and new products among which application server is the most conspicuous one. At the same time, the government is gradually developing the electronic governmental affairs management, realizing the information sharing, opening the governmental affairs management, and providing the services. The various complicated application systems involve many complicated application environment, operating system platforms and databases. And they also relate to the high level requirements such as complicated logical calculation, distributed application deployment, gradually and sectionally implementation. Consequently, application server is necessary for establishing a uniform platform of performance and deployment. In addition, considering the serious problems such as the national information security and so on, the application server with the independent Chinese copyright will be the first choice in the areas such as establishing system of the electronic government affairs.Supported by the National High Technology Development 863 Program of China and the National Grand Fundamental Research 973 Program of China, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed an application server named as Webframe, which is following the J2EE1.3 specification presented by Sun Microsystems Inc. Webframe Application Server is a standard J2EE application server, supporting various operating systems and various database platforms. It may work as the enterprise distributed computing platform with multi-business logic, high flexibility and high reliability, which is suitable for electronic commerce, electronics governmental affairs, financial institutions, etc.The J2EE specification, presented by Sun Microsystems Inc, is a systemic specification based on Java2 platform for simplifying the enterprise solution of development, deployment and management. The J2EE platform is based on J2SE platform, the standard version of Java2 platform. It adopts many advantages of the standard version and comprehensively supports various techniques like EJB, Java Servlet, JSP, JNDI, JDBC, JTA and JMS, etc.This paper introduces following two aspects of the work that the auther has engagedin Webframe application server project.As a subject of Webframe application server project, we have designed and implemented Web Container of Webframe Application Server. Fully supporting Java Servlet and JSP techniques, it is an advanced extension for web server. In the process of developing Web Container, we follow the Servlet2.3 specification, the JSP 1.2 specification and HTTP 1.1 protocol, apply various of program design techniques, software engineering techniques and some common design patterns based on the Java platform and analyze the functions and software architecture of the Web Container system thoroughly. We design and implement more functions of the Web Container system, including system configuration, security certification, system log, system management and application deployment. Adopting technical concepts of component-based in software engineering, we implement the functions of the models with different software components to make the Web Container system highly extendable and reusable. In addition we also study the key techniques in implementing the Web Container system such as translation of JSP files, secure connection management and session management.Based on the Web Container system, we have designed and implemented the cluster of Web Container, including implementation of the algorithms for defining the manager of the cluster and for calculating the groups of the cluster. We also have designed and implemented a HTTP reverse proxy server with load balancing, session binding and fail-over, etc, which increase the ability of request responding and fault-tolerant. In the HTTP rev

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【下载频次】66

