

A Study of the Factors Affecting the Implementation of English Curriculum in Junior Middle Schools in the City of Yinchuan

【作者】 徐进

【导师】 许洁英;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 教育部于2000年3月对原初中英语教学大纲做了修订。修订后的英语课程已实施两年多,为了了解其实施过程中的具体情况,作者有针对性地做了较为深入的调查研究。 本文以马克思主义认识论和唯物辩证法为指导,根据国内外有关研究资料,借鉴并吸收教育教学的新理念和语言教学的新成果,运用“问卷调查”、“访谈”、“课堂观察”等方法,围绕英语课程改革从“教师”、“大纲和教材”、“教学环境”三个方面着手,从教师和课程教材的融合度,教师在课程实施过程中所表现出的教学观念、态度、行为到实施课程所需要的环境支持上进行了全方位、多角度的探讨。 在研究过程中,坚持定性分析与定量分析的有机统一、思辩研究与实证研究辩证综合的方法论原则,展现了课程实施过程中的真实情境,对课程实施过程中存在问题的表象与成因、存在与本质,进行了对比、分析和归纳,获得了一些具有实践意义的认识。 从成就方面看,1)修订后的英语课程得到了大多数教师和学生的认同,对教师的教学观念和教学方法产生了积极的影响;2)课堂的教学模式和课堂的交流模式由传统型向现代型过渡转换;3)教师对英语课程目标的关注从单一转向多元;4)课程实施的现状较好地表现了课程改革所倡导的理念。 从不足方面看,1)教师对变化了的课程增加教学容量感到不适应,难以在规定课时内完成教学任务;2)在课程实施的过程中,新旧教学观念发生碰撞时,旧的观念容易占上风,新的教学观念在教师心中还没有扎稳根基;3)在教学评价过程中,重结果轻过程的评价方式反映出了应试教育的强大定势;4)课程资源的利用和开发与大纲要求相差甚远,现代化的教学设施还很不完善,现代化的教学技术还没有真正进入课堂;5)教育管理部门和学校对教师的课程培训没有给予充分的重视。 由此,作者建议:为了保证变化了的英语课程顺利实施,1)教师应对教学内容进行合理整合;2)应培养学生的认知和元认知能力;3)应使用现代化教育技术;4)应加强对教师的课程培训;5)应提供适应课程发展需要的现代化教学设备。

【Abstract】 The Revision of the original English teaching syllabus for junior middle school was made by the Ministry of Education in March, 2001.The author of this paper has made a comparatively deep investigation on the more than two-year implementation of the English curriculum after the revision so as to find out the concrete problems and concrete conditions arising from it.Under the guide of epistemology of Marxism and dialectical materialism, this paper draws on and absorbs the new ideas in education and new achievements in language teaching from research documents both at home and abroad by the use of questionnaire, interview and observations in classes. The paper focuses on the changes in the English curriculum and deals with such three aspects as teaching syllabus, textbooks, and teaching environment, and especially probes on every side into such matters as reconciliation between teachers and the textbooks, the teaching concepts, attitudes and behavior the teachers hold during the implementation of English curriculum as well as the environmental supporter for the implementation of the English curriculum.In the Study, by unification of qualitative and quantitative analysis, together with dialectical and synthetic principles of intellectual enquiries and practical study, the author of the paper has presented true situation in the implementation of curriculum. The author also has probed into representation and causes of the problems resulted from implementation of English curriculum and abstained some practical knowledge by the use of induction and comparative analysis between the existence and nature.The advantages gained in the implementation of the revised teaching syllabus are as what follows:(1)The revised curriculum has found its acceptance from majority of teachers and junior middle school students, thus has produced positive effect on the teaching ideas and teaching method;(2)The transformation is being made from tradition to modem in the teaching patterns and communication models in class;(3) Goals of teaching shifts from a single model to diversified model;(4) The present situation of the implementation proves the correctness of the idea advocated by the reform of the curriculum.But there are also some disadvantages, they are as what follows:(1) Teachers have difficulties in adaptation of themselves to the revised curriculum. They have found it is hard to accomplish their teaching tasks in the given class period, because there are too much amount of materials to be handled in the class;(2) Because the new teaching concept has not taken a firm position in teachers when a conflict between the old teaching concept and now one results, the old one may get the upper hand;(3) In the evaluation of teaching, the focus is always laid on results rather than on teaching process. This reflects the strong influence of examination-oriented education which has been in a dominate position over several decades;(4) There is a big gap between the employment and development of curriculum resources and requirements by the syllabus. Many schools are in bad need of modernized facilities for teaching, and modernized teaching techniques have not found their way into class;(5) Administration departments in charge of education and schools concerned have not attached enough importance to the teaching training program;From those above analysis and in order to guarantee the smooth implementation of the English curriculum, the author puts forward the following several suggestions:(1) Teachers should make a reasonable selection of and readjustment to the teaching materials;(2) Teachers should foster students cognition ability and original cognitive ability;(3) Modernized techniques for teaching should be used;(4) Teachers training program for new curriculum should be strengthened;(5)The modernized facilities for teaching required by the development of English curriculum should be provided for the necessary guarantee of the implementation of the new curriculum.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】246

