

The Method of Dressing Nitrogen Only Once in the Whole Growing Stage on the Base of Basic Fertilizer in Rice

【作者】 黄银忠

【导师】 张洪程; 戴其根;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 2000—2001年,在扬州大学实验农场的砂壤土上,利用长江下游稻区有代表性的主茎18叶的单季晚粳品种,于前茬为小麦、地力中上等的土地上,采用秧龄为8叶的带蘖壮秧,666.67m~2栽插1.5万穴,每穴两本。在666.67m~2施7.5Kg氮素作基肥的基础上,分别设置了于13、14、15、16、17、18叶一次性追肥的6个处理(处理代号分别为N13、N14、N15、N16、N17、N18),每个处理追施氮素均为7.5Kg/666.67m~2。同时,以本田生育期不施氮素为CK1、大田生育期仅施基肥氮素7.5Kg为CK2。两年试验得到如下一致的结果: (1)666.67m~2的稻谷产量大小顺序为N15>N16>N14>N17>N13>N18,前三者均>650Kg。高产的主要原因是单位面积穗数与每穗粒数的协同增加所致。 (2)整精米率随追氮叶龄增大呈细微的下降趋势;垩白率与垩白度随追氮叶龄增大呈显著性上升;直链淀粉含量与胶稠度则随追氮叶龄增大而呈现有规律性的细微下降;蛋白质含量则随施氮叶龄增大而明显的直线形提高。但从总体上看,N15、N16、N14三处理高产与诸多品质性状可得相当程度上的协调统一。 (3)通过处理间群体构建与株型构造上的分析表明,N15、N16、N14均具有较适的叶龄动态,株型较好,源库较大,且关系相对协调。植株中后期营养状况为,群体中后期物质增长量均较高,同时后期茎叶的物质运转率亦较大。所有这些均是三处理高产与质优一定程度上得到协调的重要生物学基础。 (4)氮素当季利用率为N15>N16>N14>N17>N18>N13,且前三者均在40%以上,比传统施肥法提10个百分点以上。同时这三者追氮生产力也较高,因此是高效追氮叶龄期。 综上所述,初步认为15、16、14是水稻产量较高、品质优良、施氮效率高的追氮叶龄期,其中15叶最好。由此可初步构成单季晚粳基肥基础上一次性准时追肥的新型施肥法。

【Abstract】 The two-year trail was run from 2000 to 2001 at the field experimental farm of the Institute for Yangzhou University to evaluate the conventional variety 941 with 18 leaves at 7.5Kg/666.67m2 N application rate which was addressed only once in the whole life on the base of basic fertilizer. The different N addressed time was chosen in the 6 periods of leaf age: 13 14 15 16, 17, 18 leaf, respectively(The code was N13, N14, N15, N16, N17 N18, respectivily). The contrasted treatments were CK1 without N application and CK2 with N application only as basic fertilizer. The soil was loamy sand with organic matter 1.2% .Total N 0.12% , 88.7 mg/kg assimilable K2O 36.3 mg/kg P2O5 .Three replicates were conducted. The main results were as follows:(l)The sequence of grain yield was N15>N16>N14>N17>N13>N18, and the former three results were recorded higher than 650 Kg/666.67m2 due to the correspondence between the number of ear per 666.67m2 and the number of gram per spike.(2) With the increase of leafage when N was addressed, head milled rice amylose content and gel consistency respectively were regularly decreased in a slight degree, while the percentage of chalkiness protein content were linearly increased . As a whole, a correspondence could be formed between the high grain yield and those parameter of quality of rice in some degree.(3)Data on the construction of mass biosome and the type of plant indicated that N15 N16. N14, the three treatment of all that was applied to, contained the appropriate dynamics of leafage, more excellent plant type, good relationship between source and sink with larger number. The higher increasing rate of dry matter and its transport rate at the middle and later growing stage were also given. All these founded the important biological base for the correspondence between high yield and good quality.(4)The sequence of N utilization efficiency was N15>N16>N14>N17>N13>N18,and N15 N16 N14 were over 40%, higher 10% than mat of adopting conditional N addressed method. N addressed productivity of the three treatment was also higher than the others. All these indicated that the appropriate period of N addressed should chose Nl 5, N16 N14.Wholly, these results showed that the period of N addressed chosen in N14, N15 and N16 was the cause of higher yield good quality and higher N utilization efficiency, by which a new approach of addressing N only once in the whole life on the basement of basic fertilization in conventional rice in the lower reaches of Yangtze Rive was constructed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】S511.22
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】39

