

Effects of Organic-inorganic Compound Fertilizer with Sediment from Erythromcin Production on Quality and Yield of Vegetables

【作者】 申义珍

【导师】 曹碚生;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 蔬菜学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 现代医学的发展是与抗生素的广泛应用联系在一起的,常用抗生素种类有一百多种,其共性是以豆饼、淀粉、玉米粉等为原料经微生物发酵而产生不同种类的抗生素,与此同时产生大量的生物制药废渣,严重污染周边环境。本项研究以大环内脂类抗生素红霉素生产过程中所产生的废渣为研究对象,分析了红霉素废渣的主要化学成分及生理毒性,研究了以红霉素废渣为原料生产蔬菜“生态肥”的生产技术工艺,并在番茄、萝卜、青菜等作物上进行了“生态肥”肥效及适宜用量试验。主要结果如下: 1、红霉素药渣富含有机质、氮、磷、钾及锌等大量、中微量元素养分,其中尤以锌的含量最为丰富,相当于化学品七水硫酸锌含锌量的一半,铅、镉、汞、砷等有毒重金属含量远低于肥料中所允许的含量标准,毒理试验为低毒物质。把红霉素药渣与无机肥料合理配伍后制成的蔬菜“生态肥”,既可以对红霉素药渣进行资源化利用,合理利用其中的多种营养成分,培肥地力,促进蔬菜生长,又可以改善无机肥的供肥特性,达到速缓相济、平衡供肥的效果。 2、为防止红霉素药渣在烘干过程中产生的挥发性物质污染空气环境,红霉素药渣在烘干过程中所排出的气体应经多级水吸附后再排入空气,所采用的多级水吸附装置可与过磷酸钙生产过程的装置通用。为防止蔬菜“生态肥”扬州大学硕士学位论文中的尿素颗粒直接与蔬菜种子接触而影响发芽,对蔬菜“生态肥”中的尿素颗粒应采用红霉素药渣进行包裹造粒。 3、扬州郊区蔬菜基地有机质含量1.11一1.98%,平均1.49%;速效磷15.7一los.smg/kg,平均44.6mg/kg;速效钾27.5一90.omg/kg,平均so.gmg/kg;为严重缺乏有机质、速效钾土壤,而速效磷各地差异较大,施肥中应优先增加有机肥及钾肥。各蔬菜基地的环境状况大部分符合无公害蔬菜生态环境标准,少数基地有污染物超标现象。主要污染项目有:氟化物、氯化物和汞。 4、合理施用蔬菜“生态肥”可以促进蔬菜营养生长,全面改善蔬菜品质,提高蔬菜产量。试验结果表明,施用“生态肥”后,茄子的株高、茎粗以及V。、含糖量均比对照有所增加,增加率为13.7%一30.8%和2.2%一9.7%,其产量增幅度为2.8一11.2%,最佳经济施用量为53.38k留667m“;番茄叶色、株高等生物学性状明显改善,单株座果数也有所提高,Vc和总糖分别增加1.2碑.2mg/10og F.W.、2.7一20.5%,不同处理增产率为0.5一19.4%,6okg/667m2效果最佳;甜椒的株高、茎粗及抗倒伏能力也明显增加,Vc含量增加了13.3%一39.1%,并增产2.6一20.2%,试验条件下以55巧0 kg/667m2施用量最佳;萝卜增产率为9.2%~16.9%,且甜味增加,空心减少,适口性好,空心率、水分和硝酸盐含量下降幅度分别为75.9一85.7%、0.8一1.75%和13.1一26%,可溶性糖比对照增加了15.9一32.4%,其最佳经济施肥量为40.9k留667m2;小茉菜、扬州青青菜增产分别为23%~53.4%和30.1一73.7%,最佳经济施肥量分别为7 1 .75k留667m,和61.69 kg/667m2。 5、施用蔬菜“生态肥”对蔬菜中重金属及亚硝酸盐含量及土壤环境中的红霉素药渣有机无机复混肥对蔬菜品质、产量的形响重金属含量无明显不良影响,红霉素药渣含福o.915m叭g,铅10.75m叭g,汞o.044m叭g,砷1.926m叭g,低于无公害有机肥允许含量,能够满足无公蔬菜生产的要求。

【Abstract】 The development of modern medicine is closely connected with the use of antibiotics. More than 100 species of antibiotics we use frequently. To produce antibiotics massively, We use soybean cake, starch, powder of corn and so on as raw material of fermentation. A large amount of organic sediment form when antibiotics is produced.In this studying project we use the sediment produced in the production of erythromycin, one of antibiotics, as studying material. The chemical composition and physiological toxicity of the sediment is tested. The craft to make the vegetable eco-fertilizer using the sediment as part of raw material is researched. The effect and the suitable application amount of vegetable eco-fertilizer in tomato, turnip, summer green, and autumn green field are also studied. The major result is as follows:1. The sediment consists of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and other nutrient elements. The content of Zn in the sediment is about half the that of ZnSO47H2O. The content of Pb, Cd, Hg, and As is lower than that in manure. The application of the eco-fertilizer made from the sediment and the chemical fertilizers will make it possible to eliminate the pollution caused by the sediment to the environment and to use the sediment more effectively. The eco-fertilizer will help to develop the fertility of soil, promote the growth of vegetable, and combine the feature of organic fertilizer and chemical fertilizer.2. To prevent the pollution of volatile materials, the fume resulted from the drying process of the sediment must be absorbed by the water repeatedly. The purifying device is the same as that used in the production of calcium superphosphate. To prevent the urea particle contact with the seeds of vegetable in the field directly, the urea particle must be wrapped up with the sediment in advance.3. Soil nutrition from the vegetable bases in the suburbs of Yangzhou was surveyed. The result shows that content of organic matter is about 1.11-1.98%, which averaged 1.49%, and rapid available K and rapid available P are respectively 15.7~105.8mg/kg, 44.6mg/kg and 27.5~90.0mg/kg, 50.9mg/kg. The soil is seriously short of organic matter and rapid available K. Rapid available P was different greatly in all sites. It is recommended that the organic fertilizer and K fertilizer increased in fertilizer application. Environment of most of the bases is accord with the Environmental requirements for origin of non-environmental pollution vegetable. In few bases some pollutants such as Cl-, F-, and Hg exceed the standard.4. Reasonable use of the eco-fertilizer can promote growth, increase the output and improve the qualities of vegetables. Studies show that when treated with eco-fertilizer, the height and stem of eggplant are improved, Vc and sugar content are increased by 13.7%~30.8% and 2.2%~9.7%. Its output is increased by 2.8-11.2%, and the optimum application amount of the eco-fertilizer is 53.38kg/667m2. As to tomato, the color of leaf is greener and plant height is higher than that of CK. Vc and total sugar are increased by 1.2~4.2mg/100g F.W. and2.7-20.8%. The output of tomato increase by 0.8-19.4%, and the economical optimum fertilizer application amount is 60kg/667m2. Plant height, stem and the ability of resisting falling of sweet pepper are increased when treated with eco-fertilizer. Vc content in it was increased by 13.3%~39.1%. It’s output also increased by 2.6-10.1%, the optimum application amount of the eco-fertilizer is from 58 kg/667m2 to 60 kg/667m2. In the experiment, output of turnip is increased by 9.2%-16.9%. At the same time, the turnip become sweeter, and hollow heart rate is reduced, hollow heart rate, water and amount of NO3- were decreased by 75.9~85.7%,0.8~1.75% and 13.1-26%. The soluble sugar was increased by 15.9-32.4%. The optimum application amount of the eco-fertilizer is 40.9 kg/667m2. The output of summer green and Yangzhou green are increased by 23%~53.4% and 30.1-73.7%. The optimum application amount of th

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 04期
  • 【分类号】S630.62
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】384

