

【作者】 陈骞虎

【导师】 潘绍伟;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 一、问题的提出 建国以来我国基础教育体育课程存在的观念滞后、偏重强调体能和运动技能,忽视学生的体育能力、态度行为和个性发展等问题,在一定程度上与我们对体育课程目标的重要性认识不足、研究不够、价值取向偏颇、目标内容单一模糊相关。如何根据新一轮的基础教育课程改革的基本理念与目标,构建新的体育与健康课程目标体系是体育与健康课程改革必须回答的一个紧迫问题。 二、研究方法 本研究通过文献法、比较法、逻辑分析等方法进行。 三、结论 1、在回顾分析我国基础教育体育课程目标研究现状的基础上,指出我国基础教育体育课程目标研究中存在的问题是——侧重于目标的宏观阐述,局限于笼统抽象的辨析和目标主次的争论,缺乏对目标的理论建构和目标的系统研究。体育课程目标内容存在的问题是——忽视知识技能运用能力的培养;对学生的身体、心理健康及良好的社会适应能力等关注不够;个性培养目标较空洞,无具体的内容措施支撑;进行思想品德教育的目标与具体教学内容脱节,缺乏对具体教育实践的导向作用等。 2、通过对美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、日本等国家的体育(健康与体育)课程目标的比较研究得到如下启示:在目标的价值取向上,更多的倾向是促进学生发展,实现社会发展与个体需要的统一;在目标的功能上,明确指向关注增进学生健康,实现体育与健康的有机联系与统一;在目标的内容上,注重促进学生和谐发展,实现体育育体与育人的有机联系与统一;在目标的表述上,以学生为主体,实现结果性目标与过程性目标的有机联系与统一;在目标的指向上,倾向于能力培养,实现在校与未来的有机联系与统一。 3、通过比较研究,结合我国国情,提出了我国基础教育体育与健康课程目标的初步构想—体育与健康课程目标:认识与理解体能、健康、体育的重要性,获取有关体育与健康的知识;发展体能、掌握与运用有关体育与休闲技能;形成对体育的兴趣,养成运动的习惯,获得终身参与体育的能力;提高人际交往的技能,发展竞争与合作精神;形成乐观开朗、充满活力的生活态度,丰富体育与健康生活。体育与健康课程学习领域目标:体能领域—认识体能的重要性及构成因素;形成正确的身体姿势;掌握发展体能的方法;认识营养、环境、不良行为对体能的影响。体育运动的认识与知识领域—理解、体验体育运动与身体、心理和社会健康的关系;掌握科学进行体育活动的知识与方法。运动技能领域—学习掌握与运用多种运动技能、有关的休闲运动技能;获取野外活动的基本技能;能安全地进行体育活动。运动参与领域—理解体育运动与现代生活方式的关系;形成积极参与体育运动的态度和行为;成为有能力的运动参与者和竞技运动的欣赏者。心理与社会健康领域—了解体育运动对心理健康的作用;学会通过体育运动等方法调控情绪;形成坚强的意志品质;正确认识自己与他人的关系,学习人际交往的技能,融洽人际关系,形成良好的合作精神;提高对体育和健康的社会责任感。

【Abstract】 1 .IntroductionThere have been such problems as lagging behind of concepts, paying too much attention to technique of exercise and physical fitness, ignoring ability of physical activity, attitude, behavior and the development of personality, in physical education curriculum for elementary education since the founding of the PRC. To some degree, it can be explained by inadequacy in knowing the importance of physical education curriculum’s object. It is pressing how we formulate a new object according to new concept.2. MethodologyThe methodology of documentation, comparison and logical analysis are used in this dissertation.3.Conclusion(1) On the basis of reviewing and analyzing the present situation of the study of physical education curriculum for elementary education in our country, this article points out there have existed a series of problems such as the object research of the physical education curriculum which was laid particular attention to macroscopic side, resulting obscure abstract argument and lacking systematic study on the theory and the object of the curriculum. The problem of its content was laid little stress in students’ physical, psychological health and the ability of social adaptation, the development of personality was ignored in the contents, etc.(2) The enlightenment is gained by analyzing the objects of physical education curriculum in America, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. First, as to tendency toward object, there is a unity between students’ development and individual requirement. Second, as to the function of the object, there is a unity between building up students’ health and realizing its liaison with physical education. Third, as to the contents of object, there is a unity between promoting students’ harmonious development and realizing its liaison with the incorporation of fostering body and fostering mind. Fourth, as to the expression of object, there is a unity between taking students as principal part and realizing resultant and process object. Fifth, as to the indication of object, there is a unity between training ability and realizing the liaison of now and future.(3) An object, of physical education and health curriculum, is put forward with the condition of our country by the study of comparison. That is to realize andunderstand the importance of physical fitness, health and physical education, to acquire knowledge of physical education and health; to improve physical fitness, to master some skill of physical education and leisure and apply it to exercise; to foster the interest and habit of exercise, get the ability to attend exercise all life; to improve the technique of contacting with others, develop contest and corporation; to form the outgoing life manner. The fields object of physical education and health curriculum are: the field of physical fitness -to realize the importance and formative factor of physical tness, form correct body gesture, master the method of developing physical fitness, ccognize the influence of nutrition, environment, bad behavior on physical fitness; the field of the knowledge and recognition of physical education-figuring out the correlation between exercise with physical, psychological and social health, mastering the knowledge and method of how to exercise; the field of exercise technique-grasping some leisure skills and many kinds of exercise techniques, obtaining the basic technique of outdoor exercise and proceed safely to have physical activity; the field of participating exercise-to understand the correlation between exercise and modern life style, form the attitude and action of joining actively physical activity, become a capable attendance of exercise and an admirer of sports; the field of psychological and social health-appreciating the PE’s function over psychological health, learning to control emotion by the way of exercise, understanding correctly the relation with others, studying the technique of association ,harmonizing the relation of association developing good spiri

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】G633.96
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】305

