

【作者】 李海林

【导师】 梁三星;

【作者基本信息】 西北工业大学 , 工商管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 考核评价是一种社会现象,在有人群活动的地方,就会有考核评价。尤其是对国有企业这样社会性的经济组织来说,为了实现其多元化的目标,就更需要建立健全企业的考评制度。通过建立系统化的考评制度,不仅全面、客观、科学地评价企业中被考评者对实现国有企业整体目标的贡献程度,而且配以合理的激励机制作牵引,以有效地调动个体与组织的积极性和创造潜能,持续提高其绩效水平,促进国有企业工作效率的提高和多元化目标的完成。 本文基于这样的背景和现实需要,从提高企业的经营效率出发,运用人力资源管理学、组织行为学、系统工程学、财务会计学、管理学等有关知识和理论,在系统化的学习和总结了前人对于绩效考评与激励机制研究理论知识的基础上,根据新经济时代企业绩效考评和激励机制的要求与特点,对企业绩效与激励的现状进行了分析,结合企业的实际对企业的绩效考评进行了系统化的全面研究。提出了企业绩效考评所依赖的基础工作与确定企业绩效考评指标的思路,提出了企业绩效考评的工作流程。绩效考评作为一个系统性工程,涉及到企业的内部各个组成环节,因此本文着重对包括员工、员工所在组织等层次的考评进行了全面深入分析研究。提出了一般员工的模糊层次分析法过程。特别对于企业的经营核心——高层管理人员建立了层次分析模型。不同性能的组织应按照不同的考评目的和职责,建立不同的考评方法。提出了建立企业绩效考评的模型系统。企业的激励作为绩效考评的应用,其核心是处理好公平与效率的关系问题,按照现行企业建立激励机制应遵循的要求,对企业的激励机制进行了研究,并提出了员工激励效果的衡量办法。

【Abstract】 Evaluation is a social phenomenon, where there exists the people activity, there is an evaluation. As for the state own enterprise a rather complicated social economic entity, it is imperative to erect a complete and health evaluation system, that is the performance appraisal system, and through this system, we can reach the following goals: a)to which extent the employees give the enterprise;b)with the incentive system, a considerable high performance of the enterprise can be maintained.This article focuses on the analysis and systematic research of enterprise performance and outlines the flow chart of this project. All the studies are based on the history background and modern reality and are the results of combining the principle of performance appraisal and the requirements of the new economy, here I like to mention some tools adopted in this article: human resource management .organize behavior study, system engineering, finacial and management. As the performance appraisal is a system project, it does not only needs some scientific and reasonable guidelines, but also involves every people of the enterprise, especially those in the higher positions. This article pays much attention to build a mathematic model for each of them respectively and from those different models come out the different evaluation standards. The application of the performance appraisal in a modern enterprise is of great importance. The core of it is that how to deal with fair play and efficiency. this topic will be discussed in Section 5 incentive system

【关键词】 绩效考评激励员工组织
【Key words】 Performance appraisalIncentive mechanismEmployerOrganize
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】357

