

Combining Ability and Cold Resistance Survey on Seven Eggplant Variations

【作者】 袁黎

【导师】 徐跃进;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 茄子(Solanum melongena L.)是深受居民欢迎的大众性蔬菜种类。然而茄子消费存在明显的地域性,而且,目前对茄子的杂交育种规律系统性研究不够。而且对于茄子抗寒性的研究要求在短时间内快速准确的测定大量的材料。 本试验使用七个在果实眼色、果形、成熟期上有显著差异的材料作为亲本,配置杂种F1代。然后对F1代进行田间观察。统计其各种数量性状和质量性状,并对遗传规律进行分析。在实验室内测定各种抗寒指标,比较得出正确而快捷的测定方式。 主要实验结果如下: 1.通过一般配合力分析知道:需要选择高产的品种,就可以选用园茄、汕头青茄作为杂交亲本;如果注重早期高产的育种,选择白长茄、园茄作亲本就有可能配置出需要的杂种一代;要求较高的单果重,就从园茄、汕头青茄、皇太子特早茄中选择相应的亲本等。 2.通过特殊配合力分析,得出以下结论:单株果数、前期采果数、前期小区产量、小区产量、小区果数这四个性状都以亲本园茄的特殊配合力效应方差为最高,说明它的杂交后代在这些性状上会出现较大的变异,产生极端类型,有利于进行选择。 3.通过分析配合力总效应值:园茄×青长茄的特殊配合力值为所有组合中最高,所以它具有最大的总配合力效应值,在产量表现上较突出。 4.从田间观察的质量性状可以总结出以下的规律:果色紫>红>青>白;蒂下色紫>红>白;果形卵形>圆筒≥长形;株态横生>开长≥直立;花序花数,多花≥单花。 5.通过电导率、可溶性糖含量、脯氨酸等抗寒指标的实验室测定,发现电导率法和可溶性糖含量法得出的结果相似,可以作为茄子抗寒性的测定指标。 6.在对茄子抗寒性和其它性状的相关及通径分析过程中,本实验得出各个性状对于抗寒性的相对重要性为:单株产量>小区果数>前期小区产量>单株果数>株高单果重>叶面积>前期采果数>初花节位>果形指数>小区产量的结论。

【Abstract】 Eggplant (Solarium melongena L. ) is a kind of vegetable with abroad distributing, large consumption and with various edible ways. So it is a very popular vegetable. But different region has different consumption habit and the study on hybridization rule of eggplant is not all-sided. At the same time, we need a fast and accurate way to determine the cold resistance of eggplant, the study on general variation is already exist, but we need to validate these ways in Fl generation and find a very useful way.This study use seven materials as parents generation, they have remarkable differences on fruit color, fruit shape and maturation time. Then make the Fl generation, plant all the combination in the experiment field, observe its quantitative characters and qualitative characters, induce its hybridization rules. Survey its cold resistance in the laboratory, compare these methods then choose a fast and accurate mean.The main results were as follows:1. According to the g.c.a analysis: if we want make a high productive variation, we can choose material 6 and 7 as parents generation; if the early yield is the main breeding aim, then the material 4, 6 is the best choice and material 6, 7, 1 is contributing to high single fruit weight.2. After the s.c.a analysis, we know: the parent 6 has the highest s.c.a in the characters fruits/single plant, early fruits quantity, early blot yield, bolt yield, bolt fruits quantity. That means its breeding offspring will show remarkable differences in all these character and produce some extreme types, which will benefit our breeding choice.3. From the T.C.A analysis, we can conclude that: the combination 6X5 has the highest s.c.a among all the combinations, so it has the highest T.G.A, that is the main reason why it has a higher yield.4. We can conclude from the qualitative characters that: Fruit color, purple >red >green >white. Fruit shape, ovum >cylinder > long. Plant shape, horizon Extension >erection. Anthotaxy quantity, multiple >single.5. Surveying the electrical conductivity, soluble sugar, Pro. The fist two results are the same, so we can use them as the means of cold resistance evolution.6. We can know the comparative importance from the path and relation analysis of the cold resistance and the other characters: single plant yield > blot fruit quantity > early blot yield > single plant fruit quantity > plant height > single fruit weight > early fruit quantity > first flower node > fruit shape exponent > blot yield.

【关键词】 茄子配合力抗寒性
【Key words】 Eggplantcombining abilitycold resistance
  • 【分类号】S641.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】201

