

The Study on the Training Objectives for Clinical Medical Undergraduates in the Military Medical University

【作者】 杨栎

【导师】 贺加;

【作者基本信息】 第三军医大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 现代通讯、交通科技的长足进步和世界经济一体化的大趋势,正在把全世界融合成为一个地球村,全球化的力量在医学教育中的作用也变得日益明显。生物医学科学、信息技术和生物技术的迅猛发展,为医学带来新的伦理、社会和法律方面的挑战,对医生的知识结构提出了新的要求;卫生服务和医疗实践的深刻改变,对医生的人道精神和价值观亦产生了深刻的影响。这些转变都客观地要求医学院校更多地从国际标准的角度衡量培养的医学生是否合格,是否能满足卫生服务的要求。为此,目前国际医学教育界都将培养目标的研究作为一项重大课题,许多国家也把调整培养目标作为医学教育改革的一项重要内容,围绕重新设计21世纪医生,开展了一系列21世纪医生培养目标的研究和制定工作。 本项目研究是全国教育科学“十五”规划军队重点课题([2001]军事教科规字第2号 序号DO9009 编号PLA1001124)。研究的主要目的是,以军医大学临床医学专业本科为切入点,在研究和把握国内外医学人才培养目标的基础上,结合军事医学院校的特点和实际情况,探讨和研究适应未来军事斗争需要的21世纪军事医学人才必须具备的基本能力,找寻我国军事医学人才培养在国际大环境中存在的不足,制定出一个突出军事医学特色的、具有较强可操作性的军医大学临床医学专业本科在知识、技能和素质 (职业态度及行为)方面的培养目标,以便以此为基点,指导军医大学的课程改革,提高教学质量,保障军医大学培养的学员能更好地为部队服务,为未来高科技局部战争需要服务,促进我国高等军事医学人才的培养迈向国际水平。本课题运用文献综合分析、问卷调查、ridit分析等方法,通过对培养目标理论基础的把握、国内外培养目标现况研究的分析,展开对军医大学临床医学专业本科培养目标的研究。全文共分三个部分:第一部分:军医大学临床医学专业培养目标研究的理论基础。着重探讨了培养目标的内涵,从培养目标的定位及培养目标与教育目的、教育目标、课程目标、教学目标的关系方面做出了阐释。介绍了目前医学教育界有关培养目标的分类理论。第二部分:国内外高等医学教育人才培养目标研究的现况分析。研究分析了医学教育的国际标准的内涵及国内外有关医学人才培养目标研究的现状,提出了充实完善我国医学人才培养目标的对策及重新设计军医大学临床医学专业本科培养目标的建<WP=6>议。第三部分:军医大学临床医学专业本科培养目标的实证研究。根据确立军医大学临床医学专业培养目标的依据,设计了相应的调查量表,经统计分析,构建了军医大学临床医学专业本科的培养目标。

【Abstract】 The tremendous development of the modern communication and transportation technology and the trend of integrated world economy have changed the whole world into a global village. The impact brought by these changes becomes increasingly and obviously important in mrdical education. The development of the Bio-medical Science, the information technology and the bio-technology have brought great challenges to the ethics, the society and the law. Thus a new requirement for knowledge structures is given to medical students .The changes in the health care and the medical practices have had a profound influence on the humanity and values of medical students, which will set a newer and higher standard for the future medical staff. In order to adjust to these changes, satisfy the needs of the society, and objectively evaluate the medical students, adjustments of the training objectives are being made as a focal point in medical education in many counties. A series of the research and designing of the training objectives for physicians in the 21st century, that is, the research on the trainings, is becoming a significant project in the international medical community. This research is one of the key projects on the ’Tenth Five’ plan of the national education science. ([2001] No.2, DO9009, serial number PLA1001124, the regulations of the military education science). The main purpose of the research is to explore and study the basic ability needed for military medical talents qualified for future military struggle in the 21st century ,to find the deficiency in training military medical talent for our army and to design a set of training objectives with military characteristics and high feasibility in knowledge, skill, quality (professional attitudes and behaviors) for the clinical medical undergraduates in the military medical universities of China so as to direct the curriculum reform, improve teaching quality , make the graduates serve the army better and our higher military medical education strive for international level.This research has employed the methods of comprehensive analysis, questionnaires, the ridit analysis ,etc. Based on the objectives theories and the domestic and international analysis on the subject, the research on the training objectives for clinical medicine in the military medical universities had been conducted. The full text is divided into the following three parts :<WP=4>The first part: the foundation of the theory of training objectives for clinical medicine in the military universities. In this part, from the perspective of training objectives and the relationship among the education purpose, education objectives, curriculum objectives, and teaching objectives, the insight of training objectives was discussed. The present three theories were mainly introduced.The second part: The analysis on the present development of the research on the training objectives for higher medical education in the world , incuding the insights of international standard as to medical education and the present development of the training objectives both in the domestic and international communities. The strategy of perfecting the objectives for training the medical talents in China and the suggestions of redesigning the training objectives for clinical medical undergraduates in military medical universities were presented.The third part: The experimental research on the training objectives for clinical medical undergraduates in military medical universities .The investigation measures were designed according to the training objectives for clinical medical undergraduate in military medical universities. Based on the statistics analysis, the training objectives for clinical medical undergraduate in military medical university was constructed.

  • 【分类号】R-4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】278

