

【作者】 冯小忠

【导师】 周明耀;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 水利水电工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 低压管道输水灌溉技术作为一项重要的节水工程措施,与传统的渠道输水方式比较,具有节水、节能、节地、输水速度快、适应性强等诸多优点,已经为世界各国所推广应用。在我国,北方井灌区的低压管道输水灌溉技术发展很快,在管灌工程规划、管材、管件生产、管理等方面都比较成熟,并已形成一定的体系,水利部已经编制了适合北方井灌区的低压管道输水灌溉工程规划设计技术规范。近十年,我国北方已经推广使用面积达530余万hm~2,而我国南方地区低压管道输水灌溉技术发展缓慢且不平衡。由于南方地区灌区面积大,管灌系统规模大,与其相配套的大口径管材、管件规格少,配套建筑物较多,灌区类型多样,压力变化范围大,技术难度高,基层工程技术人员了解和掌握不充分,至今尚无适合南方地区低压管道输水灌溉工程设计的规范,这些是影响南方低压管道输水灌溉技术发展的因素。 本文主要针对当前南方地区低压管道输水灌溉规划设计中存在的技术难点,开发研究先进实用的树状低压输水灌溉管网计算机辅助设计系统。首次提出了将GIS(地理信息系统)和图论技术应用于低压管道输水灌溉规划设计及灌溉管网优化中,在GIS支持环境下,应用图论中的最小生成树法和120°规划进行管道的最优化布置。建立以管道输水灌溉系统的年折算费用最小为目标函数的管径优化线性规划模型,并将内点法应用于线性优化模型的求解。 本文应用当今流行的地理信息系统、CAD软件及数据库等软件开发工具,根据节水灌溉工程技术规范,开发的低压管道输水管网计算机辅助设计系统。该系统可以实行作物需水量计算,系统设计流量推算、管道水力计算、工程投资概算,经济效益分析等功能,建立了常用的数据库(管材、管件、水泵和电机等)并对其进行管理和维护,可以实现包括管道布置、管径优化、管材选择等多种参数选择在内的多种方案比较、优选。系统能提供图形、文本、表格等多种形式的成果输出,人机交互界面友好,操作方便。使用该系统可保证规划设计方案的合理性,大大地减少人工劳动,提高了工作效率。在系统设计中应用组件式地理信息系统(ComGIS)MapX,方便了系统开发,无需计算机专业或GIS专业技术人员来完成,克服了以往开发者与专业人员分离、所开发软件实用性差的弊端。将本系统应用于扬州市蒋王节水农业示范区低压管道输水灌溉工程规划设计,生成方案迅速,规划结果准确、可靠,取得了良好的效果。

【Abstract】 In north China, the low pressure pipeline irrigation, was mostly used and it was advanced developed in project design, the industry of pipe and pipefitting, the irrigation management, and had formed some system. The ministry of water resource had put forward the standard of Low pressure pipeline irrigation project design and engage in construction for north China. But the low pressure pipeline technique is not widely used in north China, the main reasons are the irrigation are is more larger the north China, and the low pressure pipeline irrigation system is very large , the corresponding pipe, pipefitting is very lack, all these make the use of low pressure irrigation in south China very little, and now there is still not the standard of low pressure pipeline irrigation for south China.The low pressure pipe line irrigation is a kind very important water saving project method, it’s many merits such as water saving, energy saving, saving field high adaptability and so on compared with the traditional channel irrigation method. The low pressure pipe line irrigation technique has been accepted by many countries and been widely used. Aimed at the current problem of pipeline layout optimization technique ,The research of irrigation pipeline layout and pipe diameter optimization has been done , the GIS(Geography Information System ) and graph theory were first put forwarded to applyed to the design of low pressure pipeline irrigation project in the paper .With the support of GIS , the minimal spanning tree theory of graph theory and 120 project theory can be applied to irrigation pipeline’s layout optimization .At the aspect of pipe diameter optimization, simplicial method and interior-point method are been used in solve liner optimization model of pipe diameter to reach minimum project cost or annual working cost of low pressure pipeline irrigation. On the basis of thinking above.Base on the thought above, it’s very necessary to development the software of computer aided design (CAD) system of low pressure pipeline based on GIS. In the paper , the research of that has been done, and the software of CAD system of low pressure pipeline based on GIS had been developed by using develop tools such as Delphi, MapX, AutoCAD and Access. The function of the software is useful, it has provided many functions such as the calculate of crop water requirement , pipelinelayout(automatic layout and manual operation )and its optimization , pipe diameter optimization .investment budgetary estimate and economic beneficial result can be result .and can rapid create plan and do plan comparison, the software provides many kinds of result output such as graph .text, table and so on. The software can greatly reduce the manual labour, improve the efficiency of the project design.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】S277.9
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】278

