

Identification and Genetic Analysis on Characterization of the Protruded Style Mutant in Kenaf

【作者】 赵合明

【导师】 周瑞阳;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 作物遗传育种, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 通过卫星搭载红麻品种的种子,在其后代群体中选育出了4个长花柱突变体(protruded style mutant,简称PSM)自交系。以4个PSM自交系为材料,以搭载后代群体中未发生突变花柱表现正常的材料作对照,本研究进行花器性状、植物学特征、生育特性、自交结实率及异交结实率等鉴定;通过人工短日处理和异地种植的方法进行光温反应试验,以明确PSM的光温反应特性;再通过组配四个正反交组合及六个基本世代,分析各组合内各个不同世代PSM突变性状的表现,以研究PSM长花柱性状的遗传规律。结果发现: (1)与对照相比,PSM的花朵明显变小,花柱和雄蕊管均短于对照。但,雄蕊管缩短幅度大于花柱的缩短幅度,使PSM的花柱大幅外露,柱头远高于雄蕊管顶端。4个PSM自交系的花柱外露长度间存在显著差异。以H20-1的花柱外露最长,达11.6mm;H212-1最短,仅6.5mm;其间为H2-1和H29-2,分别是10.6mm和9.8mm。尽管4个PSM的雄蕊管大幅缩短,但其上着生的雄蕊数并未减少。同时,4个自交系间的植物学形态也各不相同。 (2)PSM的全生育期为140-150天,属偏早熟类型。在4个PSM中,花柱外露越长,其套袋自交结实率越低,而天然异交率越高;反之,则前者越高,后者越低。即,长花柱性状易于接受外来花粉,有利杂交,而不利自交。与对照相比,4个PSM的田间播种出苗率较低,现蕾开花迟,株高和茎粗较劣。 (3)4个PSM对光温反应均敏感。短日处理可大大提早其开花期,日长和温度对PSM的花器性状影响显著。高温、长日可使花柱和花柱外露显著增长。异地播种时,在海南花柱外露程度小于在湖北荆州;不同年分间,由于气温的变化,花柱外露长度也发生显著变化。 (4)花柱外露长度在杂交F1、F2代及回交BC1和BC2代的正反交之间均存在显著或极显著差异,回交亲本对后代性状也有显著影响。F2的分离曲线表现为偏向其母本的分布,但与其母本也有明显差异。据此推测,PSM花柱外露性状的遗传主要受核基因与胞质互作的控制,且表现为显著母性效应的遗传方式,属遗传较为复杂的数量性状。 (5)花柱外露性状的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力普遍较低,且在多数组合中前者远大于后者,狭义遗传力多为负值。六参数基因效应估计中,各组合的基因加性效华中农业大学2003届硕十学位论文应[dl正交均为正值,反交均为负值;显性效应[h]、加性X加性效应[iJ、加性X显性效应山均为负值,显性X显性效应[l]均为正值。综合分析认为,红麻PsM的长花柱性状易受环境影响,在多数组合中其遗传的加性效应较小,非加性效应较大。在杂交选育时除注意亲本选择、组配方式外,应特别注意扩大分离群体,在杂交后期世代进行选择易收到较好效果。

【Abstract】 Four protruded style mutant (PSM) cross-self lines have been developed in the offspring populations of space flight on Kenaf . The flower characters morphology, growth stage, the bagged seed-setting rate and rate hybrid of four PSM lines were identified, compared with common Kenaf; The response to day length and temperature of PSM was tested through the experiment with artificial short days treatment and sowing in different place; From the crossing four crosses including six basic generations were generated for studying the genetic behaviors of the mutant character -protruded style. The results showed that:(1) The flowers of PSM were small obviously. The style and the stamen tube of PSM were all short than the common, but the short range of stamen tube was higher then that of the style, and the style -obviously was longer than the stamen tube in PSM, so that the stigmas were protruded significantly from the stamen tubes. The extruded length of style was obviously different among the PSM. H20-1, which was 11.6mm, was the longest. H212-1, which was 6.5mm, was the shortest. H2-1 was 10.6mm, and H29-2 was 9.6mm. Their plant morphology were also very different.(2) The complete growth stage of PSM were 140-150 days, and were the type of early maturing. In four PSM cross-self lines, the longer the extruded length of style was, the lower its bagged seed-setting rate was and the higher the rate of hybrid seed was; On the contrary, the former was higher and the later was lower. That is to say, the protruded style contributed to receiving exotic pollen and cross. Compared with CK, the emergence percentage in the yield of four PSM all were lower, budding and flowering date were later, plant high and diameter were worse.(3) Four PSM flowered early obviously when they were treated by short days, and were sensitive to day length and temperature. Day length and temperature affected the protruded style length of PSM significantly. High temperature and long days lengthened the protruded style obviously. When sowing in different place, the mutant character inHainan was shorter than that in Jingzhou. In different years, the character were variation obviously with the change of temperature.(4) The length of protruded style have significant difference between cross and reverse cross of hybrid F1, F2, BC1 and BC2; BC parents affected the character of the offspring significantly; Segregation of the character in four F2 populations tended to its mother, but there were different obviously. It was concluded by interaction of nuclear gene and cytoplasm. Its genetic behavior had significant female effect and was complicated quantitative trait.(5) The h2B and h2N of the protruded style character were low generally, and the former was bigger outstanding than the later in many crosses, and the h2N was negative value largely. The estimate of six parameters showed that the addition all was positive value in crosses, all negative in reverse crosses; The dominance additionxaddition and additionxdominance all were negative, and the dominancexdominance all were positive. Synthetic analysis indicated that the protruded style character of PSM on Kenaf was affected easily by environment, the addition was low and the non-addition was high.

  • 【分类号】S563.5
  • 【下载频次】49

