

【作者】 周婷

【导师】 石玉川;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 经济的全球化、信息化、知识化已经成为时代的潮流,互联网的迅速发展,电子商务的迅猛起飞,都深深地影响着人们的工作和思维方式,改变着人们的生活和消费方式,影响着企业的生产、技术和组织形式,影响着政府的管理模式,影响着社会的文化、道德与法律基础,影响着经济的增长和未来的可持续发展。因此,许多国家都大力推广和发展本国的电子商务,其根本原因就在于电子商务可以对本国的经济和社会的进步产生巨大的功效,有利于提高国民的生活质量和生活水平,促进国际经济的增长。中国已经是WTO的成员,已经获得了在全球经济中进行竞争的巨大商机,而在21世纪信息经济的时代,贸易的模式也将随之发生改变,许多业务要通过电子方式开展。中国要想在国际市场上建立起主导地位,实现由贸易大国向贸易强国的转变,提高外贸的核心竞争力,需要大力发展电子商务,从根本上提高外贸的信息竞争力;中国出口企业要想在国际市场上拥有竞争优势,更需要采用电子商务与世界各国的公司进行交互式的联系,需要再造企业的业务流程,改变传统的贸易方式,努力提高企业的信息化。面对新的发展机遇和挑战,中国的外贸行业该何去何从,企业家在思索,经济学家在思索,政府也在思索。这既是主动争取新世纪里的发展空间,也是主动追随时代的步伐。本文通过对中国外贸信息化的宏观环境、中观机制以及外贸企业的微观操作的分析,寻找到我们的优势,同时找到其中的瓶颈及症结所在,提出提高我国外贸信息竞争力的建议,以期丰富有关的经贸研究。全文共分为五章,采用对比分析方法,结合大量的图表和数据,分别从理论阐述和实证分析两条主线得出自己初步的结论。第一章首先分析了网络经济对传统经济理论的革新。网络经济的概念随着电子商务的蓬勃发展而逐步受到专家学者的重视。从本质上讲,就是通过网络从事有关的经济活动。但是如果从经济形态的最高层次、产业发展的中观机制和企业操作的微观层面三个不同层次理解其涵义也不尽相同。网络经济同传统经济相比较,具有鲜明独特的特点。它是一种连续型经济、全球化经济、直接型经济、虚拟经济、竞合型经济、速度型经济、创新型经济、知识型经济、需求型经济。同时网络经济通过七大规律发挥其作用,即信息技术功能价格比的莫尔定律、信息网络扩张效应的梅特卡夫法则、信息活动中优劣势反差的马太效应、信息传递中引发的供应链的长鞭效应、信息活动中的网络外部性所引发的从众效应和势力效应、网络信息价值的累积增值和传递效应、网络信息系统具有信息的自动记忆和自动生产功能。而网络经济对经济理论的深刻影响也主要体现在,对“生产要素理论”的革新、对边际效益递减理论作用范围的革新、对规模经济理论相对重要性的影响、对通货膨胀与失业率此消彼长理论的影响、对经济周期波动理论的影响。第二章重点分析了电子商务与国际贸易之间的关系。对于电子商务的定义,无论是国际上的有关组织和法律,还是国内的专家学者、企业界人士,看法都不相同。从狭义上理解,国际贸易领域的电子商务是指通过电子信息技术、网络互联技术和现代通讯技术,使得交易涉及的各方当事人以电子方式而不是以纸单证为基础的方式完成任何形式的业务交易。其主要行为包括网上企业和产品展示、网上订货和结算支付等三个主要环节,因此有时也被称做“无纸贸<WP=6>易”。广义上理解国际贸易中开展电子商务,是指企业通过利用电子商务的各种手段所从事的国际贸易活动,它反映的是现代信息技术所带来的国际贸易过程的电子化。就现阶段而言,开展电子商务就是要引导或帮助外贸企业通过互联网做贸易,从而改变传统的外贸业务模式,促进外贸业务的发展。随着国际贸易领域电子商务应用的增加,它对国际贸易运行的机制、国际贸易的方式、国际贸易营销、国际贸易宏观管理以及贸易的分销渠道都产生了积极影响,促进了贸易各个方面的创新。第三章本文深刻分析了贸易核心竞争力的新三要素之一“信息竞争力”内涵、要素体现以及提高外贸企业信息竞争力的途径。本文作者曾于2001年4月在《国际商务——对外经济贸易大学学报》上发表《贸易核心竞争力》一文。文章首次构筑了“贸易核心竞争力”的概念,其中认为在新经济时代信息竞争力、科技竞争力和人力资本竞争力是贸易核心竞争力的三大新要素。由于信息竞争力使得企业的产品和服务更加个性化、竞争的方式发生转变、竞争领域进一步扩大、引发了产品和技术的创新以及人力资源和企业素质的提高,成为外贸企业从根本赢得竞争优势的重要因素。它可以帮助企业提高技术能力、商业运作能力、综合管理能力,培育企业的学习型组织,获得有利的外部效应。第四章对我国外贸的整体信息竞争力状况进行深入的实证分析。发展国际贸易电子商务是中国外经贸的必然选择,为此国家对外贸领域的信息化建设投入巨大,也获得了较大的成就。但是由于起步晚、基础差,我们的外贸信息竞争力无论是宏观环境还是外贸行业信息化的中观机制存在很多问题,如计算机网络运行质量差、外贸企业开展电子商务的意识薄弱、外经贸部门与其他部门的配合存在裂缝、信息资源匮乏、外贸电子商

【Abstract】 With the fast development of internet, e-commerce has played an important role in people’s work style, production, technology and organization of enterprises, government management and economic improvements. Therefore, to improve their overall competitive advantage in international trade, every country went all out to extend use of E-commerce. On such kind of situation, China has entered into World Trade Organization. In order to obtain more trade opportunities in international market, realize from large trade country to powerful trade country and improve core competence of trade, we should keep up with the pace of informationalisition, change our trade model and try our best to develop E-commerce.Based on the understanding and analysis of the environment and operation of foreign trade informationalisition, this thesis tries to find our advantages and disadvantages in Chinese informationalisition construction and give some useful advice on how to improve the information competence of Chinese foreign trade.The methodology of correlation coefficient is used through the whole demonstration. Numerous graphics and data and specific case analysis of China are used in the whole deduction progress to support author’s conclusion.This thesis consists of five chapters. The definition of the network economy and other related concepts such as the characteristic of network economy, the functions of network economy are mentioned in Chapter one. Then, this thesis pays more attentions on how the network economy makes great influences on traditional economic theories.Chapter two focuses on the analysis of the relationship between E-commerce and international trade. The definition of E-commerce is different from different person.In brief, E-commerce is to reach the trade contraction through the internet. With the improvement of E-commerce, it causes the great changes of operation, management, marketing and distribution of international trade. It also makes innovation of business model of international trade.<WP=9>In chapter three, this thesis deeply analyses the definition of information competence. As the strong support of core competence of trade, information competence is able to make the products and services more special, to help enterprises extend market quota and improve the quality of human resources. Chapter four focuses on the analysis of the whole information competence of Chinese foreign trade. Although we have made great progress on the information construction in foreign trade, there are still many problems exited. For instance, the quality of network system is poor; not all the enterprises approve of E-commerce in foreign trade; we are lack of information resource; the network is not safety enough; the regulations and laws of E-commerce are not perfect; the cooperation between the governmental institutions is not close and so on. Therefore, we should try our bests to create a safety environment of E-commerce, invest more capital on information construction, deeply study the knowledge of network economics, train more technical and business personnel and formulate perfect regulations and laws of E-commerce.In the last chapter, the thesis pays more attentions on how to help our export enterprises develop E-commerce on the practice of export and import. In order to win the competitive advantages in the international market, every enterprise should speed up the development of E-commerce.During my research and composition of this article, the warm-hearted encourage and kindly help from instructions, classmates and friends are always the strongest back on me. The special appreciation will go to my academic advisor, Professor. Shi Yuchuan, who always gives me his valuable advice and guide me out when I puzzled in my research, pull me out when I stocked in the mud of perplexity. The broad knowledge, cautious attitude and professionalism I leaned from Pr.Shi will benefit me in my whole life. Thanks again to all instructors and classmates who give their selflessness contribution to support me in my r

【关键词】 信息竞争力电子商务外贸信息化
  • 【分类号】F752
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】506

