

【作者】 黄娟

【导师】 曾华鹏;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 鲁迅的杂文尤其是后期杂文,历来是鲁迅研究界争议最大的课题。以往对鲁迅杂文的研究偏重于从文本的角度进行。本文从鲁迅本人要求评论者顾及全篇、全人及全社会状态的强调出发,尝试着从知识社会学的角度,动态地将鲁迅撰写杂文这一行为置入当时具体的情境,来分析鲁迅的杂文及其蕴涵的意义。 鲁迅晚年大量为革新后的《申报·自由谈》撰写杂文,同时引导、培养青年作者,促使形成一支战斗队伍,帮助并推动黎烈文的改革,使《自由谈》趋向成熟、深刻,而《自由谈》反过来也促进了中国现代文学史上杂文的发展,造就了一批杂文家。 鲁迅在文网遍于国中的情境下,巧妙地钻网。他频繁地更换笔名,以婉约其辞、干犯豪贵的手法,戳穿权势和社会的假面,直批当道面颊。鲁迅借助《申报·自由谈》这一媒介,面向全体公众言说公共事务,公开运用理性,引导公众运用自己的理智。在这一行程中,鲁迅成为一名现代公共知识分子。 本文分三个部分进行论述。 第一部分介绍《申报·自由谈》、《自由谈》改革的基本情况和鲁迅与《申报·自由谈》的关系始末。第二部分介绍鲁迅写作的语境及鲁迅的对策,分析婉约其辞、干犯豪贵的手法,并以鲁迅和胡适为个案,阐述知识者与权力之间抗拒或顺从的两种关系。第三部分分析鲁迅为《申报·自由谈》撰文这一行为的意义,阐述一个生命个体在极端不自由的情境中,努力获得生命的最高意义上的自由。

【Abstract】 Lu Xun’s zawen especially those written in old age are the most debateded problem in the Study of Lu Xun circles since the day it came to the world. Most of zhe former studies paied attention to the texts of Lu Xun’s works. In view of Lu Xun’s requirement that research wokers should consider the whole texts and the author as well as the social conditions, this dissertation is written from the Sociology of Knowledge’s point of view, explain Lu Xun’s zawen under those situations where them came into being.Lu Xun contributed scores of zawen to the "Free Talk"(Ziyoutan) supplement to the leading newspaper, shen bao ,which had come under the sympathetic editorship of Li Liewen. Lu Xun also forstered a team of younger authors. At the same time, the "Free Talk"(Ziyoutan) accelerated the growth of zawen.Being under unfree circumstances, these articles, under a variety of pennames, typically had a target in current events, but were cast as ruminations on a topic from daily life or of passing interest. They were inclined to zigzag from one item in the author’s extensive storehouse of knowledge to another, in apparently random fashion ,before closing in on the quarry. In this way, Lu Xun activated the public’s intellect, and he himself grew up to a public intellectual.This dissertation treats the problems through three parts.The first part of it covers the history of shen bao and the "Free Talk"(Ziyoutan) as well as the connections between Lu Xun and the "Free Talk"(Ziyoutan). The second part of it discuss the situations along with Lu Xun’s countermeasure, and analyse the relations between intellectuals and the power. The third part of it inquire into the significance of Lu Xun’s action, interpret the freedom Lu Xun gamed through this kind of writing.’

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】I210.96
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】260

