

Study of Distributed Application System Based on CORBA

【作者】 杨少军

【导师】 杨艺山;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 电路与系统, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 通信技术和计算机技术的发展推动网络应用朝着支持多种媒体和多点交互,具有分布式控制结构和服务质量(Quality of Service,QOS)保证的高性能网络应用方向发展。分布是高性能网络主要特征之一,分布式应用几乎涉及网络应用的全部,在航天、航空、电信、医疗、金融等领域日益发挥出重要作用。但是,传统的客户/服务(Client/Server)模式已不能满足高性能网络应用的需求。分布式应用能够提供更强的计算机处理能力和透明的数据访问,同时满足高性能和高可靠性的要求,因此,分布式应用系统的设计与开发日益成为理论研究和工程应用的热点之一。 本文结合分布式系统理论、分布式对象技术、公共对象请求代理体系结构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture,CORBA)和可扩展标记语言(eXtended Marked Language,XML)对分布式应用的设计与开发进行了较深入的研究。首先介绍分布式应用系统的研究背景与意义、对分布式对象技术及其三个主要标准作了总结,其中详细讨论了CORBA的体系结构、ORB、IDL语言和服务。然后从协议与服务、通信、服务端体系结构、并发性和可配置性五个方面分析了分布式系统的构建,并讨论了在系统设计和开发中需要注意的问题。最后,给出基于CORBA原型系统的设计与实现,提出了分布式环境下的系统设计与实现的原则,并分析了动态负载分配和团队机制对系统性能和可靠性的影响。对原型系统的测试表明基于CORBA的分布式应用系统在性能、可扩展性和可靠性方面与客户/服务模式相比具有独特的优越性。

【Abstract】 The support of multimedia, multipoint interact, distributed control and ensured QOS will be the most important characteristics of network application in future because of the rapid development of communication and computer technology. Distributed application has been more and more popular in many fields, such as space-flight, aviation, telecom, medical treatment, finance and so on. However, it is difficult for the classical Client/Server architecture to meet the demand of high performance network application. Distributed system model takes the concept of client/server to its natural conclusion. It can provide better flexibility, reliability and compute capability. Now the design and development of distributed application systems has attracted many researchers.In this paper, theories about distributed system, CORBA and XML are systematically reviewed, and aspects of system design and development using CORBA are discussed. First, the background of distributed application system is introduced, and the technology of distributed object and three main standards are summarized especially the architecture of CORBA, ORB and IDL. Secondly, the construct of distributed system is analyzed through five aspects, namely protocol and service, communication, the architecture of server, concurrency and configuration. At the same time, the matters involved system design and development are presented. In the end, the prototype system based on CORBA and some design principles are proposed, and the effects of dynamic load distribution and group mechanism on system performance and reliability are analyzed. The experiment results show that the distributed system based CORBA is superior to the Client/Server model in performance, flexibility and reliability.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】90

