

【作者】 范晓坤

【导师】 莫蓉;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 航空宇航制造工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 计算机支持的协同设计,是设计领域在网络环境下新的发展趋势,如何实现零件特征信息和几何信息在Web环境下的协同查询和协同注释是实现协同设计关键问题之一。STEP数据信息量大,VRML缺少零件几何信息和特征信息的精确描述,都无法作为Web环境下零件信息描述的载体。因此如何解决基于Web的零件信息的有效描述、进而实现协同查询和协同交换是协同设计领域的热点研究问题。 本文主要研究了基于Web的协同查询和协同注释方法。以零件的特征树为基础,采用VRML作为零件三维造型的Web发布格式,同时引入XML作为不同CAD系统所产生的零件特征信息与几何信息的存储载体,从而弥补了VRML的不足。具体内容如下: 1) 利用XML储存来自不同CAD系统的零件特征信息和几何信息。 2) 对CAD系统进行二次开发,获得包含零件几何信息和特征信息的XML文档、包含图形信息的VRML文件,并建立两者之间映射关系。 3) 利用Applet和Java3D技术,实现Web环境下的几何模型浏览和三维空间操作。 4) 利用中间件,实现协同用户间的协同查询和协同注释。利用XQuery对特征信息进行查询,基于DOM对注释信息进行修改。

【Abstract】 Computer Supported Collaborative Design is a new trend in the design area under the computer-based network environment. One of the key problems of Collaborative design is how to realize Collaborative Query and Collaborative Annotation of the part’s feature information and geometry information under the Web environment. STEP, which contains a large amount of data, and VRML, which lacks description of the part’s geometry information and feature information, can not act as the carrier to describe the part’s information under the Web environment. Therefore, it is one of hot research issues in Collaborative Design area that how to describe the information of the part, and finally realize the Collaborative Query and Collaborative Annotation.The thesis mainly focuses on the method of Collaborative Query and Collaborative annotation based on the Web. This method, based on the feature tree, employing VRML as Web publish data format of the 3D part, utilizing XML as the storage carrier of the part’s feature information and geometry information of different CAD system, avoids the insufficiency of VRML information. The following several key technologies are studied in detail:· Utilizing XML to store the different feature and geometry information the part of different CAD systems.· Through the redevelopment of CAD system, the XML file including the part’s feature information, and the VRML file including geometry information are retrieved.· Utilizing Applet and Java3D technologies realize geometry model browse and 3D operation of geometry model in the Web· Employing Middleware technology implements Collaborative Query and Collaborative annotation. Utilizing XQuery to query the part’s feature information and DOM to modify the annotation information.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】110

