

Design and Application of Greenland GIS in Wuhan Steel & Iron Industrial District

【作者】 肖荣波

【导师】 周志翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,地理信息技术已逐渐渗入到我国城市绿地建设领域。绿地地理信息系统能够及时、准确、动态地获取城市绿地资源现状及其变化信息,并进行合理的空间分析,从而实现城市园林绿地的动态监测与管理、科学的规划与布局,以及城市环境质量的改善和可持续发展。 本研究简要介绍了地理信息系统的发展、专题地理信息系统开发、GIS及相关技术在城市绿地生态研究中运用进展。运用软件工程理论,论述了绿地地理信息系统开发的基本流程,重点从需求分析、系统设计、空间数据库设计、IKONOS影像解译、绿地属性数据库建立等方面开发了武钢工业区绿地地理信息系统,并简要介绍了该系统的主要功能。 武钢工业区绿地地理信息系统是基于ArcView为开发平台,利用其二次开发语言Avenue结合高级编程语言VB,针对武钢工业区绿化设计的集日常管理、分析、研究于一体的专业性绿地地理信息系统。应用该系统,以景观生态学理论为指导,从物种丰富度、群落结构、绿地类型斑块特征、景观异质性等方面进行了武钢工业区绿地景观生态学分析,并对不同区域绿地景观生态学作了综合评价,结果表明: (1)武钢工业区园林植物生活型基本符合亚热带气候的生活型谱。园林植物种数为7的斑块出现频率最高,种数为8的绿地斑块的总面积最大。公园绿地斑块物种丰富度最高,其次是附属绿地。乔灌和乔灌草群落配置的斑块在数量上占优势。 (2)武钢绿化覆盖率为30.58%,主要由中小型绿地斑块组成。其中附属绿地面积及数量占到绝对优势,分别为45.57%、76.41%;生产绿地面积最少,占2.94%。按绿地斑块平均面积排序,其他绿地(67865.9 m~2)>生产绿地(23792.1 m~2)>防护绿地(15319.0 m~2)>公园绿地(14940.7 m~2)>附属绿地(6429.0 m~2),总体平均值为10779.74m~2,变异系数为6.601。 (3)武钢工业区绿地斑块形状指数平均为2.18,形状复杂的绿地斑块集中于10hm~2以上的大型绿地,形状指数为4.40。公园绿地虽形状指数较大(3.38),但分维数最小(1.112),故整体形状比较简单,变异较大,其空间分布离散,相互连接度低(连接度指数为0.019);附属绿地形状复杂(形状指数为2.08),空间呈随机分布;其他绿地相互连接度最大(0.2777),空间呈团聚状态分布,生产绿地分离度最大(0.718)。 (4)生活区绿地斑块规模普遍较大,分布均匀(均匀度为1.2750),绿地类型多样(多样性为1.4105),绿化覆盖率高(43.27%);主厂区绿地单一破碎(破碎度为1.3246),分布不合理(均匀度为0.8000),物种丰富度低(0.8941);工业港绿地物种丰富多样(物种丰富度指数为1.1765),各景观格局指数居中。华中农业大学2003届硕士研究生学位论文 (5)通过主成分分析,利用主成分与贡献率乘积的累积值,对不同区域绿地进行景观生态学综合评价,将评价指标综合为景观格局及物种多样性2项指标,该方法科学可行,具有说服力,最后得出生活区绿地景观生态最优,工业港次之,主厂区最差。

【Abstract】 With the development of geographic information system (GIS), it has been applied to urban greenland system widely. On the basis of urban greenland GIS (GGIS), the vegetation resource information and its change can be got in time, accurately and dynamically, and spatial analysis can be carried on. It’ s possible to monitor and manage urban greenland system, to make scientific planning and layout, furthermore to improve urban environmental quality and make urban sustaining development.Greenland GIS in Wuhan steel & iron industrial district is a professional system that was developed on ArcView software using its second developing language (Avenue) and Visual Basic. And its aim is to daily manage, analysis and research together. At first, this paper introduce the development of GIS, the study evolvement of special GIS and the application of urban greenland by GIS and its correlated technology. On the theory of software engineering, the basic flow is discussed and some process is introduced on emphasis such as demand analysis, system design, spatial database structure, IKONOS disposal, greenland database establish and function demonstration etc.Under support of GGIS and instruction of landscape ecology, the analysis of greenland system landscape ecology in Wuhan steel & iron industrial district is conducted from such aspects as plant diversity, community structure, greenland patch character, landscape heterogeneity etc. Then landscape ecological comprehensive assessment of greenland is carried on in different districts. Some useful results are given as follows:1. The life-form spectrum of garden plants accord with subtropical climate. Patches with 7 species appear at highest frequency (12.2%), and patches with 8 species have largest area, which constitute the 20. 1% of total greenland. The species abundance of Public Park is largest (9.14). Taking the least area of species abundance into account, the best patch size ranges from lOOOm2to 5000m3. The plant communities are dominated by arbor+shrub and arbor+shrub+herbage that constitute 39.64%, 33.65% of number, and 46.95%, 25.52% of area respectively. With the improvement of community complexity,its species abundance increases.2. Wuhan steel & iron industrial district is covered by greenland at the rate of 30. 58%, which is comprised by little patches whose size are 0. 1-0. 5hm2(43. 93% of total greenland). Attached Greenland is the main patch, which occupies 45. 57% of greenland area and 76. 41% of number. The average patch size is 10779.74m2, whose variance coefficient is 6.601. According to the average patch size, the sequence is as follows: other greenland(G5)(67865. 9 m2), nursery(G2) (23792.1m2), green buffer(G3) (15319.0m2), public park(G1) (14940.7 m2) , attached greenland (G3) (6429.0 m3) .3. The average patch shape index is 2. 18. The ones whose patches are most complex are large-sized greenland patch. Public Park has the largest average shape index (3.38) whose coefficient is larger, but it has the least fractal dimension (1.112), which indicates that most of them have a simple shape (closest to circular). And their landscape connectivity indices are little (0.019), which show they distribute each other separately. Attached greenland (G4) indicates most noncircular shape, and other greenland has the largest landscape connectivity index, whereas the former spatial pattern is near to random distribution whose nearest neighbor index is largest (0. 863), and the latter is near to assembling distribution whose nearest neighbor index is 0. 577. The separation index of nursery is largest.4. In living district, the greenland landscape is characterized by large patch, even distribution, high diversity and high greenland coverage rate, while the greenland landscape is characterized by small patches, heavy fragmentation and low species abundance in factory area. And in industrial port, there are high abundant species and moderate landscape indices.5. Applying primary component analysis to the vegetation landscape ecological comprehen

  • 【分类号】S712
  • 【被引频次】1
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